September 3, 2021

Chilling Report: US Ill-Prepared for Biowarfare Attack

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: — Bill @ 1:58 pm

PRC Biowarfare LabIf there is one lesson learned that should be obvious to every US citizen from our national response to the Chinese Communist Party of the People’s Republic of China (ChiCom) release of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the resulting COVID-19 disease pandemic, it’s that we as a nation were and still are ill-prepared to deal with the immediate and long-term effects of a coordinated attack initiated by a nation willing to use biological weapons against us.

Today, September 3, 2021, the White House released FACT SHEET – Biden Administration to Transform Capabilities for Pandemic Preparedness.   This brief fact sheet was an introduction to the 27-page initial report entitled American Pandemic Preparedness — Transforming Our Capabilities.

Beginning with our post on April 17, 2020, OpenCdA published a series of posts about our national vulnerability to biowarfare attack.   Regardless of whether you believe the ChiComs intentionally, prematurely, or accidentally released the SARS-CoV-19 virus on the world, open source reporting clearly indicates that the ChiComs are doing advanced research to answer two very relevant questions:  (1) Can the ChiComs exercise sufficient laboratory controls to engineer biowarfare agents that can target specific  racial groups? and (2) Can the ChiComs manipulate or engineer  the genetic makeup of members of its military, the People’s Liberation Army, so that its military is genetically resistant to the effects of biowarfare weapons they might deploy?

OpenCdA urges readers to read the report released today and to take very seriously the biowarfare threat already posed against the United States.   The SARS-CoV-2 virus and its offspring disease, COVID-19, reminded us about why the nations of the world have until now generally agreed to not engage in biowarfare.  Biowarfare can explode out of control, extending even beyond the capabilities of its originating host nation to control.  There is evidence the ChiComs are trying to gain that level of control to protect its military forces from susceptibility to its own biowarfare agents.

The SARS-CoV-2 virus and COVID-19 disease pandemic should be the sirens-and-lights signal to prompt a very serious acknowledgement by our own national leaders as well as our health and science professionals that biowarfare is no longer considered taboo by other nations.

May 8, 2021

ChiComs Planning Biowarfare Against US?

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: , — Bill @ 8:19 am


PRC Biowarfare Lab

A  news article headlined China was preparing for a Third World War with biological weapons – including coronavirus – SIX years ago, according to dossier produced by the People’s Liberation Army in 2015 and uncovered by the US State Department appeared in the May 8, 2021, online edition of the United Kingdom’s Daily Mail newspaper.

If this article is factually complete and accurate, it further discredits the bovine organic  fertilizer story the ChiComs and its sock puppet the World Health Organization, have been pushing about the SARS-CoV-2 virus being a remarkable natural evolution of the COVID-19 disease from bats to you by way of the zoo.

The Daily Mail’s article provides further evidence that the Chinese Communist Party of the People’s Republic of China (ChiCom) has been planning the offensive use of biological warfare against us at least since the Obama administration.  That revelation raises several questions:

  • When did the US Intelligence Community (USIC) first learn of this preparation and how did they learn of it?
  • What did Obama and Biden know and when did they know it?
  • What did Hillary Clinton know and when did she know it?  In 2015 she was the presumed Democrat nominee for the 2016 Presidential election.
  • What did Donald Trump know and when did he know it?  Maybe more importantly, because Hillary Clinton was presumed to be a shoo-in to win the Presidential election in 2016, what information was withheld from candidate and then-Republican nominee Trump until he was the nominee and then the President-elect?
  • What did the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infections Diseases (USAMRIID), the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Institute of Allergic and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) know and when did they know it?
  • Assuming that at some point the information about the ChiCom biowarfare preparation was deemed to be credible and therefore “actionable intelligence,” who in the US Congress was briefed, by whom, and when?

In OpenCdA’s series of biowarfare-tagged posts beginning on April 17, 2020 with the post entitled ‘Could Congress Pull the Trigger?, we asked, “Would the present US Congress have the courage to propose, debate, and pass a declaration of war against the People’s Republic of China (PRC) pursuant to the US Constitution, Article 1, Section 8, Clause 11 if the Wuhan corona virus release is proven to have been accidental but maliciously and fortuitously exploited rather than explicitly created as a biowarfare weapon?”

If the information in the U.K. Daily Mail’s linked article is accurate, then the US people and in fact the world’s people are entitled to know what our Intelligence Community knew and when they knew it, our President(s) and Vice President(s) knew and when they knew it, and our US Congress knew and when they knew it.

