December 6, 2008

Open Session, Weekend

Filed under: General — mary @ 5:09 pm

December already!  School district meetings, County Comp Plan issues, property taxes, Post Falls’ impact fees…can growth ever pay for itself, really?  Is it fair to ask?

Any other comments, questions, ideas?


  1. Today’s New York Times online had an interesting article headlined North Dakota Asks, What Recession?.

    The article had some pretty telling lines like, “…a conservative, steady, never-fancy culture that has nurtured fewer sudden booms of wealth like those seen elsewhere (“Our banks don’t do those goofy loans,” Mr. Theel said),” and “Prudence is important at this point,” Mr. Stenehjem, a lifelong North Dakotan, went on. “North Dakota never gets as good as the rest of the country or as bad as the rest of the country, and that’s fine with us.”

    Comment by Bill — December 6, 2008 @ 6:52 pm

  2. I like that, Bill, “never fancy culture”. Idaho’s kind of like that too but maybe we’ve gotten a bit full of ourselves lately and will now pay the price.

    Comment by mary — December 6, 2008 @ 10:57 pm

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