July 27, 2020

Where Have They Been for Four Years?

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 7:39 pm

Pissed offAccording to a story in Fox News online, a supposedly nonpartisan group called the Transition Integrity Group has been “Quietly [is] planning for what happens if Trump-Biden election is contested.”  The Fox story was based on a longer story which appeared in the Boston Globe.

You can read both stories and decide for yourselves how much attention to pay to either of them.

My first reaction to both stories was this:  For the last four or so years, a group of very dishonorable but prominent public officials at various times including Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Susan Rice, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Rod Rosenstein, Robert Mueller, several members of Congress, a few openly partisan if not corrupt federal judges, and several lesser-known subordinates have been using every effort at their disposal including misuse of the US Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation to violate the laws of the United States and overturn the will of the voters in the 2016 presidential election.  They have fabricated evidence and falsified affidavits for court orders, and they have unlawfully used the investigative authority of the FBI to first try and prevent the lawful election of Republican nominee Trump and then failing that, to force the duly sworn President Trump to resign or be removed after impeachment.

So where was this self-appointed and supposedly non-partisan Transition Integrity Group when President Trump was and still is being subjected to what amounts to an effort to seditiously interfere with the President conducting the business of his office?   What rock have these reptilian clowns been hiding under for the past few years?

July 11, 2020

A Hint of Hope …

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: — Bill @ 8:57 pm

LiMengYanThe successful exfiltration of Dr. Li-Meng Yan from Hong Kong may offer some hope that American virologists, epidemiologists, and medical intelligence specialists will learn a great deal more useful information about the coronavirus now known as COVID-19.

My own hope is that many of her associates with relevant, verifiable, and related knowledge had already been successfully and quietly extracted and that Dr. Li is the last rather than then first to come out.  I hope they’re all in very secure safe houses being debriefed not only for their detailed knowledge about COVID-19 but also for any knowledge they may have about the biological warfare planning and development by the Chinese Communist government of the People’s Republic of China (ChiCom).

I have tagged many of my recent related OpenCdA posts with “biowarfare.”  Beginning with the first post in the series on April 17, 2020, and then again in a few thereafter, I asked the question, “Would the present US Congress have the courage to propose, debate, and pass a declaration of war against the People’s Republic of China (PRC) pursuant to the US Constitution, Article 1, Section 8, Clause 11 if the Wuhan corona virus release is proven to have been accidental but maliciously and fortuitously exploited rather than explicitly created as a biowarfare weapon?”

The underlying assumption in my question was that as far as we knew, there was no hard and fast evidence that the ChiCom release of the coronavirus was anything other than accidental.  However, as time passed, it became disgustingly clear that the ChiComs had violated international treaties and laws by not timely revealing the release and by withholding critical scientific information about the viral material released.  The ChiCom’s failure to give timely warnings and important medical information to the world has resulted in confirmed deaths to date of approximately 567,649 people.  Among that number, approximately 137,403 deaths have been in the United States.

If Dr. Li or other defectors provide credible, verifiable information revealing that the development of COVID-19 was in fact part of a ChiCom program being planned for offensive biological warfare, then my original question would have to be amended to read, “Would the present US Congress have the courage to propose, debate, and pass a declaration of war against the People’s Republic of China (PRC) pursuant to the US Constitution, Article 1, Section 8, Clause 11 if the Wuhan corona virus now known as COVID-19 is proven to have been created to be a biowarfare weapon even if the recent release was accidental but maliciously and fortuitously exploited by the ChiComs?”

I have little doubt that President Trump would want to have that conversation with Congress, however many members of our Congress, staff members, and some of their very influential constituents have become financially entangled with the ChiComs.  Sadly, we have some members of Congress from both parties who might put their offshore bank account balances and their blinding hatred for President Trump above our national security and the lives of their fellow citizens.

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