July 24, 2013

A Newer Idea in Campaigning

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 3:07 pm

MarysBoarParadeWe’ve lived here since 2000, but until this year we’ve never seen a mayoral campaign boat parade on Lake Coeur d’Alene.

Here’s a link to the Mary for Mayor Campaign’s YouTube titled Mary’s Boat Parade on Sunday, July 21.   It’s just a skosh over three minutes.

We suspect the credit roll will be simple:  Photographer:  Rick.  Sound Mix:  Rick.  Editing:  Rick.  Producer:  Rick.  Director:  Rick.  Catering:  Pot luck.

Nice job on the video.  Will there be another parade later in the summer?

July 21, 2013

“Stunned!” Really?

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 8:15 am

captainobviousAccording to this morning’s editorial in the local skewspaper, the Coeur d’Alene Press Editorial Board  is “… stunned that NIC would step so far outside its educational mission as a community college – and beyond the 17-acre corridor it purchased five years ago at a cost of $10 million – to prioritize this ill-conceived project and push it into hyperdrive.”

All d’Press needs to do is look at the names of the officers of the North Idaho College Foundation, Inc., and compare that to the names of the North Idaho College Board of Trustees.  Then do a little research about who on those lists would financially benefit from the proposed pole barn event center’s siting near land and motels.

The d’Press Editorial Board is “stunned?”  Really?

July 20, 2013

Prize Winner?

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 11:20 am


If Barack Hussein Obama can “win” the Nobel Peace Prize, surely Massachusetts State Police Sergeant Sean Murphy will win a Pulitzer Prize in Photography for this photo taken during the capture of alleged Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.   But for the red laser dot between Tsarnaev’s eyebrows, it would be just another arrest documentation photo.  The dot makes it prize-worthy journalism.

July 19, 2013

You Know Journalism Is Dead, Dead, Really Dead When…

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 11:34 am


…the New York Times writers and editors use the wrong words.

From this article in today’s New York Times:

” ‘I think it would be useful for us to examine some state and local laws to see if it — if they are designed in such a way that they may encourage the kinds of altercations and confrontations and tragedies that we saw in the Florida case, rather than diffuse potential altercations,’ the president said”

Diffuse?”  No, try “defuse.”  Unless el Jefe really did mean he wants to spread  or distribute potential altercations.


July 13, 2013

Upon Further Consideration…

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: — Bill @ 7:40 pm


It’s amazing how receiving more complete and accurate information can change one’s perspective on a local issue such as the Port of Hope’s application to the City of Coeur d’Alene for a special use permit to operate as a criminal transitional facility. (more…)

July 11, 2013

Just Truckin’ Along

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 7:48 am

OpenCdA took several hundred photos of the Coeur d’Alene Independence Day parade.   Our July 6 post titled Subtlety in CdA’s Independence Day Parade included a photo of two nationally-prominent personalities, Bill Whittle and Burt Rutan, riding Segway PTs.

But the parade’s theme also wanted to focus attention on local American Heroes, the people who often go unrecognized but who are heroes because they are committed to making our community work day after day.   Maybe because we have become so used to seeing smiling faces of people we don’t know on stationary and mobile billboards, we may not have looked closely enough at the faces on the sides of parade entry #66, the “Mary Souza for Mayor” truck.  Here are photos of both sides of the truck (mouse click on the photos to enlarge them on your computer screen).   Yep.  Every person in those photos is a local resident, not a model from a distant advertising agency’s stock photo bin.  Do you recognize your neighbors?



Keep an eye out for the truck in the weeks to come.  It will be back…


July 9, 2013

Valid Concern, But Why Now?

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: — Bill @ 12:47 pm


Sunday’s Coeur d’Alene Press skewspaper ran an article headlined Rehab facility near Fernan Elementary criticized.   Given the Press appears to lack either the will or the skill to do enterprise investigative news reporting, OpenCdA asks “Why now?”  Why is the Press suddenly interested in Port of Hope, Inc. ? (more…)

July 6, 2013

Subtlety in CdA’s Independence Day Parade

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 12:26 pm
(mouse click on image to enlarge)

(mouse click on image to enlarge)

One does not normally expect to experience subtlety in an Independence Day parade, but it was there in the Coeur d’Alene Chamber of Commerce’s “American Heroes” parade on July 4, 2013.

Take a close look at the picture.  The two distinguished gentlemen were each riding a Segway Personal Transporter. They were on the leading edge of Coeur d’Alene mayoral candidate Mary Souza‘s supporters marching in the parade.  It is subtle but appropriate that a Segway would symbolically lead a movement to segue Coeur d’Alene into an era of genuine progress and trust.

There’s more.

For those who didn’t notice, the two distinguished gentlemen on the Segway PTs are Bill Whittle and Burt Rutan.

Bill Whittle is a nationally recognized conservative political and motivational speaker.   He is a writer, pilot, and television editor who lives and works in Los Angeles.

Burt Rutan is the founder and Chairman Emeritus of Scaled Composites, a way-out-in-front-of-the-leading-edge aerospace and specialty composites development company located in Mojave, California.  He designed the legendary Voyager 76, the first aircraft to circle the world non-stop, without refueling.  He now lives here in north Idaho.

July 2, 2013

Minidoka County Sheriff Resigns After Pleading Guilty for Theft

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 4:22 pm

corrupt (Twin Falls Times-News) is reporting that Minidoka County Sheriff Kevin K. Halverson resigned Monday after reaching an agreement with prosecutors to plead guilty for felony misuse of public money.  Halverson reportedly used a county gasoline card to purchase over $241 of gasoline for his personal use.  The online article reported that in return for his guilty plea, Halverson will not be charged with other crimes uncovered during the investigation conducted by the Idaho Attorney General’s Office.

Halverson had an impressive bio which included a master’s degree from Idaho State University and several years as an Idaho State Police Trooper.

Here is a link to the complaint and supporting affidavit filed by the AG’s investigator against now former Sheriff Halverson.

June 29, 2013

Independence Day Lemonade

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 7:21 pm

We received this from Mary Souza (mouse click on the image to enlarge it).  One of the frequent complaints from voters is that they seem to never really get a chance to interact with candidates and learn what the candidates’ views are on important local issues.  Here’s one chance:


OpenCdA encourages all Coeur d’Alene residents to take advantage of opportunities to meet candidates and ask questions.

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