March 13, 2008

Open Session, Thursday–Questions? Comments?

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 10:52 am

In our first Open Session two days ago, Mama Bear posed this question about the school district’s plan to build a new Lakes Middle School. She was asking about:

“…the “remodel” bid that was referred to when people did not want to lose Person’s Field. The public should have access to the plans and specifications upon which competitive bids were based. I stress the words, “competitive bid” as any real bid should have gone out to the competitive bid process. There should at least be a written description from the school as to their desired product. Hopefully, someone who has good or neutral relationships with CdA school will investigate. “

Anyone else concerned about this issue? Please jump in with this or any other topic.


  1. I also wondered why there was no design competition. Regarding the Person Field site drawings, what account paid for the drawings by Mike Patano and Hatch Mueller – and at what expense? Inasmuch as the proposed Lakes Middle School building is new construction not a remodel, is it legal to pay via levey rather than a bond that requires a super majority?

    Comment by Susie Snedaker — March 13, 2008 @ 1:41 pm

  2. I may be naive, but I thought building a new school would be a bit like building a new house. One would have architects bid on drawing up plans based on the expressed needs of the client. Once the plans are finalized the contractors are asked to put in bids. In my mind this should happen for new construction and for a remodel. To repeat myself, I think it would be interesting to see if there were any remodel plans and bids based on the plans. We hear it is too expensive to remodel, but on what is this assumption based. Any takers on checking this out? I have sort of worn out my welcome with the school district.

    Comment by Mama Bear — March 13, 2008 @ 4:20 pm

  3. Mama Bear, you say you have “sort of worn out my welcome with the school district.” Do they refuse to talk with you? Hope not, and if so, what excuse do they give for not answering your questions?

    Comment by reddy — March 13, 2008 @ 4:58 pm

  4. Mama Bear, After your brilliant suggestion, I went to the School District Office and put in a request to review those bids (if they exist). I asked for the remodel bids and details of the Request For Proposal, as well as the financial breakdown of the new school construction. I was told that Mr. Briggs (Steve) would get back to me by email when those documents were ready to review. I’m holding my breath. Two days and counting…

    Comment by mary — March 13, 2008 @ 5:00 pm

  5. Mary, you may have to paper the mopes school district with an Idaho Public Record request.

    Comment by Bill — March 13, 2008 @ 6:38 pm

  6. Mary, Thank goodness for your follow through.
    Reddy, I will get responses such as “I’ll get back to you on that”.

    Comment by Mama Bear — March 13, 2008 @ 7:20 pm

  7. Mary, Any news from Steve Briggs?

    Comment by Mama Bear — March 16, 2008 @ 10:12 am

  8. No, Mama Bear, I hoped to get an email on Friday. But I will call and/or visit his office tomorrow. You know–the squeaky wheel…

    Comment by mary — March 16, 2008 @ 1:04 pm

  9. Good Luck. The election is coming soon and it would be nice to have this informtion before voting to build a whole new building. Thanks for requesting this information.

    Comment by Mama Bear — March 26, 2008 @ 7:28 pm

  10. Mama Bear, please check out Open Session for today, Wednesday, where I answered you question this way: “Mama Bear asked yesterday if I had heard back from the school district. More than a week ago I requested info on the remodel bids for Lakes Middle School and the detailed cost estimates for a new version of the school. This past Monday, I called Steve Briggs who said he was working on the documentation and would notify me in two days. That should be today, or at most tomorrow. I’ll keep you posted.”

    Comment by mary — March 26, 2008 @ 8:50 pm

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