March 9, 2008

Open Session: Questions, Comments, etc.

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 11:59 am

Do you have questions about things around town? Are there people or projects you think are outstanding and deserve a big thank you? Do you wonder why the county allows certain kinds of development and not others? Do you want to promote charity activities that are coming up in our community? Are the differences between Post Falls, Rathdrum, Hayden, Hauser and CdA just driving you crazy? Which teacher deserves an extra gold star? Does the School District make you frustrated and worry about your wallet? Are you pleased with health care in our region? Do you have a story about a fireman, policeman or good Samaritan? …I could go on, but you get the idea.

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  1. Here is a question for anyone out there with answers or comments. Has anyone seen the bids designs for a remodeled Middle School? Has anyone seen the requests from the school to the contractors in what is wanted in a remodel. Was a reasonable remodel requested, or was a remodel requested that would include the wish list to duplicate a brand new school. I have seen remodeled schools that are great. If computer labs are used and are accessable to students, as in the high school, large classrooms may not be needed. This is just a thought. More knowlegable people may have some insight. Perhaps the kids can have a better facility at a reasonable cost in these hard economic times.

    Comment by Mama Bear — March 9, 2008 @ 7:05 pm

  2. Mama Bear,

    I recall seeing a meeting, possibly a SD 271 meeting or a joint meeting, on CDA TV 19. Architect Mike Patano was showing elevation drawings of the new proposed Lakes Middle School. You should be able to contact SD 271 and arrange to view whatever is already available. I hope this helps.

    Comment by Bill — March 9, 2008 @ 7:22 pm

  3. Bill,those plans that Mike Patano was showing were for the proposed new Lakes Middle School. Mama Bear is bringing up a very good point–what REMODEL plans/expectations were presented to contractors? The district administration just reports that the price to remodel was way too high, for an old school. But we never heard the details. Hmmm.

    Comment by mary — March 9, 2008 @ 7:31 pm

  4. Bill, what I wondered about was the bids on remodeling the old school. I have never seen any details about what was desired in a remodel by the district. There are remodels and then there are super remodels. I think this is why the last levy failed and until the community is convinced that a remodel is not viable the levy may fail again.

    Comment by Mama Bear — March 9, 2008 @ 7:32 pm

  5. Whew! The Zags just survived their WCC semi-final game against Santa Clara. It was a nail biter!

    Comment by mary — March 9, 2008 @ 7:34 pm

  6. Thanks Mary, You clarified my concern about getting details on the remodel bids. I have really seen wonderful remodels of old buildings and seen very happy teachers and students.

    Comment by Mama Bear — March 9, 2008 @ 7:35 pm

  7. Go Zags!

    Comment by Mama Bear — March 9, 2008 @ 7:38 pm

  8. Mama Bear and Mary,

    You’re correct. What Patano was showing was the proposed new building.

    Mary, at the Planning Commission hearing where you, Rasor, and Bowlby asked about the proposal to build Lakes on Person Field (based on the City’s and School District’s very secret memo of understanding that would have ultimately conveyed Person Field to the SD), didn’t Amend discuss why a remodel of the old Lakes wouldn’t be feasible? Or was that at the “damage control” meeting at Lakes Middle School a couple weeks later where Amend and Patano very feebly tried to resurrect the dead horse?

    As far as I know but based entirely on that meeting, I don’t think there were any plans ever submitted for the remodel of Lakes Middle School. Seems to me that Amend and Briggs both said it would not work economically or practically to remodel a school on that scale.

    Comment by Bill — March 9, 2008 @ 7:42 pm

  9. I don’t think Harry Amend or Mike Patano told us any details of a remodel plan back at that Lakes-on-Person Field meeting, Bill. But that was over 2 years ago. We, on P&Z, were only focused on the land for the proposed new school. I did ask Harry, at that meeting, what the district’s plans were for the old Lakes school if the new one was approved. He said, “We don’t have any plans.” Which I thought then and still think now was not true. They would be terrible managers if they paid big money–rumor was they paid a million dollars–for the plans to build the new school, and not have a good idea of what would happen with the old one.

    We need to get a copy of the bids they requested for the remodel of the old school. They’ve quoted some very high remodel prices to justify a new building, so there must be remodel bids. That will be very interesting.

    Comment by mary — March 9, 2008 @ 8:12 pm

  10. Mary, I am glad hear someone is on the ball about the “remodel” bid that was referred to when people did not want to lose Person’s Field. The public should have access to the plans and specifications upon which competitive bids were based. I stress the words, “competitive bid” as any real bid should have gone out to the competitive bid process. There should at least be a written description from the school as to their desired product. Hopefully, someone who has good or neutral relationships with CdA school will investigate.

    Comment by Mama Bear — March 11, 2008 @ 5:26 pm

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