January 24, 2023

Who Did His Applicant Interview at WSU?

Filed under: General — Tags: , — Bill @ 7:44 pm

It may surprise OpenCdA readers outside 10 counties of North Idaho to hear that we do occasionally get murders committed up here. Among those relatively few incidents, even fewer are multiple homicide incidents that will be charged and prosecuted as first-degree murder.

Consequently, many people here were genuinely shocked and surprised when we learned that on November 13, 2022, between 3 a.m. and 4 a.m., University of Idaho students Madison Mogen, Xana Kernodle, Kaylee Goncalves, and Ethan Chapin had been stabbed to death while sleeping inside their home on Kings Road in Moscow (Latah County), Idaho. Two other residents of the house were unharmed.

Then on December 30, 2022, we learned that a suspect in the four homicides, Bryan Christopher Kohberger, age 28, had been arrested in Pennsylvania and would be extradited back to Moscow to be formally charged and tried for the murders.

Almost as shocking and surprising as the homicides themselves was the revelation that at the time Kohberger allegedly committed them, he was pursuing a PhD in Criminal Justice and Criminology at Washington State University (WSU) and living in Pullman, Washington, about eight miles from Moscow. He was also a Teaching Assistant in the Criminal Justice and Criminology Department. Prior to enrolling at WSU, Kohberger had earned his bachelor’s degree in psychology and master’s degree in criminal justice at DeSales University in Center Valley, Pennsylvania.  

The Idaho criminal justice system will deal appropriately with Kohberger in the continuing investigation and eventual trial. We’ll have to wait until the trial for some the answers relating to the crime itself.

However I believe there are some logical questions WSU System President Kirk Schulz should insist be answered immediately to see if there are any necessary improvements that can be made in the admissions and hiring processes for graduate students and faculty in the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology.

  • Who from the WSU Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology personally interviewed Kohberger prior to his admission to the doctoral program?  
  • What did the interviewers hope to observe and to learn that they did not already know from reviewing Kohberger’s application materials?
  • How had the interviewers prepared to conduct Kohberger’s interview?  Had they researched and read all available records and writings (including social media) about and by Kohberger?  Had they spoken to instructors and students from his graduate program in Pennsylvania?  Had they reviewed his employment, education, and criminal history?  
  • Did Kohberger’s interviewers have extensive law enforcement, counterintelligence, or other career experience interviewing to detect deception and assess behavioral anomalies?   Were they professionally experienced eliciting information that might have revealed malevolent intent or raised questions about Kohberger’s suitability for a criminal justice career?
  • Had any of Kohberger’s interviewers ever worked in occupations in which their regular duties required them to have and exercise the legal authority to determine if an interviewee should be involuntarily committed for psychiatric evaluation?
  • What were Kohberger’s career aspirations?  Why was he seeking a doctoral degree now?  Why did Kohberger decide to apply specifically to WSU’s doctoral program in Criminal Justice and Criminology?  Had he applied to other institutions’ doctoral programs and been rejected?  If so, which programs had rejected him and why?

Graduates pursuing any advanced degree from WSU’s Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology may be employed in a wide range of occupations. In some occupations such as law enforcement, their duties and obligations will require them to make timely and accurate assessments of a person’s state of mind, particularly an assessment of whether the person being interviewed represents a danger to himself or others. It seems reasonable to require that the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology should be making that assessment of its applicants for its master’s and doctoral programs.

October 4, 2021

“The Perfect Human Pathogen”

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: — Bill @ 7:19 pm

Wuhan Post ImageIt’s safe to say that most of us are getting tired of seeing and hearing how many new cases of COVID-19 have been reported in our area or somewhere else in the world and how many people have died from the disease.  Unfortunately, that is the brunt of the news coverage in the United States.

