March 3, 2008

Dear Lake City Development Corporation:

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 9:25 am

Dear LCDC:

So, you’re going to spend $35,000 of Kootenai County taxpayer dollars to hire a public relations flack to help you regain the public’s trust and confidence that you’ve lost.  Here’s an eight-step approach you might consider.  It’s free.

Step 1: Fire Tony Berns. When we ask him what time it is, he tells us how to build a Swiss watch. When he’s done giving us his philosophy of horology, we still don’t know what time it is.  

Step 2: Do not assume we, the people, are stupid and incapable of understanding what you’re doing. Do not assume we do not know right from wrong. Do not assume we are against benevolent objectives that benefit the community.  However, you should be absolutely sure we are dead set against the dishonesty and deception in some of your methods.  

Step 3: LCDC Commissioners, listen to your own consciences, not to Ryan Armbruster and Teresa Molitor and Stefany Bales. You don’t need lawyers and lobbyists and an overpriced PR flack paid with our tax dollars; you need the public’s support. You won’t get public support until you start being honest and direct. We do not expect perfection, just honesty and best efforts.  

Step 4: Executive sessions are permitted, not required. Remember that.

Step 5:  Public records are ours, not yours. 

Step 6:  The law prohibiting Commissioners from voluntarily acquiring a direct or indirect personal interest inside their urban renewal districts is just that — a statutory prohibition.  It is not a suggestion.   

Step 7: We weren’t always your enemy. We’re an enemy of your own creation. No, I don’t trust you, and paying someone $35,000 to schmooze me isn’t going to change that. Once you’ve betrayed someone’s trust and lost their confidence, only you (not some overpriced PR flack’s syrupy words) can earn it back.  

Step 8: Execute Step 1 if you haven’t already. 


  1. Speaking of the LCDC. I read this article out of the CDAPress where a workforce affordable housing workshop is sponsored in part by them.

    The Lake City Development Corp., SRM Development, U.S. Bank and Washington Trust Bank are sponsoring the event, which will be held 8:30-11:30 a.m. at The Coeur d’Alene Resort.

    Right smack dab in the middle of the day when the WORKFORCE has to work and most students are in class. Then to beat all – there is a charge for it.

    There has been talk and action on the issue, but now is the time to look at real projects and decide on the best way to move forward, Kennedy said.

    “This forum is really about just getting more information, more insight and more knowledge,” he said.

    The cost of Urban Land Institute workshop is $25 for ULI members, $35 for non-ULI members, and $15 for young leaders and students. To register, call (800) 321-5011. The program number is 8149-0809.

    I am sorry – but none of this computes. Really, this is all beyond my comprehension and probably deserves another Swiss watch explanation.

    Comment by Stebbijo — March 3, 2008 @ 12:26 pm

  2. Stebbijo, One of the other sponsors is SRM Development, which is Riverstone. It makes me wonder if, (1) SRM is funding this because they want to include workforce housing in the Riverstone complex? Or (2) maybe SRM is going to develop workforce housing somewhere else? Or is it (3) because the people who work in Riverstone can’t afford to live there, so SRM wants to find workforce housing for those servicing their businesses? My guess is #2.

    Comment by mary — March 3, 2008 @ 1:32 pm

  3. Bill, Your list is impressive but I think you missed a big one–#9: Remove Chairman Charlie Nipp from the board. Last December,the Editor of the CdA Press called for a change in leadership on the LCDC. Other community members have done the same. Mr. Nipp has been Chair for nearly 11 years–the entire life of the board. Since day one. Yet the urban renewal board re-elected Charlie as Chairman again, two months ago, without any thoughtful consideration for public concerns. Is it a wonder they need PR help?

    Comment by mary — March 3, 2008 @ 1:43 pm

  4. Item 10: Adopt a plan we can evaluate and understand. This “strategic” stuff is B.S. When you’re spending my money, I demand to know exactly what you’re plans are and how you intend to spend the millions you will reap. That money would otherwise go to police, fire, and basic city services. So taxpayers require knowing how it will be spent and how it will benefit everyone. Your responsibility to the public demands as much.

    Comment by Dan — March 3, 2008 @ 6:59 pm

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