October 26, 2009

Mike Kennedy Whines

Filed under: General — mary @ 8:56 pm

mkennedy From the Spokane gossip blog, today at about 6:00pm, Mike Kennedy is quoted as saying:

“I did knock on Jim’s campaign office to see if he would talk to me about the allegation of federal fraud that his campaign is distributing. He didn’t return two phone calls and an email, and though his car was there no one answered the door.”Councilman Mike Kennedy.

This would seem almost believable, unless one knows the facts.  Then it’s obvious Mr. Kennedy is trying to cover his uncontrolled behavior.  Here’s the actual course of events: 

1.  Mike Kennedy called Jim Brannon’s HOME on Saturday and left an upsetting  message on the answering machine, accusing Jim of spreading false information in Mike’s neighborhood.

2.  Jim responded by sending Mike a polite email, on Saturday, asking what he could do for Mike.  There was no response.

3.  Yesterday, Sunday, Jim went to his church, as usual.  Mike was there.  He approached Jim after the service and again accused Jim of spreading lies in his neighborhood.  Jim calmly assured Mike that he (Jim) had not spoken with anyone in Mike’s area; Jim had not walked in Mikes’ neighborhood.

4.  Today, Monday morning, Jim was downtown at his campaign headquarters, working.  He was the only person there at the time and the front door was still closed and locked.  Mike Kennedy showed up and when Jim saw him he tucked into the backroom to avoid an even uglier confrontation than yesterday.  Mike stood out in the rain, pounding on the door for several minutes until he finally went away.

It seems to me that Mike Kennedy is just looking for a fight; that he wants desperately to play the victim and get sympathy in the last week of the campaign.  Well, here’s my view after walking the neighborhoods and talking with many people:  No one believes you, Mike.  The regular folks out there think you were at least part of the plan to get Jim fired.  I never brought it up, but many of them told me what they thought. Even some very top name Democrats said so—and they think you handled it badly.

So stop trying to cover your tracks and re-write history.  Jim has behaved well, never speaking against Habitiat, in fact always defending the mission of Habitat.  You, Mr. Kennedy, should be ashamed.

Oh, and here’s one more fun fact:  Every single other candidate in this election, including the mayor, has called Jim, or told him in person, that they were sorry to hear he lost his job.  Mike Kennedy is the ONLY one who has not.


  1. Could it be that Mike Kennedy is playing the victim?
    Jim Brannon, to my knowledge, has conducted himself with dignity dispite being fired in a most undignified matter.

    Comment by citizen — October 26, 2009 @ 9:35 pm

  2. citizen says; “Jim Brannon, to my knowledge, has conducted himself with dignity.” Something everyone who knows Jim would agree with and not be surprised by. And along with honesty, and openness dignity is another of the character traits AWOL at CDA city hall. It’s time to give the city back to the people, sack the incumbents.

    Comment by Will Penny — October 26, 2009 @ 10:51 pm

  3. Kennedy’s local start in politics ended when Echohawk lost. [sentence characterized by commenter as “rumor” deleted by Bill] His violent temper is well known. Jim is wise to avoid him.

    Comment by Pariah — October 27, 2009 @ 6:17 am

  4. How terribly unfortunate for Kennedy. It seems that the curiously timed (but totally unrelated) abrupt firing of Brannon presents a unique opportunity to question Kennedy’s character. I mean that can’t be helped. People will certainly wonder about the manner with which candidate Brannon was terminated. They are allowed to have and to share their own speculations. It is just too durn bad for Kennedy, isn’t it? Gosh I fell badly for him having to unmesh himself from the appearance of really ugly political campaign dirty tricks. He’s got poo poo on his shoes and can’t seem to scrape it away. Smelly, is it not, Mike?

    Comment by Wallypog — October 27, 2009 @ 7:01 am

  5. Be careful Wally, Mikey might sue!

    Comment by Pariah — October 27, 2009 @ 7:45 am

  6. I experienced Mike’s nasty temper when he verbally attacked me for people I know. People I might know told me that the city never responded to my comments and never would because they have no respect for me. All this took place in the old council chambers at a workshop. It seems that this administration fosters a mentality of attack the citizens.

    Comment by Susie Snedaker — October 27, 2009 @ 7:48 am

  7. Mikey likes attacking those he perceives as weak, the humble, the meek the normal. He grovels when hammered into a corner though and then whines.

    Comment by Pariah — October 27, 2009 @ 7:57 am

  8. Good for the Kootenai County Reagan Republicans! They are sticking to their guns and standing up for their right to express their political opinions. It’s still a free country and voters can decide whether to accept or reject someone’s opinion.

    Comment by mary — October 27, 2009 @ 8:08 am

  9. Watch the angry left lash out! Threats of lawsuits, goofy demands and attempts to intimidate, abuse and obfuscate all are incoming. Radio adds later today probably.

    Comment by Pariah — October 27, 2009 @ 8:15 am

  10. “The politics of personal destruction” will certainly be on display for this election.
    I wait with a strange curiosty for the slime to be thrown by the CdA powers. I only hope the wind blows it back in their faces.

    I remain certain the Brannon will handle it as a gentleman warrior, knowing that truth is on his side.

    Gookin and Brannon, go win one for the hard working little guy!

    Comment by citizen — October 27, 2009 @ 8:50 am

  11. Let me clarify my earlier post written in haste and not proofed: He verbally attacked me for people I might know and people I know. He told me that the city…

    Comment by Susie Snedaker — October 27, 2009 @ 6:14 pm

  12. Just wait, more threats, more whining will come.

    Comment by Pariah — October 27, 2009 @ 6:20 pm

  13. Spot on Pariah! In today’s CDA Press, in a letter to editor the council members and Mayor are whining and making accusations that didn’t happen. They are in a panic mode. No one connected with the Brannon campaign has alleged any criminal conduct. It is Councilman Mike Kennedy who injected that theme into the conversation. Nothing in the campaign literature says anything about any “criminal conspiracy” as the collective voice of the Mayor and Council claim. Shame on them!

    Comment by Gary Ingram — October 28, 2009 @ 1:10 pm

  14. Now Mikey is claiming Brannon ….


    He leaked his flier to the girls at the SR!

    Comment by Pariah — October 28, 2009 @ 6:23 pm

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