February 11, 2012

Open Session, Carousel

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 1:00 pm

We went to the Carousel fundraiser at the Eagles last night.  It was lots of fun.  I was surprised, though, by what I heard.  Here’s the scuttlebutt, and you can tell me if it’s true or not, from what you know:

–That the city of CdA does not want the carousel anyplace.  Not at Independence Point, not at McEuen, nowhere.

–That LCDC director Tony Berns told the Museum people they’d have to vacate 30 days after the railroad tracks are out because there are plans for their building and the long storage building near NW Blvd that the museum owns too… the railroad owned the land, and now the city does. I’m not sure how LCDC is bossing this thing around if the city owns the land.

So here’s my question:  Does the storage building land abutt the Ed Corridor? Does LCDC want to make commercial development lots along NW Blvd?  I’ve always heard they want some of the Ed Corridor land to combine with the railroad’s strip along NW Blvd, so the development lots will be big enough for parking and such.  But, at last week’s city council zone change meeting, the NIC rep. said there’d be NO commercial.

What do you think about this or any other topic this weekend?


  1. First step is a trip to the County Recorder to see who owns the property in question and if there are any deed restrictions. Surprisingly enough it will all be there in the original form.
    Then a trip to city planning and zoning to see what the current zoning status is or is not. It should all be a freebie but will take some time and legwork.

    Comment by paul — February 11, 2012 @ 1:33 pm

  2. 1. Why don’t they want the carousel?
    2. Surely the question re LCDC is rhetorical. Tony can give orders because the council allows him to.
    3. The NIC rep said no…..and you believe this because???

    I think this is simply more business as usual in CDA.

    Comment by rochereau — February 11, 2012 @ 2:10 pm

  3. At a Parks Commission meeting last year I saw a “4 Corners” plan which will be across from the City Park where Memorial Field and old Atlas storage building is. I beleive LCDC owns much of the surrounding and adjoining property. That entire area will be developed(concept already drawn) and it will basically be leveled. The concept includes tearing down the existing historic Memorial grandstand, re-positioning the softball fields and building new grandstands and recreating a large sports/commercial development complex. But it was mentioned that it would probably not happen until after the Lake District URD closes. The old historic brick building where Human Rights is now will most likely come down also. All they have to do is have an engineer state a building has structural problems and out it goes. History and historic use mean nothing when you are busy sanitizing the town, one area at a time. At this time the carousel is not in any of their plans and they do not want to take on what they see as a potential cost to the city (rather than the terrific draw it would be). It does not “fit” into the “vision”. The parks commission suggested putting the carousel in the new 4 Corners area, possibly as a joint venture with the Museum, but the museum doesn’t have the 7 Million to build the new museum they designed, and who knows when or if the 4 Corners will come to pass and when – so….the Carousel Foundation will continue to look for other viable options…

    Comment by rsimssnyder — February 17, 2012 @ 5:18 pm

  4. Good info, Rita, I have heard about the “4 Corners” plan but didn’t know exactly what was detailed. Someone recently complained to me that there’s no reference or connection to the Steamer boats that once frequented Coeur d’Alene Lake and are a big part of our history. How can we, as a community, turn our back on such a vibrant, interesting history? How can we let our city officials reject the Carousel and logging and steamer boats, etc.? These are fascinating historical assets that set our beautiful region apart from any other in the country. Why do we try to look like Vegas?

    Comment by mary — February 17, 2012 @ 7:23 pm

  5. They do not want the Carousel because it would draw those nasty little vermin, CHILDREN, into their utopia. Decades upon decades this city has discouraged the young from being in the downtown area. Their ignorance has truly been displayed in the past by playing classical music from the roof tops of the downtown buildings in hope that it would have some adverse effect on young ears. It is OBVIOUS they do not go and listen to the area high school symphonic bands. They are so caught up in their own agenda to cater to the wealthy and retired that they have forgotten those that will soon be running this country. It will all backfire when the young take over a pass a law that anyone over 60 be euthanized because they are just taking up valuable space. LMAO 😉

    Comment by concerned citizen — February 18, 2012 @ 8:17 am

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