November 17, 2018

Just Kidding … Maybe

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 1:19 pm

nuclear-explosion-1Eric Swalwell,  a 38-year old lawyer elected to Congress to represent California’s 15th Congressional District, has a plan for gun control.  His plan is for the federal government to buy back every “military-style semiautomatic assault weapon” in the United States. (You’ll need Dramamine in boxcar quantities if you try to mentally resolve the factual descriptor conflicts in that five-word quote from Swalwell.)

For those who won’t voluntarily sell back the rifle, Congressman Swalwell says the federal government can nuke us.

Swalwell’s intellectual deficiencies became apparent when he was questioned by the National Rifle Association’s spokeswoman, Dana Loesch.  She may wish to apologize to him, however, for jumping to the conclusion that a US Congressman advocating the use of nuclear weapons against US citizens even in jest might still be mentally stable enough to hold any elective office, anywhere, anytime.  Clearly she was wrong if she concluded that.

And by the way, Swalwell is considering a run for President in 2020.  Well, why not?  After all, Hillary Clinton did a pretty fair imitation of Kim Philby, so why shouldn’t Swalwell take a crack at imitating Pol Pot?



  1. Perhaps Rep Swalwell would be willing to start his nuclear offensive in California’s 15th Congressional District? This guy’s picture is in your ‘street slang’ dictionary next to the word “loon”.

    Comment by Tributary — November 20, 2018 @ 1:29 pm

  2. Tributary,

    Swalwell’s comments were a completely inappropriate response by a public official to a comment uttered by a citizen. Swalwell’s comments were disproportionate, even if factually impossible. At least, I hope that loon never is put in the decision-making chain for the use of a WMD. However, what Eric the Loony said probably tells us more about his lack of perspective and judgment than anything else about him. It’s scary to think that a former prosecutor (or anyone, for that matter) would even sarcastically talk about defaulting to the use of a nuclear weapon against a US citizen in the United States simply because that citizen is lawfully invoking a right guaranteed by the US Constitution.

    Comment by Bill — November 20, 2018 @ 6:48 pm

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