To date approximately 580,000 people in the US have died from the COVID-19 disease.  If the disease’s parent, the SARS-CoV-2 virus, was manufactured by the ChiComs to be a biological weapon, then the ChiCom’s explanation of “zoonotic transfer” or even accidental release by the Wuhan Institute of Virology becomes very suspect.

Our question as US citizens should then be, “If 580,000 isn’t enough, then how many more US citizens have to die as a result of a ChiCom biowarfare weapon before Congress and our military act?”

December 4, 2020

‘Stealthy’ Biowarfare Attack or Just a Test?

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: — Bill @ 3:54 pm

Biohazard Symbol

What would you do if a powerful nation, arguably the second most powerful nation in the world, told us it was going to declare war on the United States of America (USA), then attacked our country and killed or been directly involved in the deaths of approximately 275,386 people in the USA since January 21, 2020?

Has the Chinese Communist Party (ChiCom), the government of the People’s Republic of China,  turned a gravely serious hazardous material incident into a stealthy biological warfare attack on the United States as well as to many of the other countries in the world?

I think I can make a reasonable case for answering “Yes” or at least “It’s highly probable” to that  last question.

My preceding posts on this topic beginning with the one on April 17, 2020, reported the approximate timetable of events as reported publicly.

Although we might reasonably but provisionally accept that the ChiComs have made a plausible case for the release of the SARS-COV-2 virus being accidental, their plausibility weakens with their subsequent attempts to delay the worldwide warnings and violate other conditions of the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) to which the ChiComs have acceded.  If the release had been purely accidental, the ChiComs would have instantly sounded the warnings.

The withholding of immediate worldwide warnings by the ChiComs, their rejections of offers of international medical and containment aid, and their unwillingness to send notes from experiments and tissue samples to the United States and other countries for scientific analysis so the medical research for cures and preventives could begin … these all suggest the ChiComs decided to try and exploit their “accident” in hopes of distracting and weakening their adversaries in the world.

Moreover, the Chicoms immediately restricted their own citizens’ travel from inside the hot zone around Wuhan.  Possibly infectious citizens who might reasonably be restricted if not forcibly quarantined were forbidden to travel to heavily populated areas inside the People’s Republic of China (PRC), however they were allowed and even encouraged to travel to several foreign countries including the United States.

The ChiComs’ deception may also have been a stroke of evil genius.   Rather than being a germ warfare attack using biological weapons for the exclusive purpose of killing as many victims worldwide as possible, it may have been a worldwide test to experimentally measure how different countries would respond to an even more lethal and illegal biowarfare attack.  How quickly can countries in various stages of social, economic, medical, scientific, and political development create diagnostic tests to identify the virus, then develop therapies, and ultimately develop and deploy effective preventives (e.g., vaccines)?  How will being forced to medically deal with a nationwide deadly pandemic affect any nation’s military readiness and response capabilities?  How will the lethal pandemic affect citizens and visitors psychologically as well as physiologically?  How will the lethal pandemic affect the medical services and facilities available to the public?   How will it affect the public’s perception of the effectiveness of their government as a whole?

The SARS-CoV-2 virus is on the list of Live Science’s 12 Deadliest Viruses on Earth, but it does not kill as quickly as several others on the list.  If I were a ChiCom mad scientist wanting to conduct real-world infection and lethality experiments of a biowarfare agent, I might choose SARS-CoV-2 simply because of its lifespan and development in humans of different ages, environments, and personal states of health at time of infection.

I might choose SARS-C0V-2 for another reason:  The ChiComs may not have told the world everything they know about their novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.  Specifically, the ChiComs may have found a way to prepare some of their own citizens or agents to be asymptomatic vector hosts to travel internationally for the express purpose of spreading the virus.

That last speculation is not as far-fetched as it might sound.  I refer the reader to two online articles.

First, see the Fox News online article posted on 12-04-2020 entitled China is collecting the world’s DNA and the reason is sinister by Gordon Chang.  

Then read the second article, this one posted by the Daily Caller on 12-03-2020 entitled China is Using Human Testing to Develop ‘Biologically Enhanced’ Soldiers, Top Intelligence Official Says by Marlo Safi.   The “top intelligence official” is the US Director of National Intelligence, John Ratcliffe.

After reading just these two articles, it ought to be excruciatingly clear that the Chicom Government of the People’s Republic of China will resort to any methods, regardless of treaties or moral considerations, to achieve its stated goal of economically, militarily and technologically dominating the USA and the rest of the world as well.

