January 3, 2012

It’s Official!

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 8:55 pm

Businessman Steve Adams (left) and author Dan Gookin (right) were sworn in tonight as newly elected members of the Coeur d'Alene City Council. (click photo to enlarge)

After the swearing-in, all that was necessary was for the two new councilmembers and incumbent Ron Edinger to sign their oaths of office.


Newly-installed Coeur d'Alene City Councilman Steve Adams signing oath of office.


Newly-installed Coeur d'Alene City Councilman Dan Gookin signing oath of office.


Newly-installed Coeur d'Alene City Councilmembers Steve Adams and Dan Gookin seated and ready to go to work.


In a lighter moment, Councilman Dan Gookin presented Councilman Steve Adams with an alternative nameplate.


  1. LIKE

    Comment by Dan — January 3, 2012 @ 9:23 pm

  2. Congratulations to Steve and Dan.

    Comment by concerned citizen — January 4, 2012 @ 6:30 am

  3. Are those kevlar suits?

    Comment by Wallypog — January 4, 2012 @ 6:32 am

  4. I watched it on Channel 19 this morning, for some reason I could not get it live last night.

    Steven Adams has a very large family!

    Funny on the “Dr. No” quip by Dan Gookin.

    Dan jumped right in with a second on a motion for Kennedy to be named Council President.

    Lots of people in the audience and they were clapping!

    Appeared to be very civil to me and off to a good start, however, it did not look like there was enough cake. 🙂

    Comment by Stebbijo — January 4, 2012 @ 8:02 am

  5. Actually, it was Woody who seconded Kennedy’s nomination for council President.

    Comment by Dan — January 4, 2012 @ 8:16 am

  6. Sorry Dan, I looked at that again and thanks for the clarification. From the sounds and looks of it and your comments after, it really sounded like it was you. But, I did not watch it full screen. Oops. I guess you and Kennedy are not that chummy. 🙂

    Comment by Stebbijo — January 4, 2012 @ 8:39 am

  7. Dan’s signing of his oath to represent me is on my desktop background as a tribute to his commitment.

    Congratulation, Dan!

    Comment by Gary Ingram — January 4, 2012 @ 3:53 pm

  8. I am so concerned that one (1)wolf has journeyed into California. Aren’t you? Perhaps the city council could pass a special memorandum (or something) that expresses Coeur d’Alene’s deep, and heart felt, sympathy for the people of California?

    Comment by Joe Six-Pack — January 6, 2012 @ 9:51 am

  9. Joe Six-Pack,

    I believe that wolf’s longevity can be measured with a stopwatch rather than a calendar.

    Comment by Bill — January 6, 2012 @ 10:52 am

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