May 1, 2012

Open Session, May Day!

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 8:07 am

Happy May Day to you all!  May Day is Lei Day in Hawaii, and there’s a cute song that goes with it.  We could use some flowers and Spring time weather here too.

What’s on your mind this first day of May, as the Primary elections get closer and the Recall CdA effort gets more, shall we say “interesting”?  The City & the newspaper are up to new antics every day!

Your thoughts on any local events or issues?…


  1. Well, the sun has arrived…earlier snow was falling. I don’t know which annoyed me more, the big snow flakes or the latest in the Press. Puts one right off their morning coffee. Apparently now it is a crime to pay for work performed. Placed in a colored box just in case someone might miss the item. Best of all is the demonstration of arrogance and hubris (work on McEuen to commence) that tops any we have heretofore seen. And that is really saying something!! And this is surprising because……

    Ah well…..

    Comment by rochereau — May 1, 2012 @ 8:41 am

  2. Don’t forget the Sunshine Mine Disaster Memorial tommorrow, May 2nd, starting at 11 a.m. This remembrance, this year is the 40th anniversary, is held at the miner statute that is located at the Big Creek exit just past Kellogg. If you want to read a gripping, white knuckle, and fact based account of the tragic events that caused 91 hard working, salt of the earth, men to perish, I recommend the book ‘The Deep Dark’ by Gregg Olsen.

    Comment by up river — May 1, 2012 @ 9:16 am

  3. up river,

    Thanks for posting the information about the Sunshine Mine Disaster and the Memorial.

    The Deep Dark by Gregg Olsen is available in the local libraries.

    Comment by Bill — May 1, 2012 @ 9:29 am

  4. I read this book when my friend Starr Kelso lent me his copy. It is a great read, I couldn’t put in down. The good people of the Silver Valley continue to keep their promise to never forget these miners whose tragic deaths changed the lives of so many families.

    Comment by Jim Brannon — May 1, 2012 @ 11:35 am

  5. As I was driving through my neighborhood today I noticed yards with “Decline to Sign” signs–a violation of Coeur d’ Alene Place Association rules–most of them are on Mike Kennedy’s street.

    Comment by Fiftysmtg — May 1, 2012 @ 4:28 pm

  6. Fiftysmtg, take the addresses to the association broad to get them removed.

    Comment by Ancientemplar — May 2, 2012 @ 8:33 am

  7. It was a nice memorial today, even with the wind and rain. There was a great number of people in attendance, including Gregg Olsen who made the trip for the 40th anniversary. He told me that the University of Idaho had contacted him to obtain his notes and interview tapes so that they could be digitalized and made available. He has a wealth of information, particularly from his tapes, that aren’t in the book.

    Comment by up river — May 2, 2012 @ 12:49 pm

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