The ChiComs have learned something else from their experiment:  Biowarfare agents can quickly get out of control of even the nation which thought it could control its own evil invention.  The underreported spread of COVID-19 inside the People’s Republic of China attests to this.  It will be the height of irony if the USA develops an effective therapy and vaccine against the effects of the SARS-CoV-19 virus, then sends it to the PRC where the first recipients will undoubtedly be the ChiCom government and its gunslingers, the People’s Liberation Army.

Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. might want to consider this when and if he takes the oath of office to be the 46th President of the United States on January 20, 2021.

October 4, 2021

“The Perfect Human Pathogen”

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: — Bill @ 7:19 pm

Wuhan Post ImageIt’s safe to say that most of us are getting tired of seeing and hearing how many new cases of COVID-19 have been reported in our area or somewhere else in the world and how many people have died from the disease.  Unfortunately, that is the brunt of the news coverage in the United States.

In my opinion, the news reporting by the US skews media about this pandemic has been nothing short of anemic and pathetic.  Our media have failed us miserably in reporting the story about how, when, where, and why the SARS-CoV-2 virus came into existence.  They have only superficially covered our government’s response, the good and the bad, to the news of the virus and then the COVID-19 disease that it produced.  They have tiptoed around even suggesting we and the rest of the world may have been the victims of a Communist Chinese biological weapon.

Fortunately, Sharri Markson, an investigative journalist and writer for The Australian daily newspaper and host of her own television news show on Sky News Australia, had the initiative, sources, and journalistic research and writing skills to write what is to date the definitive book to date about the provenance of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the Wuhan Virus.  Her book, entitled “What Really Happened in Wuhan: A Virus Like No Other, Countless Infections, Millions of Deaths” was released in late September 2021.

The book is comprehensive and reads like a good newspaper story.  It is engrossing and timely.  It covers the sciences well but in an  uncomplicated, easily grasped newspaper story style.

Here is a link to an image of the Contents page from her book.  As you can probably infer from reading the Contents, she spent a great deal of time and energy writing about the social, political, military, and economic effects that COVID-19 has had.  But her writing style is that of a down-to-earth investigative journalist rather than the mumbo-jumbo of “official spokesmen” such as Dr. Anthony Fauci of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  Thank goodness for that!

Brilliantly in my opinion, Markson and her editor and publisher seemed to realize that because of the content, many potential readers might incorrectly assume the book would almost be too complicated for many of us to read and grasp.  Consequently, Markson used her book as the basis for a one-hour television documentary on Sky News Australia to not just promote her book but to serve as an entertaining and informative summary of it.  Within the past few days, the one-hour television documentary which first appeared a few weeks ago on Sky News Australia was released to the world and put on YouTube by Sky News.  Here is a link to that video on YouTube entitled SPECIAL INVESTIGATION:  What Really Happened in Wuhan.  I suggest you watch the video before reading the book.

The Chinese Communist Party government (ChiCom) of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and its military, the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), is a significant military adversary of the United States.  For several decades now going back to the presidency of Richard Nixon, the PRC has successfully exploited our capitalist-based economy and used our desire for money to install its representatives in every state in the United States in educational institutions, commercial enterprises, and information and communication providers such as social media companies.  The ChiComs welcome and encourage US companies to not only trade with the PRC but in some instances to open factories or other business interests in the PRC.  The ChiComs, through its intelligence service known as the Ministry for State Security (MSS), are voracious consumers of open-source social, political, and economic intelligence, not just classified national security information.

It is highly likely and therefore very disturbing that the ChiComs seem willing to engage in biological warfare, also known as germ warfare (see previous OpenCdA posts discussing ChiCom biowarfare). Most nations avoid developing a biowarfare weapons capability.  Even the most ignorant of nations understands that unlike kinetic (conventional) weapons and even nuclear weapons, biowarfare weapons deploy live biological agents that cause disease.  As the world is seeing with SARS-CoV-2, a virus can quickly reproduce itself and get away from the control of its originator.

Because the PRC has decided to develop a biowarfare program, books and videos like Sharri Markson’s can be a good introduction to the social, economic, military, and political ramifications we and the other intended victims of the ChiCom’s biowarfare program will be forced to combat.

Was SARS-CoV-2 developed in the Wuhan Institute of Virology Laboratory in Hubei Province, Wuhan, People’s Republic of China, to be a biological weapon?  It certainly appears to have been.  And as Professor Nikolai Petrovsky, Head of Endocrinology at Flinders University said in describing the SARS-CoV-2 as “… the perfect human pathogen.”

