May 3, 2012

Is He Believable?

The More-or-Less Press news/views/skews online posting on May 2 titled County drops suit, wants petitions by June 11 indicated that Secretary of State Ben Ysursa’s letter of May 1 to City Clerk Susan Weathers and County Clerk Cliff Hayes had played an important role in the County’s decision to dismiss its petition for declaratory relief.

In his May 1, 2012, letter, Ysursa stated that his determination [now] is that Recall CdA has some unspecified amount of time but clearly fewer than 75 days to gather valid signatures on its recall petitions.


However, the minutes of the House State Affairs Committee of February 4, 2004, on page 3 reflect Ysursa’s belief [then]:

HB 559  –  Recall Procedures –  Mr. Ben Ysursa, Secretary of State, spoke in support of the bill.  He said that it spells out the time limit of 75 days to gather signatures for a recall.  The intent was to make the language clearer about recall procedures.

So which Ysursa are we to believe?  The one testifying under oath [then] in the Legislature in 2004 or the one writing a politically expedient letter [now]?

One thing is very clear:  If Ysursa’s intent in 2004 was to make the language of Idaho Code §34-1704 clearer, he failed.


  1. This is exactly why it has to go to court now. The courts have to keep the fire to the feet of the executive branch.
    The GOBs at the county just backslapped the GOBs at the city.

    Comment by Ancientemplar — May 3, 2012 @ 7:27 am

  2. ancientemplar,

    It is the duty and responsibility of Secretary of State Ben Ysursa and his Chief Deputy Tim Hurst to present to the Legislature “housekeeping” legislation and amendments. House Bill 559 in the 57th Legislature in 2004 was Ysursa’s and Hurst’s best effort to “… make the language clearer about recall petitions.” Unfortunately but with really little choice, the 57th Legislature listened to them. Now those same two public servants will be the ones the Legislature relies on to perform brain surgery using a chain saw and fix that which they clearly didn’t understand before.

    Why the Idaho Legislature, Idaho’s county clerks, and the Association of Idaho Cities continue to accept and endorse Ysursa’s and Hurst’s performance of their official duties relating to elections is beyond me.

    Then again, Ysursa was given high marks by The Spokesman-Review reporter Betsy Russell in her write-up on Idaho’s low marks in the State Integrity Investigation conducted by the Center for Public Integrity, Global Integrity and Public Radio International. Near the bottom of her progressive writing, she says

    “Much of the credit for initiatives like online access and campaign reporting goes to longtime Idaho Secretary of State Ben Ysursa. Ysursa, 62, who’s been in office since 2002 and served as chief deputy for 26 years before that, has built a stellar reputation as an aggressive advocate for open government and fair elections.”

    Comment by Bill — May 3, 2012 @ 7:47 am

  3. The photo says it all.

    Comment by up river — May 3, 2012 @ 10:32 am

  4. just wondering if perhaps Mr. Riggs had an conversations with his ex-Boise counterparts to pull a string or two to get Ysursa/Hurst to take that stance?? it isn’t logical. hasn’t there been other recalls where the timelines are shown to be different than what is being required for the recall CDA timeline?

    Comment by chouli — May 3, 2012 @ 12:00 pm

  5. “Why the Idaho Legislature, Idaho’s county clerks, and the Association of Idaho Cities continue to accept and endorse Ysursa’s and Hurst’s performance of their official duties relating to elections is beyond me.”

    Because the system works – for those who are in control.

    Just my opinion. Just

    Comment by justinian — May 8, 2012 @ 1:01 pm

  6. Justinian,

    esto perpetua corrupto

    Comment by Bill — May 8, 2012 @ 1:38 pm

  7. Now Bill, there you go again, using Latin. It drives the libs nuts. Not sure why but it does.

    Remember e pluribus unum being remade by the AlGore?

    See for the story. The man-pig-bear really jumped the shark with that one!

    Q.E.D. as they say!

    Comment by Pariah — May 8, 2012 @ 5:00 pm

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