February 16, 2021

DJT Jr. for Governor?

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 12:42 pm

Don Jr.

Donald Trump Jr. for governor of California?

Why not?  Lara Trump is reportedly going to run for the US Senate in North Carolina.

The momentarily present governor of California, Gavin Newsom, is the subject of a recall effort with a chance of succeeding because of his incompetence and failed leadership that has destroyed the state’s economy.  Right now the recall effort has about half the required minimal number of validated signatures to get the recall on the ballot, so Donald Jr.’s making a visit or two to the state would likely boost the recall effort significantly.

Can you imagine the effect Donald Jr.’s election as governor would have on California’s Marxist Leftists (formerly known as Democrats residing west of the I-5 and south of Yuba City?  There wouldn’t be enough cocaine and fentanyl to numb their shock.

Aside from being the son of former President Donald J. Trump, Don Jr. is both a hunter and a precision rifle shooter.

DJT Composite

He also advocates for lawful suppressors (note to Bezos Bozos at the Washington Post:  Suppressor, not ‘silencer’.)

It would almost be worth moving Sacramento just to see anti-2A crowd’s reactions to the television images of Governor DJT Jr. unloading his firearms collection at the Governor’s mansion.  Almost, but not quite.

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