April 1, 2012

New Website Looks At Kootenai County Republican Party Factions

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: — Bill @ 7:07 am

There is a new website, Chuckle Berries Online, that focuses on factions in the Kootenai County Republican Party.  The website’s tagline is “… because liberals make us laugh!”

In February we pointed OpenCdA readers to another website, Disclosure Kootenai County.

Weblogs like Chuckle Berries Online, Disclosure Kootenai County, and OpenCdA exist partly because our local news/views/skews media fail to deliver information that people want and in some cases need to be better informed citizens.  The dead-tree journalists are whistling past the graveyard replete with headstones of deceased newspapers.   Weblogs do not represent a threat to the socially acceptable J-school journalists.  Many are an effort to nudge dead-tree journalism away from its death march.

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