Former Los Angeles City Councilman Richard Alarcon and his wife were convicted of voter fraud and perjury in Los Angeles Superior Court Wednesday. Alarcon and his wife had lied about where he actually lived so he would be eligible to run for a particular Los Angeles City Council seat. He and his wife both lied under oath in furtherance of his illegal candidacy.
Alarcon is not the first California official to be convicted of voter fraud in recent history. In January 2014 State Senator Roderick Wright was convicted of voter fraud and perjury for lying about his residence so he could run for the state senate.
Fortunately for the citizens of Los Angeles County, they have a Prosecuting Attorney who takes public corruption seriously enough to have a Public Integrity Division in his office. Here is more but somewhat dated information about the Division and a sampling of cases it has prosecuted.
There are many people who deny the existence of voter fraud. It’s fair to say that many of the deniers are those who choose to engage in fraud as candidates or encourage it as lazy or incompetent county clerks and secretaries of state as well as politically-directed prosecutors and state attorneys general.
As the State of California and Los Angeles County in particular have shown, they pursue voter fraud rather than deny it exists.