Even if you don’t read Markson’s book, please watch the video.  This COVID-19 pandemic is likely to get worse before it gets better.

April 28, 2021


Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: — Bill @ 7:25 am


On April 24, 2021, The U.K. Daily Mail published an online article entitled Worrying new clues about the origins of Covid: How scientists at Wuhan lab helped Chinese army in secret project to find animal viruses, writes IAN BIRRELL.  In his article, Birrell makes an unsurprising association between the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) of the Communist Party of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the genesis of the SARS-CoV-2 virus producing the pandemic disease COVID-19.  The PLA’s involvement in this pandemic’s creation and evolution raises the inevitable question:  Was the SARS-CoV-2 virus a natural product of legitimate if ethically questionable gain-of-function research, or was it an intentional creation by the PRC in its plan to use biowarfare in becoming the dominant world power?

Since COVID-19’s appearance in the United States and its territories, nearly all of the information reaching us, the general public, has come from the US’s Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the US National Institute of Health’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).

But as OpenCdA noted almost seven years ago in our post dated October 20, 2014, and entitled Why Only Now?, the CDC and NIAID are not the only agencies of the US government with a deep scientific interest in infectious diseases.  The United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) is the preeminent US government agency in the study of the military application of infectious diseases as weapons of war.   Its mission is to “Provide leading edge medical capabilities to deter and defend against current and emerging biological threat agents.”

Though you probably haven’t heard much about or from USAMRIID during this pandemic, here is a link to one of the very few USAMRIID press releases about its far more extensive involvement in trying to put an end to the COVID-19 threat.  The release from USAMRIID’s Public Affairs Officer Caree Vander Linden is entitled Unique Army Lab Answers the Nation’s Call in Supporting COVID-19 Outbreak.

Here’s a little bit more “general interest” information about USAMRIID.

January 31, 2021

Fox News Specials: The US Involvement with PRC in Creating the SARS Virus Leading to COVID-19 Pandemic

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: — Bill @ 10:01 pm

Biohazard SymbolOn January 24, 2021, Fox News aired the first of two COVID-19 episodes of The Next Revolution with Steve Hilton.  The second episode aired January 31, 2021.  Each episode lasted approximately 15 minutes and provided some fascinating information about the involvement of the US National Institute of Health in the research and funding that resulted in creation of the SARS-CoV-19 virus at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Hubei Province, Wuhan, People’s Republic of China.

The episodes are currently available on the Fox News website under the TV program clips of The Next Revolution with Steve Hilton.  Since the website is a little tricky to negotiate to reach each program, I’m including direct links to each episode in this post.

Episode 1 aired on January 24, 2021.  Episode 2 aired on January 31, 2021.

OpenCda has put up several posts since the pandemic first appeared in the United States.  In most of the posts, I asked something very specific:

Would the present US Congress have the courage to propose, debate, and pass a declaration of war against the People’s Republic of China (PRC) pursuant to the US Constitution, Article 1, Section 8, Clause 11 if the Wuhan corona virus release is proven to have been accidental but maliciously and fortuitously exploited rather than explicitly created as a biowarfare weapon?

Of course, we had no reason to believe that our own government might be complicit with the Chinese Communist government of the People’s Republic of China in the creation of the SARS-C0V-19 virus that would ultimately kill about 2.33 million people worldwide including over 400,000 of our own United States citizens to date.

There is no evidence yet presented publicly showing that either the PRC or US governments intended the pandemic-causing virus to be released.  However, there is in the January 31, 2021, episode a very disturbing revelation that in 2014 President Barack Obama ordered the National Institute of Health and one of its elements, the  National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, to cease its involvement in this research.  The program suggests that order by President Obama was disobeyed.

While we taxpayers might hope that Congress will thoroughly investigate this egregious coverup very quickly and completely publicly,  OpenCdA doubts that will happen.  Sadly,  our elected representatives seem more determined lately to cover their own asses than look out for the health and welfare of our country’s citizens.

January 3, 2021

ChiCom Virus Came From Wuhan Laboratory

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: — Bill @ 4:52 pm

ChiCom Joe on LeashAccording to a detailed UK article posted on January 2 and updated on January 3, 2021,  the SARS-CoV-2 virus that has spread Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) throughout the world and has to date killed 351,060 persons in the United States was almost certainly created in the Wuhan Institute of Virology Laboratory (WIV) in Hubei Province, People’s Republic of China (PRC).

