April 7, 2012

Rise Above

Filed under: General — mary @ 9:41 pm

On this eve of the Easter holiday, please allow me a short, personal plea: Let’s rise above the muck and propaganda promoted by the blogs and the Anti-recall alliance.  They are attacking everyone who wants to have a vote.  They are especially targeting me, I’m told, though I honestly am not reading any of it…I’m too busy helping to get the Recall up and running.  Their personal attacks show an increasing level of fear on their parts; they are not addressing any of the issues.

Anyone can go to my free archive web site,, find the “search” field at the top and type in any subject or name and it will bring up any and all columns or newsletters I have ever written on the topics.  Read for yourselves if I have ever stooped to personal attacks.  I have not.  My critical observations are only in the context of a public official’s behavior in their job.

If you can prove me wrong, or find any mean statements or lies, please email me at and I will be happy to respond.

Meanwhile I will not pay attention to the blogs or the banter.  We have work to do!  I will be focusing on gathering the signatures to put the names of Mayor Sandi Bloem, Council members Mike Kennedy, Deanna Goodlander and Woody McEvers on the ballot in November so that ALL the voters of CdA can have a voice in whether to keep them or remove them from their positions.  It will be our public vote.

Happy Easter to you and may we all be inspired to rise above the fray and keep our eye on the prize.  –Mary


  1. I wonder why the 4, given the fact that the recall petition has been filed and signatues are being obtained, don’t just let the citizens vote on McEuen. These 4 have the sole power to put an end to the devisiveness that will inevitably come from a long and heated battle to get the recall on the ballot. If the petition drive is successful there will be 4 1/2 more months of even more heated argument spewed. How can their vision be so important to them that they are willing to totally tear the city apart? There is still time for them to act, but it is running out–quickly. If the 4 fail to reconsider their position they deserve to be voted out.

    Comment by up river — April 8, 2012 @ 12:05 am

  2. Good morning and happy Easter.

    up river, I believe it is to late. The arrogance of the fantastic four will never let them see their true selfish behavior.

    Comment by concerned citizen — April 8, 2012 @ 6:37 am

  3. up river,

    I doubt the recall action would stop even if Bloem, Kennedy, McEvers, and Goodlander decided to agree to the previously requested public advisory vote. Tuesday evening’s council meeting showed just how intractable, arrogant, and indifferent they have become to most CdA residents . McEuen Field, including the Front Avenue parking garage that should bear a plaque “Son of River Park Square” and the boat launch, was the final intentional and unconcealed affront to people who have begun to recognize the betrayal of Bloem, Kennedy, McEvers, Goodlander, and Eastwood.

    Up until the prospective recall petition was filed, Bloem, Kennedy, McEvers, and Goodlander had every opportunity to show uncharacteristic statesmanship. Instead, of showing an olive branch, they displayed their political finger.

    This is not the first time the Mullan Avenue Gang has failed to take an opportunity to defuse a sensitive situation. If the City had enforced its agreement with its contractor, Kootenai County, to conduct the 2009 City election according to the law instead of working with the County to cover up then-Kootenai County Clerk Dan English’s gross incompetence and willful failure to enforce the state’s election laws, the election contest lawsuit would likely have been avoided. The term “failure of duty” applied to English in court applied with equal force to Bloem, Kennedy, Goodlander, McEvers, Edinger, Hassel, and Bruning. It has since become very clear that among that gang of seven, only Councilman Edinger had the requisite qualities of statesmanship, character, and humility to be willing to listen to all the citizens of Coeur d’Alene, not just those who can buy their way onto their favorite committees or commissions.

    The recall effort is not an attempt to extort the City to provide the long-requested and always-denied public advisory vote. I believe the time to negotiate that public advisory vote has passed. Bloem, Kennedy, McEvers, and Goodlander wanted nothing to do with a negotiated settlement. They refused to listen and talk, so a large number of concerned citizens have taken the steps provided by the Idaho Constitution and Idaho statutes to let the ballot be their voice.

    Comment by Bill — April 8, 2012 @ 6:39 am

  4. If the city voted (e.g. motion, vote, direction to staff) to have a vote on McEuen and the recall petition was not stopped, the petition may still garner enough signatures, but I am pretty sure the recall election would not succeed.I see McEuen as the passion behind the recall. Without the passion no recall. The voters weren’t passionate about the election debacle. I believe the citizens just want a vote. A vote on McEuen will suffice. If they don’t get that vote, they will take a recall vote. I believe it won’t be to late until the petition signatures are counted and it is determined that they are sufficient in number to have a recall election. Once that happens it will be too late. Today,of all days, I pray that 1 of the 4 choose statesmanship over dogged insistence that they know what is best for the citzens. It is time for each of the 4 to answer the ultimate question; What would Jesus do?

    Comment by up river — April 8, 2012 @ 8:06 am

  5. up river

    Jesus knew when he had enough. Now I know everyone’s enough is different. I think the main message is, it is wrong when your enough causes you to step on other to get it.

    Happy Easter.

    Comment by concerned citizen — April 8, 2012 @ 8:21 am

  6. When all else fails, attack the messenger. This entire debacle (McEuen) can be laid at Bloems feet. Still, she blames all save herself. Read her comments in todays Press. The only reason the recall exists is because of her refusal to have an advisory vote and her current tie breaker votes. Can she truly believe what she says? That is a quintessential example of delusion. This would all go away if a vote was allowed. This is going to get really really nasty. This mornings Press attack on the recall was just the beginning. Wouldn’t it be nice if this went national? Hard to defend disinfranchising an entire city Madame Mayor….

    Comment by rochereau — April 8, 2012 @ 9:28 am

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