March 14, 2008

HB616 Fails, 37-33

Filed under: General — Dan Gookin @ 10:16 am

The anti-shoestring bill has failed.


  1. Locally, I saw that Rep. Sayler voted against the bill, Chadderdon in favor.

    Sayler spoke out twice against it. He said that the LCDC is not without opposition and that they are doing better. But that the LCDC has brought in 1,400 jobs. (That needs to be corrected.)

    Rep. Hart read the Sorensen “deterioration” report. You can read it here. It’s pretty sad, too, describing the school as a menace to public safety and a drag on the community. Last year I asked superintendent Harry Amend if such a description bothered him. Obviously he said, “No,” because he only sees the pot of money at the end of the LCDC rainbow.

    Comment by Dan — March 14, 2008 @ 10:20 am

  2. The Sorensen shoestring must pass the following hurdles before it is annexed:

    1. The LCDC must file a modification to their existing plan.
    2. The plan must be presented to the P&Z committee. There must be a 2-week notice.
    3. If approved, the plan must be submitted to the City Council.
    4. If approved, an ordinance is passed amending the LCDC’s Downtown District plan.

    Public hearings are refreshingly offered in steps 2 and 3 of the process.

    Comment by Dan — March 14, 2008 @ 10:23 am

  3. I’ve heard that George Saylor is very much against this bill to fix the shoestringing loophole in the urban renewal law. His campaign manager is said to be Susan Nipp, wife of Charlie Nipp, the Chairman of LCDC, our urban renewal agency. Susan and Charlie have hosted multiple fund raisers at their home for George’s campaigns. Cozy, isn’t it?

    Comment by mary — March 14, 2008 @ 2:09 pm

  4. George Sayer should be ashamed of themself if Susan Nipp is his campaign chairman! Things really smell in CdA and I am seeing no end to it until the town folk wake up, get sick of taxes, special deals and vote the bums out! I dearly wish the Kootenai County Commissioners would start to speak up and protest the tax shift to the county due to the diverted revenue going to LCDC. I wish one of the people running in the primary would have the guts to speak up. Better yet I wish the commissioner with 3 years left to serve would speak up and go after county lost tax money that is a burden on us outside of city limits. The City and the county as a whole are bearing the burden for these fat cat LCDC players.

    Comment by Mama Bear — March 14, 2008 @ 4:48 pm

  5. Update: The tally was 37-33. I used the figures I saw on the television, which initially showed 33-36.

    Comment by Dan — March 14, 2008 @ 8:57 pm

  6. A review of the voting on H-616 shows all Democrats voting to kill the bill. However, 19 republicans joined them. Interesting to note that 3 republicans from districts west of Ada County that have URA issues voted with the democrats. Had they voted correctly, it would have passed 36-34. All of our area republicans supported the bill.

    Comment by Gary Ingram — March 14, 2008 @ 9:03 pm

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