The DailyMail online article is headlined China lab leak is the ‘most credible’ source of the coronavirus outbreak, says top US government official, amid bombshell claims Wuhan scientist has turned whistleblower.  

The original notification by the Chinese Communist Party-controlled PRC government (ChiCom) asserted that the release of the virus had been accidental and had come from a wet market in Wuhan.

Earlier posts on OpenCdA about the Wuhan release were based on reports from skews media and on representations by various public health experts that the virus had most likely occurred naturally in a zoonotic transfer of the virus from animals (most likely bats) to humans in the Huanan Seafood Market in Wuhan, PRC, rather than the virus being created or even studied at the WIV.  The drive from the seafood market to the WIV is about twelve miles depending on the route taken.

The article in the UK’s cited above is the most recent and best substantiated report that even the ChiComs have now admitted the SARS-CoV-2 virus leaked or was accidentally released from the WIV.  The ChiComs still contend the release of the virus that has now killed approximately 1,840,878 persons worldwide and as noted earlier, approximately 351,060 persons in the United States, was accidental.  A leak.  An oopsie.

It’s reasonable to ask why the ChiComs chose January 2021 to acknowledge publicly that the virus came from the WIV.  Why not sooner?

The timing of this public acknowledgement by the ChiComs is almost certainly tied to the election of Joseph Robinette (ChiCom Joe) Biden, Jr., to be inaugurated as President of the United States on January 21, 2021.  The ChiComs know that ChiCom Joe will be more easily manipulated than playdough, and they also know just which of the national-level movers-and-shakers in the United States (including a substantial number of the 535 Fools on the Hill and just as important, some on their staffs) have gotten very rich on investments in and with the PRC.

One of the ChiCom’s worst nightmares would have come if President Trump had been reelected for a second and final four-year term.  Even with the opposition President Trump faced for four years from supposed loyal Americans in the US Intelligence Community, he successfully impeded the ChiCom’s ability to spread their evil inside the United States.  His re-election could have ended the ChiCom’s hope for world economic superiority by the year 2025.

But just keep telling yourselves “The ChiComs are our friends,” and they would never, ever intentionally use biological warfare to soften up the United States socially, politically, economically, educationally, and militarily.

Say it again, now.  “The ChiComs are our friends.”  It was their generous dispensing of the SARS-C0V-2 virus that helped corrupt secretaries of state and voting officials in some key states to realize the value of last-minute, improvised mail-in paper ballots for elections.  You might also wonder if any semiconductors from Idaho’s Micron Technology factory in Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, PRC, showed up in any of the voting systems machines in the 2020 elections.

In fact, why don’t you have “The ChiComs are our friends,” printed on all your future orders of personal protective face masks?  And while you’re at it, encourage your local school systems to start teaching Mandarin.  Your children and future generations will need it.

July 11, 2020

A Hint of Hope …

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: — Bill @ 8:57 pm

LiMengYanThe successful exfiltration of Dr. Li-Meng Yan from Hong Kong may offer some hope that American virologists, epidemiologists, and medical intelligence specialists will learn a great deal more useful information about the coronavirus now known as COVID-19.

My own hope is that many of her associates with relevant, verifiable, and related knowledge had already been successfully and quietly extracted and that Dr. Li is the last rather than then first to come out.  I hope they’re all in very secure safe houses being debriefed not only for their detailed knowledge about COVID-19 but also for any knowledge they may have about the biological warfare planning and development by the Chinese Communist government of the People’s Republic of China (ChiCom).

I have tagged many of my recent related OpenCdA posts with “biowarfare.”  Beginning with the first post in the series on April 17, 2020, and then again in a few thereafter, I asked the question, “Would the present US Congress have the courage to propose, debate, and pass a declaration of war against the People’s Republic of China (PRC) pursuant to the US Constitution, Article 1, Section 8, Clause 11 if the Wuhan corona virus release is proven to have been accidental but maliciously and fortuitously exploited rather than explicitly created as a biowarfare weapon?”

The underlying assumption in my question was that as far as we knew, there was no hard and fast evidence that the ChiCom release of the coronavirus was anything other than accidental.  However, as time passed, it became disgustingly clear that the ChiComs had violated international treaties and laws by not timely revealing the release and by withholding critical scientific information about the viral material released.  The ChiCom’s failure to give timely warnings and important medical information to the world has resulted in confirmed deaths to date of approximately 567,649 people.  Among that number, approximately 137,403 deaths have been in the United States.

