November 1, 2009

Revisiting a Waste of Money

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 9:17 am

money-in-the-toilet[In April 2008 I posted the five-part “Toilet Not Included” series.  It examined the  waste of approximately $50,000 by the City of Coeur d’Alene Police [Department at the behest of City Hall.

[As we approach the November 3 mayoral and city council elections in Coeur d’Alene, I invite you to re-read each part of the series to decide for yourself if [our present complement of city officials spent tax dollars wisely and prudently.  Click on each “Part…” link below. (more…)

April 21, 2009

Closed for Your Protection?

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 1:00 am

SubstationEvent organizers and citizens who attended the April 15 Tax Day Tea Party at Independence Point in Coeur d’Alene had an opportunity to personally see how the City of Coeur d’Alene had wasted about $50,000 of our tax money.   The 10′ x 26′ Coeur d’Alene Police and Fire Public Safety Building, so vacuously foisted on taxpayers by Police Captain Steve Childers and City Finance Director Troy Tymesen in March 2008, sat locked and unoccupied at the very kind of event for which they had avowed it was so desperately needed.


November 28, 2008

That Flushing Sound Again…

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 9:46 am
After the Coeur d’Alene City Council meeting on Tuesday night, we should all receive a nice note from Steve Wetzel, Dick Barclay, Ron Ouren, and Steve Flerchinger thanking us for contributing to their favorite public charity.  You may not have known you were making a charitable contribution, and that’s exactly the way our Mayor and City Council wants it.


October 6, 2008

Is This It?

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 3:12 pm

Remember the public safety substation that just had to be in place in City Park by June 1, 2008?  The one the City hadn’t included in any financial plan, so it had to beg the LCDC to give it $50,000?  Well, it looks as if the excavation started today.  By the way, if the City holds to its agreement, the City will be writing a check for half that amount to the LCDC in February 2009.

July 24, 2008

It’s Viable!

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 12:15 pm

Remember the precast concrete structure the City just had to have in place in City Park by the big summer events like Car d’Lane, Ironman, 4th of July parade and festival, and Art on the Green?  Normal planning and procurement processes be damned!  The public safety depends on it!  Look closely at this picture taken on July 21.  Don’t see it?  Hmmm.  Well, the LCDC’s Tony Berns says it’s “still viable.”  (more…)

June 11, 2008

Cop Shop Update

Filed under: Observations — Dan Gookin @ 9:56 am

Remember the urgency? Remember the push? Remember the public meetings and debate? Well, you probably don’t remember the latter, because in a theme that’s all-to-familiar, there wasn’t any! But there certainly was a panicked desperation to find $50,000 of your money to instantly build a concrete police bunker in City Park. Seeing that the supposed deadline for the thing is looming, here’s your update.

May 3, 2008

Bunker Mentality

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 9:53 am

On April 1, 2008, I posted the first in the five-part series titled Toilet Not Included.  The series explained how the city of Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, had decided it needed a barren, precast concrete structure in City Park to serve as a public safety substation during summertime events there.   Already, names for the structure have been suggested:  Longo’s Lounge; Boopsie’s Bunker; Sandi’s Shanty; Ron’s Smokehouse; Charlie & Tony’s Royal Flush.  You get the picture.  (more…)

April 7, 2008

Strategic Planning: A Federal Model for Local Government

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 11:54 am


As part of the research for my “Toilet Not Included” series, I submitted an Idaho Public Records Law request to the City of Coeur d’Alene for the last five years’ strategic plans from both the Fire and Police Departments.  None were provided for the Fire Department.  The most recent one provided for the Police Department was its one-page 2006/07 Presentation of Police Department Strategic Plan

The City of Coeur d’Alene can call that one-page document a strategic plan.  The City can call it a Boeing 747 if it chooses, because it is as much a Boeing 747 as it is a strategic plan.

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