May 5, 2013

Registering to Comment on OpenCdA

Filed under: General — Bill @ 10:01 am

Registration is required only to add a comment to a post on OpenCda.  Registration is not required to read either posts or comments.

To reduce the dramatic increase in automated (bot) registrations, OpenCdA is going to a manual registration.  Here are the steps to follow if you want to register initially or if you want to change your username or email address.

1.  Send an email to  Include your desired username and a valid working email address.

2.  You will receive an email in return at the email address you provided.  The return email’s subject will be “[OpenCdA] Your username and password”.  The email’s body will have three components:

Username:  [This will be the username you specified.  It can be a pseudonym.]

Password:  [This will be a one-time password that we provide.  It will be case-sensitive.]  [This is a hyperlink that you can either click on or cut-and-paste into your browser to take you to OpenCdA.

3.  Follow the hyperlink to your Profile page.  Near the bottom, you will see a major heading “About Yourself“.   Under that you will see a minor heading “New Password”.  We suggest that you create a new password rather than continue to use the one-time password we provided.  Your “New Password” can and should be case sensitive and can include letters, numbers and symbols.  Once you’ve entered your “New Password” in the first blank, repeat it exactly in the second blank.

4.  We do not have access to your password.

5.  When you’re satisfied that your profile is the way you want it, mouse click on the lower left corner box labeled   ” Update Profile”.

6.  Any questions?  Email

One more thing!

Your very first comment you make on OpenCdA must be approved by a moderator or admin. This approval is required for security reasons, as well as to prevent spam robots from posting useless junk and advertisements on our site.

After your first comment is approved, all subsequent comments will be available immediately.

Thank you for your interest in OpenCdA!

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