If Dr. Li or other defectors provide credible, verifiable information revealing that the development of COVID-19 was in fact part of a ChiCom program being planned for offensive biological warfare, then my original question would have to be amended to read, “Would the present US Congress have the courage to propose, debate, and pass a declaration of war against the People’s Republic of China (PRC) pursuant to the US Constitution, Article 1, Section 8, Clause 11 if the Wuhan corona virus now known as COVID-19 is proven to have been created to be a biowarfare weapon even if the recent release was accidental but maliciously and fortuitously exploited by the ChiComs?”

I have little doubt that President Trump would want to have that conversation with Congress, however many members of our Congress, staff members, and some of their very influential constituents have become financially entangled with the ChiComs.  Sadly, we have some members of Congress from both parties who might put their offshore bank account balances and their blinding hatred for President Trump above our national security and the lives of their fellow citizens.

May 16, 2020

Lessons Learned: What Our COVID-19 Response Has Taught the ChiComs

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: — Bill @ 12:50 pm

MSS-China“Would the present US Congress have the courage to propose, debate, and pass a declaration of war against the People’s Republic of China (PRC) pursuant to the US Constitution, Article 1, Section 8, Clause 11 if the Wuhan corona virus release is proven to have been accidental but maliciously and fortuitously exploited rather than explicitly created as a biowarfare weapon?”

I’ve led several OpenCdA posts recently with that same question.   The absence of any news/skews stories even hinting that it may have been discussed in Congress suggests it has not and probably will not.  Now I’ve begun to wonder what the body count of dead United States citizens must be before one of our esteemed members of Congress timidly grovels at the feet of San Fran Gran Octogenarian Nan for permission to ask it.  My question has a historical basis.

The Japanese attack on Naval Station Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, killed 2,403 US military and civilians.  One day later, on December 8, 1941, as the US Pacific fleet lay in ruins at Pearl Harbor, President Franklin Roosevelt asked the House of Representatives for a formal declaration of war on Japan.    Roosevelt’s 10-minute “Day which will live in infamy” speech was greeted in the House by thunderous applause and stamping of feet. Within one hour, the president had his declaration of war with only one dissenting vote from Montana Representative Jeannette Rankin,  a pacifist. President Roosevelt signed the declaration of war at 4:10 p.m. in December 8, wearing a black armband to symbolize mourning for those 2,403 American lives lost at Pearl Harbor.

Fast forward now to late December 2019.

PRC health officials informed the World Health Organization (WHO) that there was an outbreak of a mysterious new pneumonia in the vicinity of the Hunan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan, PRC.  Then on January 7, 2020, PRC authorities identified a new variation of corona virus called novel coronavirus or nCoV.   On February 11, 2020, WHO officially identified it as COVID-19.  The Chinese Communist government of the PRC (ChiCom) assures the world that the release of COVID-19 was purely accidental.

Recent information indicates that COVID-19 made its first appearance in the United States in Santa Clara, California, 2-3 weeks before early February.  The first death on US soil from COVID-19 was reported on February 29, 2020.  As this post is being prepared on May 15, 2020 at 16:03 PDT, the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is showing 85,990 deaths in the US attributed to COVID-19.  Worldwide, approximately 304,000 deaths have been attributed to COVID-19.

Readers should remember, however, that there are very credible allegations that the US COVID-19 death figures have been inflated because of variations in the states’ death declarations.  For example, in some states coroners list COVID-19 as a cause of death in instances where it was merely present but was not shown to have significant effect on the decedent’s death.  The reasons for the discrepancy may be more social or political than medical.

Nevertheless, contrast our national emotional and subsequent political reaction to the Japanese bombing of the US fleet at Pearl Harbor in 1941 with our emotional and subsequent political reactions to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.  In 1941 we rightly blamed the Japanese for attacking us, but in 2020 some Democrats and Trump-Haters (including the skews media) have sought to blame President Trump rather than the ChiComs for the medical and economic catastrophe they inflicted on the world.

When it finally notified the rest of the world of this COVID-19 release, the ChiComs assured everyone that the release was purely accidental.  Working with almost no meaningful scientific input from the ChiComs, the US Intelligence Community (IC) can only say it “…concurs with the wide scientific consensus that the COVID-19 virus was not manmade or genetically modified. […] The IC will continue to rigorously examine emerging information and intelligence to determine whether the outbreak began through contact with infected animals or if it was the result of an accident at a laboratory in Wuhan.”  That is roughly the equivalent of the IC saying, We think COVID-19 occurred naturally rather than being manmade, but we cannot prove whether the ChiComs dispersed it intentionally or accidentally.

