March 21, 2008

Sunshine Week–Looks like a ray of hope!

Filed under: Cartoons,Jimmy Barona Cartoons — Jimmy Barona @ 8:05 pm


Dave Patzer, LCDC Board Commissioner, spoke up at this week’s meeting to voice his frustration with the Urban Renewal Agency being the bucket of money for every city group in need of funds. Kudos to him for being a stand-up guy.


  1. Does this make him a “morale issue”?

    Comment by Dan — March 21, 2008 @ 8:11 pm

  2. Jimmy,

    What a great characterization in caricature! I couldn’t agree more. My respect for Dave Patzer went into orbit when I saw and heard him admonish Longo and Childers for their incompetent planning. Patzer didn’t phrase it offensively; he was much more professional, but if (big if) Longo has any brain cells alive and rattling around inside his skull, he knows he didn’t BS Patzer.

    Someone needs to kick Police Chief Wayne Longo in the rear so hard his hemorrhoids explode out his ears. Childers’ presentations at Council and LCDC were insufficient and unprofessional. Childers’ presentations, with Longo standing beside him looking like a stoned Robin Williams, were an embarrassment. Longo should never have allowed this poorly planned idea to go forward to Council or the LCDC. But in Longo’s defense, I’m sure he was doing exactly what he was told to do. Go along and get along.

    Dan, without any doubt Dave Patzer needs to be sitting by his telephone about 7:30 a.m. to get a speakerphone call from Sandi and her Sycophant Chorus. He will be told that the frail and fragile morale of the LCDC Commissioners has been shattered, shattered I say, by Patzer’s deviation from the script. How dare he speak in defense of the taxpayers in an effort to wisely spend rather than slavishly waste our money. He will be told that his inability to check his anti-LCDC bias at the door makes him unsuitable to continue as an LCDC Commissioner, and his resignation is accepted immediately. Whereupon, Dave Patzer will emerge from the Mullan Avenue Mushroom Factory and walk again in the light.

    Comment by Bill — March 21, 2008 @ 8:30 pm

  3. I don’t know Mr. Patzer personally, have met him and he seems like a decent fellow. But let’s not get carried away with all this starstruck reaction to one correct vote. He may dissapoint on the next one. I, for one, want to see a track record of thoughtful dissent on LCDC deliberations before I join the victory parade.

    Comment by yabetcha — March 21, 2008 @ 8:58 pm

  4. yabetcha,

    Given the mayor and council’s eagerness to dismiss volunteers who exhibit critical thinking and speaking skills and who dare deviate from the script, I suspect that Dave Patzer’s days on the LCDC are numbered. Then again, our mayor doesn’t exactly have volunteers lined up and waiting — at least not volunteers who meet the mayor’s litmus test of omerta.

    Comment by Bill — March 22, 2008 @ 7:43 am

  5. Jimmy, you’ve done it again! What a clear visual…finally an official who shows some backbone. I do agree with “yabetcha”, though. One episode of clarity and reason does not a revolution make. Let’s hope it is just the beginning.

    Comment by mary — March 22, 2008 @ 9:46 am

  6. yabetcha and Mary,

    It appears that you were both correct and I was premature in praising Patzer. He has now reverted to the “party line” of “Let’s get an answer from the legislature,” rather than the Attorney General. I’m beginning to think that the Mullan Avenue Gang has already asked for and received an AG’s opinion, and it didn’t like what it heard. One has to wonder if the lobbying effort is now underway to somehow make legal that which appears to be clearly illegal.

    Comment by Bill — March 25, 2008 @ 12:19 pm

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