In my opinion, the news reporting by the US skews media about this pandemic has been nothing short of anemic and pathetic.  Our media have failed us miserably in reporting the story about how, when, where, and why the SARS-CoV-2 virus came into existence.  They have only superficially covered our government’s response, the good and the bad, to the news of the virus and then the COVID-19 disease that it produced.  They have tiptoed around even suggesting we and the rest of the world may have been the victims of a Communist Chinese biological weapon.

Fortunately, Sharri Markson, an investigative journalist and writer for The Australian daily newspaper and host of her own television news show on Sky News Australia, had the initiative, sources, and journalistic research and writing skills to write what is to date the definitive book to date about the provenance of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the Wuhan Virus.  Her book, entitled “What Really Happened in Wuhan: A Virus Like No Other, Countless Infections, Millions of Deaths” was released in late September 2021.

The book is comprehensive and reads like a good newspaper story.  It is engrossing and timely.  It covers the sciences well but in an  uncomplicated, easily grasped newspaper story style.

Here is a link to an image of the Contents page from her book.  As you can probably infer from reading the Contents, she spent a great deal of time and energy writing about the social, political, military, and economic effects that COVID-19 has had.  But her writing style is that of a down-to-earth investigative journalist rather than the mumbo-jumbo of “official spokesmen” such as Dr. Anthony Fauci of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  Thank goodness for that!

Brilliantly in my opinion, Markson and her editor and publisher seemed to realize that because of the content, many potential readers might incorrectly assume the book would almost be too complicated for many of us to read and grasp.  Consequently, Markson used her book as the basis for a one-hour television documentary on Sky News Australia to not just promote her book but to serve as an entertaining and informative summary of it.  Within the past few days, the one-hour television documentary which first appeared a few weeks ago on Sky News Australia was released to the world and put on YouTube by Sky News.  Here is a link to that video on YouTube entitled SPECIAL INVESTIGATION:  What Really Happened in Wuhan.  I suggest you watch the video before reading the book.

The Chinese Communist Party government (ChiCom) of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and its military, the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), is a significant military adversary of the United States.  For several decades now going back to the presidency of Richard Nixon, the PRC has successfully exploited our capitalist-based economy and used our desire for money to install its representatives in every state in the United States in educational institutions, commercial enterprises, and information and communication providers such as social media companies.  The ChiComs welcome and encourage US companies to not only trade with the PRC but in some instances to open factories or other business interests in the PRC.  The ChiComs, through its intelligence service known as the Ministry for State Security (MSS), are voracious consumers of open-source social, political, and economic intelligence, not just classified national security information.

It is highly likely and therefore very disturbing that the ChiComs seem willing to engage in biological warfare, also known as germ warfare (see previous OpenCdA posts discussing ChiCom biowarfare). Most nations avoid developing a biowarfare weapons capability.  Even the most ignorant of nations understands that unlike kinetic (conventional) weapons and even nuclear weapons, biowarfare weapons deploy live biological agents that cause disease.  As the world is seeing with SARS-CoV-2, a virus can quickly reproduce itself and get away from the control of its originator.

Because the PRC has decided to develop a biowarfare program, books and videos like Sharri Markson’s can be a good introduction to the social, economic, military, and political ramifications we and the other intended victims of the ChiCom’s biowarfare program will be forced to combat.

Was SARS-CoV-2 developed in the Wuhan Institute of Virology Laboratory in Hubei Province, Wuhan, People’s Republic of China, to be a biological weapon?  It certainly appears to have been.  And as Professor Nikolai Petrovsky, Head of Endocrinology at Flinders University said in describing the SARS-CoV-2 as “… the perfect human pathogen.”

Even if you don’t read Markson’s book, please watch the video.  This COVID-19 pandemic is likely to get worse before it gets better.

September 3, 2021

Chilling Report: US Ill-Prepared for Biowarfare Attack

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: — Bill @ 1:58 pm

PRC Biowarfare LabIf there is one lesson learned that should be obvious to every US citizen from our national response to the Chinese Communist Party of the People’s Republic of China (ChiCom) release of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the resulting COVID-19 disease pandemic, it’s that we as a nation were and still are ill-prepared to deal with the immediate and long-term effects of a coordinated attack initiated by a nation willing to use biological weapons against us.