In other words, our IC seems to be doing everything it can to avoid considering the possibility the ChiCom intelligence service, the MSS, turned an accidental COVID-19 release into a clandestine worldwide human test experiment to determine if and how even more dangerous biowarfare agents could be delivered against the United States and other nations.   Given the panicked response of the US people, state and local governments, and news media to the release of the less lethal COVID-19, do the ChiComs even need to consider using the more dangerous and difficult to deploy biowarfare agents listed in the Army Technology document to achieve the ChiComs’ objectives?

The ChiComs have learned several important lessons from observing our official, media, and public responses to COVID-19.

  • The United States government apparently doesn’t intend to aggressively enforce the Biological Weapon Convention and its amendments or international law forbidding nations to make and deploy biological weapons and requiring nations (including the PRC) to timely disclose and provide all assistance required to identify, contain, and mitigate the effects of any release of biological agents.
  • It is not necessary to bribe US government officials directly.  US corporate boards of directors and executives are more than willing to exert pro-ChiCom financial and political pressure on US politicians in return for their companies being financially enriched for putting critical US manufacturing plants in the PRC and for encouraging US colleges, universities, and companies to share sensitive research with the ChiComs.  The ChiComs have made the entire United States industrial and educational institutions the PRC’s R&D arm and have either bought or stolen information critical to our national security. 
  • On January 3, 2020, the ChiComs’ ordered the destruction of all their laboratory samples of the virus material, the destruction of the scientists notes and experiments, and the silencing of the scientists.  This  was likely a move to destroy any and all evidence that if analyzed in US laboratories might have revealed the ChiComs’ true motives for having the viral samples in the first place.
  • “Buying off” the World Health Organization was a wise investment for the ChiComs.
  • In 2017 the US learned that during the Obama presidency from 2010 to 2013, US intelligence assets in the PRC were mysteriously identified and neutralized by the ChiComs.  It is entirely likely that their removal by ChiCom counterintelligence helped the ChiComs blind their American adversaries to the work being done at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
  • The “free press” in the United States is willing to accept and distribute ChiCom propaganda as if it is news and with little or no critical analysis.  (See CPB, NPR, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, New York Times, Washington Post, ad nauseum.)  The US news media (I prefer “skews media”) are gullible, very easily distracted from the essence of important news stories, and easily manipulated.  The media reporters often lack sufficient subject matter knowledge to frame informative questions and recognize newsworthy answers.  Colleges and universities are now teaching advocacy journalism rather than the traditional fact verification and complete reporting journalism.
  •  Many US citizens almost seem to like being manipulated and deceived by uninformed politicians elected to national, state, county, and local offices.  The manipulation and deception as well as political party affiliation are frequently used as excuses to avoid critical, independent thinking and thoughtful decision-making.
  • It takes relatively little effort to induce panic and despair in many US citizens, particularly in densely populated urban areas.  Why use a sledge hammer when a puff of wind will do?
  • In spite of historical reverence for the American revolutionaries who were willing to fight to the death for independence from the British Crown, too few supposedly conservative citizens today are willing to remind public officials that when tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes necessary.
  • Many American state, county, and local officials are afraid or unable to adapt policy decisions they made earlier in an emergency to contemporary circumstances.   Intransigence is easier than adaptation.
  • Many policies and practices of the US federal and state governments tend to encourage more heavy dependence on the government while at the same time discouraging independent problem solving without government involvement.
  • In the 2016 presidential election, the US voters demonstrated with the election of Donald J. Trump that the will of the voters still prevails in the US.  The ChiComs will do everything in their power to undermine the public’s confidence in the integrity of elections and willingness to participate in them.

We must hope that the US government and especially the US military is cataloguing the lessons they must learn about the ChiCom involvement in the pandemic.  If all the victim nations, not just the US, do not retaliate meaningfully and painfully against the ChiCom government of the PRC, the ChiComs will do this again.

May 14, 2020

Accident? Or Fortuitous Weapon?

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: — Bill @ 7:31 am

Biohazard Symbol“Would the present US Congress have the courage to propose, debate, and pass a declaration of war against the People’s Republic of China (PRC) pursuant to the US Constitution, Article 1, Section 8, Clause 11 if the Wuhan corona virus release is proven to have been accidental but maliciously and fortuitously exploited rather than explicitly created as a biowarfare weapon?”

