May 4, 2013

Governor Being Investigated

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 7:23 am

McDonnell copyAccording to an April 29 Washington Post article headlined FBI looking into relationship between McDonnells, donor, “FBI agents are conducting interviews about the relationship between Virginia Gov. Robert F. McDonnell, his wife, Maureen, and a major campaign donor who paid [approximately $15,000] for the food at the wedding of the governor’s daughter…”

The issue at hand is whether the Republican governor gave a major campaign donor special treatment in return for personal gifts to his family.

In terms of compromising the integrity of the office an official holds and the public’s trust in the official, does it really matter if the high-value items such as cash, gifts, or lucrative business contracts have been given to close family members rather than directly to the public official?

May 3, 2013

You Have the Right to Remain Silent

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 2:05 pm

CRS copyAfter Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev had regained consciousness in a Boston hospital, he was interviewed by federal and police investigators.  Some of the interview was intentionally conducted prior to Tsarnaev’s being the Miranda warnings which inform someone in custody of his right to remain silent and to have legal counsel.

The news media characterized the reasoning behind the pre-Miranda questioning as being the “public safety exception.”

On April 24, 2013, the Congressional Research Service released its report explaining the basis for the “public safety exception.”  The 13-page report is titled Terrorism, Miranda, and Related Matters.

May 1, 2013

More Mayoral Misconduct Alleged

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 7:40 am

mayor-owings-380x492Meet  Tom Owings.  He’s the Mayor of Moreno Valley, CA, a city of approximately 195,000 people just east of Riverside, CA.

Here’s how Mayor Owings publicly addressed his constituents who disagreed with him at the April 23 city council meeting.

And here was Mayor Owings’ morning wakeup call on April 30 courtesy of the Inland Regional Corruption Task Force, which includes the Riverside County district attorney’s office, FBI, IRS and U.S. attorney’s office .  Also receiving similar wakeup calls were four members of the Moreno Valley City Council and the offices of a major local developer.   Here is some background on those who were served with the search warrants. (more…)

April 22, 2013

Woody is “Freakin’ Out”

Filed under: The City's Pulse — mary @ 5:24 pm

Mary Souza’s Newsletter   -1

It’s Spring, so let’s talk baseball.  And let’s start with the American Legion’s “equal or better” promise from the City of CdA.  But that’s not all, we’ll also mull over the scuttlebutt that Memorial Field is being targeted for redevelopment. (more…)

DGI It? Ana Montes Did…

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 9:58 am

montes-code copy

This past weekend the Washington Post Magazine published a lengthy and fascinating article about Ana Montes, a former (now incarcerated) spy for Cuba’s Dirección General de Inteligencia (DGI – General Intelligence Directorate).   Montes is a US citizen whose personal ideology led her to become a spy for the DGI.

The WaPo Magazine article and the book mentioned in it, former DIA counterintelligence investigator Scott Carmichael’s book True Believer:  Inside the Investigation and Capture of Ana Montes, Cuba’s Master Spy, give some insight into the world of human intelligence collection and  counterintelligence.

For example… (more…)

April 18, 2013

New York Times Skewers Media

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: — Bill @ 3:15 pm

death-of-journalism-tombstoneYesterday’s rush by alleged news media to put the wrong information out first was excoriated by today’s New York Times article titled The F.B.I. Criticizes the News Media After Several Mistaken Reports of an Arrest.

The Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism lists nine core principles for providing “…citizens with accurate and reliable information they need to function in a free society.”

Yesterday’s travesty by various skewsmedia managed to mangle the first three of those principles with no difficulty at all.

April 14, 2013

Coeur d’Alene’s #1

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 10:21 am

ThisStinksThe Sunday, April 14th Idaho Statesman has a column titled Tim Woodward:  Enough public art fiascos, thanks.  In his article, Woodward suggests that Boise may have the corner on Idaho’s tasteless art market.

Wrong, southern Idaho spud picker!

At least in the genre of “art to puke by after bar break,”  Coeur d’Alene has blown by Boise and left it in a steaming crack.

Right in downtown Coeur d’Alene at 6th and Sherman we have artist Jason Sanchez’s work titled “Art & Soul” or as some have called it, “Man Urinating in Paint Bucket.” 

The sign next to “Art & Soul” informs Coeur d’Alene’s art community that Mr. Sanchez is willing to let this representative  piece of Coeur d’Alene art go for a mere $9,600.  From the bottom of my heart, I sincerely hope that someone from Boise will buy it and promptly display it there.  Until that happens, Coeur d’Alene will retain its title as “#1 Tasteless Art City in Idaho.”

April 13, 2013

$$$ Ka-Ching! $$$

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 11:55 am


“Old Dog” posted this analytical comment on Mary’s post titled Here They Go Again.  Please take the time to read his comment.

What he’s describing resembles a variation on “blockbusting.”  The 1950’s definition of blockbusting involved profiteers starting rumors in a community that ethnic minorities would be moving in.  The intent of the rumors was to cause panic among property owners and induce them to sell their properties (to the profiteers) at dramatically reduced prices.

A more modern version of blockbusting might have local government officials, possibly in collusion with would-be profiteers, allowing sections of town to deteriorate to drive property prices down.  The properties would be bought up by profiteers, or the profiteers may already own immediately adjacent properties.  Then the municipality’s urban renewal agency might be encouraged to pump a lot of urban renewal money (that’s public money for those who may still think it is “free money”) into infrastructure, thus driving property values back up at the expense of the public.  Then the profiteers and their cronies who owned adjacent land would reap the profits resulting from increased property values and newer development.

Fortunately, nothing like that could ever happen in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho…

April 12, 2013

Here They Go Again

Filed under: General,The City's Pulse — mary @ 2:54 pm

Mary Souza’s Newsletter   -1

It’s been a long time since we talked about LCDC, and I know you’ll be thrilled to hear what they’re doing with your property tax dollars.  Our County Clerk,  Cliff Hayes, just released the yearly report of Urban Renewal money, so let’s look at LCDC’s portion:

More than $540,000 dollars in property tax that would normally have gone to NIC, went to LCDC instead.  And if you include all the urban renewal districts in Kootenai County, the total diverted away from NIC was almost $1million.  My, my, I bet the college would like to have that income right now.  Oh, wait, they do get their whole income because you and I and every other taxpayer in the County pay more on our NIC taxes to help make up for the million that goes to urban renewal.  (more…)

April 10, 2013

Open Session, Wednesday

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 11:52 am

120px-Red_Wine_GlassThe upcoming May 21 school board elections are very important, so there’s a fundraising Wine Tasting event TODAY for the three conservative candidates: Ann Seddon, Brent Regan and Bjorn Handeen.  It will be from 5-7 at the CdA Cellars, which is on Schreiber Way  (the loop on the south side of Kathleen just west of the Fred Meyer road.)  Please come and support these candidates!

Anything else on your mind?

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