Today, September 3, 2021, the White House released FACT SHEET – Biden Administration to Transform Capabilities for Pandemic Preparedness.   This brief fact sheet was an introduction to the 27-page initial report entitled American Pandemic Preparedness — Transforming Our Capabilities.

Beginning with our post on April 17, 2020, OpenCdA published a series of posts about our national vulnerability to biowarfare attack.   Regardless of whether you believe the ChiComs intentionally, prematurely, or accidentally released the SARS-CoV-19 virus on the world, open source reporting clearly indicates that the ChiComs are doing advanced research to answer two very relevant questions:  (1) Can the ChiComs exercise sufficient laboratory controls to engineer biowarfare agents that can target specific  racial groups? and (2) Can the ChiComs manipulate or engineer  the genetic makeup of members of its military, the People’s Liberation Army, so that its military is genetically resistant to the effects of biowarfare weapons they might deploy?

OpenCdA urges readers to read the report released today and to take very seriously the biowarfare threat already posed against the United States.   The SARS-CoV-2 virus and its offspring disease, COVID-19, reminded us about why the nations of the world have until now generally agreed to not engage in biowarfare.  Biowarfare can explode out of control, extending even beyond the capabilities of its originating host nation to control.  There is evidence the ChiComs are trying to gain that level of control to protect its military forces from susceptibility to its own biowarfare agents.

The SARS-CoV-2 virus and COVID-19 disease pandemic should be the sirens-and-lights signal to prompt a very serious acknowledgement by our own national leaders as well as our health and science professionals that biowarfare is no longer considered taboo by other nations.

June 8, 2021

Full Report: ‘Examining the U.S. Capitol Attack’

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 6:25 am

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Here is a link to the complete 125-page report entitled Examining the U.S. Capitol Attack | A Review of the Security, Planning, and Response Failures on January 6.

The report just released today, June 8, 2021, includes recommendations as well as a timeline of what occurred at the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

For an abbreviated but very complete news report, see the UK Daily Mail online news article headlined US intelligence agencies KNEW Trump supporters were posting threats and maps of Capitol tunnels weeks before the riot but didn’t share warnings with helpless Capitol cops, Senate report finds.

May 8, 2021

ChiComs Planning Biowarfare Against US?

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: , — Bill @ 8:19 am


PRC Biowarfare Lab

A  news article headlined China was preparing for a Third World War with biological weapons – including coronavirus – SIX years ago, according to dossier produced by the People’s Liberation Army in 2015 and uncovered by the US State Department appeared in the May 8, 2021, online edition of the United Kingdom’s Daily Mail newspaper.

If this article is factually complete and accurate, it further discredits the bovine organic  fertilizer story the ChiComs and its sock puppet the World Health Organization, have been pushing about the SARS-CoV-2 virus being a remarkable natural evolution of the COVID-19 disease from bats to you by way of the zoo.

The Daily Mail’s article provides further evidence that the Chinese Communist Party of the People’s Republic of China (ChiCom) has been planning the offensive use of biological warfare against us at least since the Obama administration.  That revelation raises several questions:

  • When did the US Intelligence Community (USIC) first learn of this preparation and how did they learn of it?
  • What did Obama and Biden know and when did they know it?
  • What did Hillary Clinton know and when did she know it?  In 2015 she was the presumed Democrat nominee for the 2016 Presidential election.
  • What did Donald Trump know and when did he know it?  Maybe more importantly, because Hillary Clinton was presumed to be a shoo-in to win the Presidential election in 2016, what information was withheld from candidate and then-Republican nominee Trump until he was the nominee and then the President-elect?
  • What did the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infections Diseases (USAMRIID), the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Institute of Allergic and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) know and when did they know it?
  • Assuming that at some point the information about the ChiCom biowarfare preparation was deemed to be credible and therefore “actionable intelligence,” who in the US Congress was briefed, by whom, and when?

