February 8, 2021

Are We Being Sold Out to China?

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: — Bill @ 8:45 pm

ChiCom VoteIf you watched this just under 5-minute segment on this evening’s Tucker Carlson Tonight, you heard author Lee Smith explain the reason there seems to be so many crazy things going on, e.g., so many people coming across the US-Mexican border, is  “…  the oligarchy that a runs this country [USA] now is not primarily loyal to the United States.  They do not care about the damage they do to America; they don’t care about the amount of damage they do to Americans.  That’s part of the system.  Their primary loyalty is to their relationship to the Communist Chinese Party.  That is their center of gravity.  It’s the source of their wealth, privilege, and prestige.”  Please watch the entire segment and listen to it carefully.

In his intro for Lee Smith, Carlson referred to an article Lee Smith wrote in Tablet Magazine.  Here is a link to that article entitled “The Thirty Tyrants“.  It’s important to take the time to read the article to understand that the USA is now effectively ruled by oligarchs.

Although it wasn’t mentioned in Carlson’s segment tonight, Lee Smith wrote an earlier article for Tablet Magazine in April 2020.  Here is a link to that article entitled “The China Rethink.”  The article’s subhead reads “China prospered off greedy American elites.  Now that alarm bells are ringing in Washington, who will answer the call?”  It supplies a little more contemporary history about how the Communist Chinese government of the People’s Republic of China (ChiCom) is slowly taking over the United States without firing a shot.

So, you are asking, who are these American elites we are hearing so much about?  In my opinion, the best explanation for that came in the lengthy (about 6,850 words) Time Magazine article posted online last Friday with a print publication date of February 15, 2021.  Here’s a link to that article entitled “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election“.

With the public evidence showing that the ChiComs “own” President Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. as a result of their literal death grip on his son Hunter, I think it’s reasonable for us to be concerned that our nation may be economically surrendered to the ChiComs.  No shots need be fired.

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