October 4, 2021

“The Perfect Human Pathogen”

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: — Bill @ 7:19 pm

Wuhan Post ImageIt’s safe to say that most of us are getting tired of seeing and hearing how many new cases of COVID-19 have been reported in our area or somewhere else in the world and how many people have died from the disease.  Unfortunately, that is the brunt of the news coverage in the United States.

In my opinion, the news reporting by the US skews media about this pandemic has been nothing short of anemic and pathetic.  Our media have failed us miserably in reporting the story about how, when, where, and why the SARS-CoV-2 virus came into existence.  They have only superficially covered our government’s response, the good and the bad, to the news of the virus and then the COVID-19 disease that it produced.  They have tiptoed around even suggesting we and the rest of the world may have been the victims of a Communist Chinese biological weapon.

Fortunately, Sharri Markson, an investigative journalist and writer for The Australian daily newspaper and host of her own television news show on Sky News Australia, had the initiative, sources, and journalistic research and writing skills to write what is to date the definitive book to date about the provenance of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the Wuhan Virus.  Her book, entitled “What Really Happened in Wuhan: A Virus Like No Other, Countless Infections, Millions of Deaths” was released in late September 2021.

The book is comprehensive and reads like a good newspaper story.  It is engrossing and timely.  It covers the sciences well but in an  uncomplicated, easily grasped newspaper story style.

Here is a link to an image of the Contents page from her book.  As you can probably infer from reading the Contents, she spent a great deal of time and energy writing about the social, political, military, and economic effects that COVID-19 has had.  But her writing style is that of a down-to-earth investigative journalist rather than the mumbo-jumbo of “official spokesmen” such as Dr. Anthony Fauci of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  Thank goodness for that!

Brilliantly in my opinion, Markson and her editor and publisher seemed to realize that because of the content, many potential readers might incorrectly assume the book would almost be too complicated for many of us to read and grasp.  Consequently, Markson used her book as the basis for a one-hour television documentary on Sky News Australia to not just promote her book but to serve as an entertaining and informative summary of it.  Within the past few days, the one-hour television documentary which first appeared a few weeks ago on Sky News Australia was released to the world and put on YouTube by Sky News.  Here is a link to that video on YouTube entitled SPECIAL INVESTIGATION:  What Really Happened in Wuhan.  I suggest you watch the video before reading the book.

The Chinese Communist Party government (ChiCom) of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and its military, the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), is a significant military adversary of the United States.  For several decades now going back to the presidency of Richard Nixon, the PRC has successfully exploited our capitalist-based economy and used our desire for money to install its representatives in every state in the United States in educational institutions, commercial enterprises, and information and communication providers such as social media companies.  The ChiComs welcome and encourage US companies to not only trade with the PRC but in some instances to open factories or other business interests in the PRC.  The ChiComs, through its intelligence service known as the Ministry for State Security (MSS), are voracious consumers of open-source social, political, and economic intelligence, not just classified national security information.

It is highly likely and therefore very disturbing that the ChiComs seem willing to engage in biological warfare, also known as germ warfare (see previous OpenCdA posts discussing ChiCom biowarfare). Most nations avoid developing a biowarfare weapons capability.  Even the most ignorant of nations understands that unlike kinetic (conventional) weapons and even nuclear weapons, biowarfare weapons deploy live biological agents that cause disease.  As the world is seeing with SARS-CoV-2, a virus can quickly reproduce itself and get away from the control of its originator.

Because the PRC has decided to develop a biowarfare program, books and videos like Sharri Markson’s can be a good introduction to the social, economic, military, and political ramifications we and the other intended victims of the ChiCom’s biowarfare program will be forced to combat.

Was SARS-CoV-2 developed in the Wuhan Institute of Virology Laboratory in Hubei Province, Wuhan, People’s Republic of China, to be a biological weapon?  It certainly appears to have been.  And as Professor Nikolai Petrovsky, Head of Endocrinology at Flinders University said in describing the SARS-CoV-2 as “… the perfect human pathogen.”

Even if you don’t read Markson’s book, please watch the video.  This COVID-19 pandemic is likely to get worse before it gets better.

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