In OpenCdA’s series of biowarfare-tagged posts beginning on April 17, 2020 with the post entitled ‘Could Congress Pull the Trigger?, we asked, “Would the present US Congress have the courage to propose, debate, and pass a declaration of war against the People’s Republic of China (PRC) pursuant to the US Constitution, Article 1, Section 8, Clause 11 if the Wuhan corona virus release is proven to have been accidental but maliciously and fortuitously exploited rather than explicitly created as a biowarfare weapon?”

If the information in the U.K. Daily Mail’s linked article is accurate, then the US people and in fact the world’s people are entitled to know what our Intelligence Community knew and when they knew it, our President(s) and Vice President(s) knew and when they knew it, and our US Congress knew and when they knew it.

To date approximately 580,000 people in the US have died from the COVID-19 disease.  If the disease’s parent, the SARS-CoV-2 virus, was manufactured by the ChiComs to be a biological weapon, then the ChiCom’s explanation of “zoonotic transfer” or even accidental release by the Wuhan Institute of Virology becomes very suspect.

Our question as US citizens should then be, “If 580,000 isn’t enough, then how many more US citizens have to die as a result of a ChiCom biowarfare weapon before Congress and our military act?”

April 28, 2021


Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: — Bill @ 7:25 am


On April 24, 2021, The U.K. Daily Mail published an online article entitled Worrying new clues about the origins of Covid: How scientists at Wuhan lab helped Chinese army in secret project to find animal viruses, writes IAN BIRRELL.  In his article, Birrell makes an unsurprising association between the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) of the Communist Party of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the genesis of the SARS-CoV-2 virus producing the pandemic disease COVID-19.  The PLA’s involvement in this pandemic’s creation and evolution raises the inevitable question:  Was the SARS-CoV-2 virus a natural product of legitimate if ethically questionable gain-of-function research, or was it an intentional creation by the PRC in its plan to use biowarfare in becoming the dominant world power?

Since COVID-19’s appearance in the United States and its territories, nearly all of the information reaching us, the general public, has come from the US’s Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the US National Institute of Health’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).

But as OpenCdA noted almost seven years ago in our post dated October 20, 2014, and entitled Why Only Now?, the CDC and NIAID are not the only agencies of the US government with a deep scientific interest in infectious diseases.  The United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) is the preeminent US government agency in the study of the military application of infectious diseases as weapons of war.   Its mission is to “Provide leading edge medical capabilities to deter and defend against current and emerging biological threat agents.”

Though you probably haven’t heard much about or from USAMRIID during this pandemic, here is a link to one of the very few USAMRIID press releases about its far more extensive involvement in trying to put an end to the COVID-19 threat.  The release from USAMRIID’s Public Affairs Officer Caree Vander Linden is entitled Unique Army Lab Answers the Nation’s Call in Supporting COVID-19 Outbreak.

Here’s a little bit more “general interest” information about USAMRIID.

March 29, 2021

Show Me Your Papers!!

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 5:40 pm

Krakau, Razzia von deutscher Ordnungspolizei

According to a March 28, 2021, Washington Post skewspaper article headlined ‘Vaccine passports’ are on the way, but developing them won’t be easy, “The Biden administration and private companies are working to develop a standard way of handling credentials — often referred to as “vaccine passports” — that would allow Americans to prove they have been vaccinated against the novel coronavirus as businesses try to reopen.”

Amazingly, the plan focuses on the challenges of execution rather than showing much concern at all about public acceptance.  One of Führer Biden’s lesser concerns was that this ‘vaccine passport’ might be seen as a government mandate rather than as a voluntary program.   At the time of vaccination, a QR code (the ‘passport’) would ‘voluntarily’ be inserted into each recipient’s smart phone.

