January 15, 2009

Mike Kennedy’s Reaction

Filed under: The City's Pulse — mary @ 10:19 pm


Posted on a different blog
at 11:20 a.m. on January 15, 2009

Mary’s note:  The following nasty rant is by CdA City Councilman Mike Kennedy and was posted today on a Spokane-based blog in response to the newsletter I sent out yesterday.  Let’s all remember that Mike and his wife were just blessed last Saturday with their 7th child, a sweet little boy.  Mike is probably not getting enough sleep–I remember those days. 

What Mike obviously does not realize is that not only have I personally witnessed these disrespectful actions by the council on multiple occasions, but a great number of local citizens have written to me with these specific complaints.  And Mike’s comments first deny, then admit the council’s lapses in basic manners. It is not just Mike, it’s many of the members; Mike is  probably trying to protect his cohorts as well.

And his attacks on my legacy as a P&Z Commissioner?  Fabrication. There was one person who didn’t like my vote to protect the safety of children. The other person who complained was LCDC’s Executive Director Tony Berns.  He was not happy that I asked too many questions when he gave his power point presentation on the wonders of urban renewal.  The people in the packed audience, however, appreciated my firm but respectful questions and  gave me a round of applause.

All Mike can do is make up school yard names to call me, and others as well.  We should be able to expect more of our elected officials.  –Mary

Here’s what Mike wrote, unedited, in its entirety:
Hard to believe that Mary needs a correction, but she hasn’t been to a council meeting that I can recall this year. Maybe one, but I can’t think of it.

I can’t recall one single solitary instance when I or another council member has ever stepped away during public comment – I can’t remember one.

Now occasionally I will stand up to refill my coffee, which is about 7 steps away from my seat and very much in hearing range, during a longer presentation of something that I have either read in the packet or heard before in Public Works committee. Sometimes when a staff member is presenting a report or discussing some detailed point with another council member which I don’t have an issue that’s also a time that I would stand up to refill coffee. And I think others have done the same, but I’m right next to the coffee pot and I drink coffee during long meetings so I’m the most likely culprit in this most recent installment of the Mary Vendett-a-thon.

But again I have no recollection of ever getting up during a citizen’s public comment. I wouldn’t do that.

If Mary needs lessons in rudeness, she should watch replays of how she treated people who testified in front of her during Public Comment while she was on the Planning Commission. It was a subject of multiple citizen complaints. In fact it would have been more polite if she had stood up and walked away instead of mocking, taunting, and belittling citizens and staff as she did.

But of course, no one ever expects Mary to hold herself to a equal standard of conduct when it gets in the way of a wrongheaded, shrill, and embittered commentary.

Facts matter in life, but once again they don’t matter to Mary. Of course, since she doesn’t come to council meetings to know that when the camera is on a person giving public comment it’s not on the council so she couldn’t personally know the facts on this situation. She must be relying on the personal testimony of one her partners in her website, maybe it was one of the failed former candidates for office she works with who was upbraided for talking and being distracting while a student citizen was testifying some time ago.

I think psychologists would call that “projection”. But I’m not a psychologist so I’ll just call it continuing sour grapes/Councilman Mike Kennedy.


  1. Quite frankly, Mary, what did you expect? Here is a man who was placed on the council by his handlers and who serves those handlers. We have watched this man tromple concerned citizens who dare to challenge the council during open session. He voices his opinions not to the citizens of Idaho but to his crones who rally around a derelict Washington newspaper. He is of low character and revels in having ethics tarnished to an aged and crusty patina. Chalk this one up to ‘consider the source’ then carry on and expect more of the same.

    Rest comfortable and assured that many council members have Mary Souza dart boards in their homes, RV’s and on their boats. If you call the sky blue you are a heretic.

    Comment by Wallypog — January 16, 2009 @ 5:09 am

  2. “Rest comfortable and assured that many council members have Mary Souza dart boards in their homes, RV’s and on their boats. If you call the sky blue you are a heretic.”

    That is some funny stuff! lol

    Look at his wording. It is like that of one of the opencda critics that come in here. I think you have mikies attention.

    I, being one that has actually experienced the chastizing by local power, commend and aplaude all at opencda and would like to extend a sincere thank you for your perserverance and dedication.

    Comment by concerned citizen — January 16, 2009 @ 7:20 am

  3. She must be relying on the personal testimony of one her partners in her website, maybe it was one of the failed former candidates for office she works with who was upbraided for talking and being distracting while a student citizen was testifying some time ago.

    The veil is lifted. I know there have been anonymous bloggers who have crowed about my failed bid for City Council two years ago. Now a name is attached to one of them. Mike sounds really frightened. Again, he demonstrates the insider’s creed of “us versus them,” and fails to show me what he’s doing to help bring the citizens of Coeur d’Alene — all of them — together as a community.

    Comment by Dan — January 16, 2009 @ 7:49 am

  4. “Here’s what Mike wrote, unedited, in its entirety:”

    is it legal to re-post something from another source–unedited, in its entirety– without permission, or linking to the original source? just wondering.

