January 11, 2009

We Need to Pay Attention

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 8:34 am
great-seal-of-idaho The  60th Idaho Legislature convenes for its first full day of business on Monday, January 12, 2009.  Idaho’s and the nation’s economic conditions should cause all of us to pay closer attention than we otherwise might to the business being conducted in Boise.  The most practical way for us to be informed is to look at the information available daily on the Idaho Legislature Website

Once informed, we should exercise our right and obligation to communicate our thoughts succinctly but clearly on issues to our legislators.

While the legislators we send to the US Congress in Washington, DC, have substantial staffs to do research for them, our state legislators in Boise have small or no paid staff.  Our legislators in Boise must sift through a voluminous array of information to prepare for committee hearings and votes.  For us as individual citizens to have our input considered, that input needs to be well-written, specific, timely, and succinct. 

Yes, paid lobbyists in Boise do have personal daily access to legislators, but conscientious legislators also want to hear from individuals back home.  While our individual view may not prevail with a legislator on any particular issue, carefully thought-out and well-prepared ones are more likely to be considered. 

For those of us who have lives and can’t schmooze on the public’s dime face-to-face with our legislators in Boise, the Idaho Legislature Website is our best source of timely information.

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