That’s the question OpenCdA began our posts with on April 17, 2020,  April 28, 2020and May 2, 2020.  We ask it again here today.

When it finally decided to publicly acknowledge the Wuhan corona virus release, the Chinese Communist Party government of the PRC (ChiCom) declined to identify the exact point of release.  However, it was quick to assert that it had been an accidental release even though it refused to identify or make “Patient Zero” available for medical interviews and epidemiological examinations.

Several relevant facts have been reported by sources who have reported reliably in the past:

— The Chinese Communist Party government of the PRC (ChiCom) deliberately withheld sounding a timely worldwide warning about the release.

— The ChiComs demanded that the sock-puppet president of the World Health Organization delay reporting of the release and then minimize the danger posed.

— The ChiComs began urgently but covertly hoarding personal protective equipment and other materiel which could be used to protect their own people from the virus while at the same time limiting access of other nations to the protective equipment.

— The ChiComs allowed or directed their own people in the contaminated Wuhan area to leave the PRC for destinations outside the PRC while at the same time forbidding those people to travel to major populated urban areas inside the PRC.  It’s almost as if the ChiComs were using their own asymptomatic people as vectors to spread the ChiCom Wuhan virus to other parts of the world.

— The ChiComs steadfastly refused to provide any detailed information about the release, refusing to allow its scientists to meet with their counterparts from other nations, release their research and experiment notes, or release samples of the viral material for separate analysis.  The ChiComs refused to allow US scientists to visit the Wuhan release site.  In short, the very information our epidemiologists, other scientists, and policy makers needed to assess the medical and military threat levels in the COVID-19 virus was intentionally withheld from us and the rest of the world by the ChiComs.

— On April 30, 2020, the United States Director of National Intelligence (DNI) issued a press release on behalf of the US Intelligence Community.  The DNI’s release did not explicitly state that the ChiCom’s COVID-19 release was accidental or intentional.  Neither did it state the ChiCom’s purpose for working with what was to eventually be labeled COVID-19.  The DNI’s press release said, “The Intelligence Community also concurs with the wide scientific consensus that the COVID-19 virus was not manmade or genetically modified.”  It concluded with, “The IC will continue to rigorously examine emerging information and intelligence to determine whether the outbreak began through contact with infected animals or if it was the result of an accident at a laboratory in Wuhan.”

The ChiComs’ secretive behavior to delay issuing public health warnings, to conceal the release of the highly contagious and lethal Wuhan corona virus COVID-19, and to then withhold critical medical science and hoard medicines and equipment that other nations would need to deal with this pandemic disease strongly suggests that even if the initial release was accidental, the ChiComs seized the opportunity to exploit their “accident” and turn it into a physiological, psychological, economic, and political weapon of war.

To help OpenCdA readers better understand why biological agents (even accidentally released ones like the ChiCom’s represent COVID-19 to be) are so dangerous to the United States, here is a link to the “Biological Agents” and “National with Chemical-Biological Weapons Capability” sections of a larger study entitled “Chemical-Biological Attack:  Achilles Heel of the Air Expeditionary Force” by Byron C. Hepburn, Colonel, USAF, MC, FS, September 2019, as part of The Counterproliferation Papers, Future Warfare Series No. 4, USAF Counterproliferation Center, Air War College, Air University, Maxwell AFB, Alabama.

Readers who are closely following the scientific, social, economic, and political effects of the COVID-19 pandemic will quickly realize the striking similarities between the COVID-19 effects and the outcomes associated with the hostile use of biological agents as weapons.

In my opinion, biological agents used as biological weapons are far more dangerous than conventional, chemical, and nuclear weapons.  Whereas the conventional, chemical, and nuclear weapons’ immediate effects are detectable and eventually containable and correctable, biologicals can be much more difficult to detect, identify, and contain.  In contrast to conventional, chemical, and nuclear materials which will disappear and become inert or neutral over time (though it may take decades or centuries), biologicals can replicate and mutate and adapt to changes in their environments and vector hosts.

International treaties and laws become useless when they are circumvented by evil actors like the Chinese Communist government of the People’s Republic of China.  Lawsuits against the ChiComs to recover financial damages for the harm already done and yet to be done will be greeted with laughter.  In the Wuhan release of the COVID-19 corona virus, the ChiComs happily sacrificed the lives of who knows how many of their own citizens to achieve the ChiComs’ own objective:  domination of the world economy.  An evil government willing to do that will not be deterred by lawsuits or bad press or the bluster of self-serving politicians who may put their own economic interests ahead of national security.

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