    Comment by reagan — January 16, 2009 @ 8:56 am

  5. Is it appropriate for an elected official to make a public comment on a publicly accessible website, sign with his name and official title thereby implying his comments represent the position of the elected body, possibly defame one or more private citizens, and expect that in the interest of accuracy and fairness that his comments will not be quoted in their entirety?

    Just wondering.

    Comment by Bill — January 16, 2009 @ 9:15 am

  6. bill, i was taught to never answer a question with a question. or are you just going to ignore the legality issue? do as i say not as i do, perhaps?

    Comment by reagan — January 16, 2009 @ 9:21 am

  7. I’m impressed you were taught to never answer a question with a question. I don’t know if there is a legality issue. What do you think the legality issue is? Or am I answering another of your questions with a question?

    Comment by Bill — January 16, 2009 @ 9:35 am

  8. is it legal to re-post something from another source–unedited, in its entirety– without permission, or linking to the original source?

    It depends on who’s paying for the lawyer’s time.

    Comment by Dan — January 16, 2009 @ 10:07 am

  9. Oh! I didn’t see that Kennedy signed his name as “Councilman Mike Kennedy.” Therefore, it’s an official message from an elected official. Open source, baby!

    Comment by Dan — January 16, 2009 @ 10:09 am

  10. i am not paying for a lawyer.:)

    dan, instead of taking a blog posting as gospel i followed up and learned that kennedy did not ‘sign’ the original post, but posted it on the spokesman review’s blog huckleberries online with his user name — mikek — the councilman title was added by dave oliveria when he moved the original post out front. guess you can’t believe everything you read.

    Comment by reagan — January 16, 2009 @ 10:25 am

  11. guess you can’t believe everything you read

    Especially from Oliveria! 🙂

    Comment by Dan — January 16, 2009 @ 10:39 am

  12. Mike Kennedy is a publicly elected official and was writing publicly about the actions of the city council.

    Comment by mary — January 16, 2009 @ 10:39 am

  13. Mike Kennedy is a publicly elected official and was writing publicly about the actions of the city council.–mary

    and your point?

    Comment by reagan — January 16, 2009 @ 10:53 am

  14. Maybe you’re being silly, Mary. In the interest of being balanced, I propose that the tiny ante room “a few steps away” from where Kennedy’s sits be closed, out of respect for the public, and that the coffee pot be placed under Kennedy’s desk where he can easily reach it without offending the public.

    Comment by Dan — January 16, 2009 @ 11:33 am

  15. reagan,

    Would you like to answer my question about what you think the legal issue is? I am very interested in your opinion. Thank you.

    I think Mary’s point may have been that Mike Kennedy is a publicly elected official and was writing publicly about the actions of the city council. At least, that’s the way I read it. How did you read it?

    Comment by Bill — January 16, 2009 @ 12:12 pm

  16. bill,

    1- i don’t know if there is a legal issue, that is why i asked the question: is it legal to take content from another site without attribution, or a link back, or permission?

    2-i read it that kennedy posted his personal explanation about this ‘issue’–though it seems fairly trivial– and mary is attempting to paint it as some sort of “official” city position. mary writes a column in the coeur d alene press but doesn’t speak for the press, at least not offically, so maybe kennedy just needs a disclaimer at the end of his blog comments.

    Comment by reagan — January 16, 2009 @ 12:47 pm

  17. reagan,

    Thank you for answering.

    If someone with standing to object contacts us to discuss legality of the content of any of our posts, we will consider their opinions and act appropriately. We have no desire and no intent to act illegally.

    Comment by Bill — January 16, 2009 @ 1:13 pm

  18. Say reagan, can you help me understand something. If Mary posts something here or prints it in the Press why does Kennedy usually respond on a Spokane newspapers website? His actions routinely mirror what Mary suggests he does and that is hiding from his constituency. He is supposed to big a big boy now and actually talk with people about stuff whether the questions are tough or not. Instead he hangs out with the marshmallow crowd over at HBO. Why is he such a chicken?

    Comment by Wallypog — January 16, 2009 @ 1:42 pm

  19. bill, appreciate the response. i only asked because i have noticed that it is customary for a website, or blog, to post excerpts of text from another site with a link back to the original content. i do not know if that is a legal requirement, or just proper net etiquette. that is why i asked.

    Comment by reagan — January 16, 2009 @ 1:45 pm

  20. Kennedy is just like most city council members and most politicians. They forget their role as representatives of the people and try to become the ‘enlightened ones’. Then they tell each other and their toadies that’s the truth.
    So folks like Mary come along and have the effrontry to ask logical questions and they take offense. I learned long ago that people who are upset by questions are either covering up something or are ignorant of the truth of the matter.
    Mary seems to have that effect on Sandi and some of the others.
    Keep it up Mary,

    Comment by vernwrites — January 17, 2009 @ 2:26 pm

  21. Vern, thanks for jumping in with your views! And thanks for your support. All we are trying to do is demand accountability from our elected officials…I don’t think that’s too much to expect. Please keep sharing your viewpoint with us here, and encourage other to join in also. The more the better.

    Comment by mary — January 19, 2009 @ 1:16 pm

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