The article does not explain what penalty a business or service could impose if a citizen refused to display the ‘ vaccine passport’ upon demand.  For example, could a restaurant deny employment to an applicant or service to a customer?  Then again, neither does the article even imply that such a penalty would be forbidden.

The article does not explain what the alternative would be if an individual had chosen not to own or carry a smart phone.  Perhaps Führer Biden is considering tattoos?

Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer, right Joe?

And this, folks, is why the writers of the US Constitution included the Second Amendment in it.

March 9, 2021

Capitol Security Review Draft

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 10:16 am
TF 1-6 Cover




On January 6, 2021, the security of the U.S. Capitol was breached.

At the direction of the Speaker of the House, Lieutenant General Russel L. Honoré, USA (Retired) led an immediate six-week review for the purpose of identifying actions or decisions that could be taken immediately or in the near-term to improve the security of the Capitol, Members, and staff.

This is the draft report of that review.

February 16, 2021

DJT Jr. for Governor?

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 12:42 pm

Don Jr.

Donald Trump Jr. for governor of California?

Why not?  Lara Trump is reportedly going to run for the US Senate in North Carolina.

The momentarily present governor of California, Gavin Newsom, is the subject of a recall effort with a chance of succeeding because of his incompetence and failed leadership that has destroyed the state’s economy.  Right now the recall effort has about half the required minimal number of validated signatures to get the recall on the ballot, so Donald Jr.’s making a visit or two to the state would likely boost the recall effort significantly.

Can you imagine the effect Donald Jr.’s election as governor would have on California’s Marxist Leftists (formerly known as Democrats residing west of the I-5 and south of Yuba City?  There wouldn’t be enough cocaine and fentanyl to numb their shock.

Aside from being the son of former President Donald J. Trump, Don Jr. is both a hunter and a precision rifle shooter.

DJT Composite

He also advocates for lawful suppressors (note to Bezos Bozos at the Washington Post:  Suppressor, not ‘silencer’.)

It would almost be worth moving Sacramento just to see anti-2A crowd’s reactions to the television images of Governor DJT Jr. unloading his firearms collection at the Governor’s mansion.  Almost, but not quite.

February 8, 2021

Are We Being Sold Out to China?

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: — Bill @ 8:45 pm

ChiCom VoteIf you watched this just under 5-minute segment on this evening’s Tucker Carlson Tonight, you heard author Lee Smith explain the reason there seems to be so many crazy things going on, e.g., so many people coming across the US-Mexican border, is  “…  the oligarchy that a runs this country [USA] now is not primarily loyal to the United States.  They do not care about the damage they do to America; they don’t care about the amount of damage they do to Americans.  That’s part of the system.  Their primary loyalty is to their relationship to the Communist Chinese Party.  That is their center of gravity.  It’s the source of their wealth, privilege, and prestige.”  Please watch the entire segment and listen to it carefully.

In his intro for Lee Smith, Carlson referred to an article Lee Smith wrote in Tablet Magazine.  Here is a link to that article entitled “The Thirty Tyrants“.  It’s important to take the time to read the article to understand that the USA is now effectively ruled by oligarchs.

Although it wasn’t mentioned in Carlson’s segment tonight, Lee Smith wrote an earlier article for Tablet Magazine in April 2020.  Here is a link to that article entitled “The China Rethink.”  The article’s subhead reads “China prospered off greedy American elites.  Now that alarm bells are ringing in Washington, who will answer the call?”  It supplies a little more contemporary history about how the Communist Chinese government of the People’s Republic of China (ChiCom) is slowly taking over the United States without firing a shot.

So, you are asking, who are these American elites we are hearing so much about?  In my opinion, the best explanation for that came in the lengthy (about 6,850 words) Time Magazine article posted online last Friday with a print publication date of February 15, 2021.  Here’s a link to that article entitled “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election“.

With the public evidence showing that the ChiComs “own” President Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. as a result of their literal death grip on his son Hunter, I think it’s reasonable for us to be concerned that our nation may be economically surrendered to the ChiComs.  No shots need be fired.

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