March 14, 2008

CdA Chamber Opposes URD Legislation

Filed under: Observations — Dan Gookin @ 8:01 am

Funny, but I thought that a “Chamber of Commerce” was about promoting business.

The Coeur d’Alene Chamber of Commerce has come out strongly against Rep. Phil Hart’s HB616. This bill would apply a level of state-wide oversight and accountability to many of Idaho’s runaway Urban Renewal Agencies (URAs). Basically, it require the URAs to file reports with the State Tax Commission. The reports use data that the URAs already have, and it ensures that the URAs are obeying the law.

According to their Policy Blog, the Chamber is adamantly opposed to HB161. Golly! One wonders why?

I would think that the Chamber would be an arm of the business community. Something like, “Let’s all work together to make Coeur d’Alene a great place to run a business.” But no. To me, it appears that the Chamber is really acting at the behest of City Hall and the LCDC.

Could the Chamber be opposing this bill because the LCDC gave them $300,000 in taxpayer money to help build their château downtown? Yes, it was a gift. Your public benefit, according to the LCDC’s February meeting, is that you can use the building’s bathrooms.

I’ve argued in the past the $50,000 of that $300,000 gift was honest urban renewal. The $50K was used to move a sewer line. Infrastructure = good. But according to a spreadsheet from the LCDC (below), the $50,000 for moving the sewer line was a mere afterthought.


The Latin word for this is praecorrumpo. With their $300,000 gift from the LCDC, is it any wonder why the CdA Chamber opposes Rep. Hart’s good legislation?


  1. Dan, I can’t believe the wording on the Chambers opposition to this bill. They are against it “…for its unnecesary changes to current Urban Renewal Legislation that removes local authority from the decision making process…” I don’t agree with the Chamber. This bill protects the taxpayers from abuse by an unelected board. Cities can’t use shoestringing, URDs shouldn’t either.

    Comment by mary — March 14, 2008 @ 10:13 am

  2. I have a good friend that owns a particular business that is, well lets say, one of the best in his business. One of the organizers of a major event, that also works for the chamber, asked if I would have my friend give them a call to obtain his services for this event. I asked if I could give my friend an idea of what was in it for his business and they replied no monetary compensation only publicity. This is a “for profit event” but yet some of the locals are not allowed to capitalize on it. Our very own chamber will even take a mile if given an inch. The chamber is the very organization that should be promoting ALL business without discrimination but sides with the LCDC and the select few. They cosntantly ask members to give services to the chamber at cost. WHAT! I thought we were in business to MAKE a living.

    Again, only the chosen few are allowed to make a profit even with the VERY organization that is suppose to promote ALL business. But then again, where does Mr. Berns spend most of his time? HMMMMM. Can you say, the new chamber building?

    Comment by concerned citizen — March 16, 2008 @ 7:46 am

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