March 14, 2008

Open Session, Friday

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 5:10 pm

Questions?  Comments? News?


  1. Former Gov. Jim Risch gave a stirring speech this morning at Pachyderms. Yes, I even got up early enough to get to the 7am meeting. Pachyderms is a Republican meeting every Friday morning at IHOP. (I put myself through college working at an IHOP, so it’s always deja vu to walk in there) I’m not a member, but they are a very nice, welcoming group and have some interesting speakers, so I enjoy going every once in awhile. Jim Risch is running for Larry Craig’s senate seat next year.

    Comment by mary — March 14, 2008 @ 5:14 pm

  2. Well Mary – you certainly job my memory.

    I am not really thrilled about Risch running for Craig’s seat. I would rather see a fresh face that was not entrenched in Idaho politics for these many years. Really – after this Idaho Craig scandal – should I trust any of them? Pffft! My guess is most of them knew Craig was a pervert. It’s kind of like I don’t want to know anything or anyone that might be connected to any political office in this state. I think many of our local politicians just turn a blind eye to some of their colleague’s personal shortcomings by validating that people like Craig have valuable expertise in office – and this makes up for it – so they get what they want in the long haul of things.

    Risch is the same crap – same rerun – it’s so bad – I even went to school with one of his aide’s relatives. The only thing helping the same old local people in office is to saturate this state with newcomers – so you all won’t be privy to the real inside workings of this state. And, that is exactly what is happening. Risch is just going to represent the same group of people Craig did. This time we are supposed to think that Risch is smart enough not to get caught up in a bathroom stall scandal. He will just be more careful where he goes -literally.

    So whatever, vote for him – I don’t think he is a BAD guy (whatever that means). But, don’t listen to me, I am biased.

    Comment by Stebbijo — March 14, 2008 @ 7:03 pm

  3. Stebbijo, I had never heard Risch speak before, so I wanted to go listen. Do you have any particular areas of his past or policies that you have problems with? Since I don’t know much about the man, I’d be happy to hear any and all info.

    Comment by mary — March 14, 2008 @ 9:00 pm

  4. Mary, I am being facetious. I am so disenchanted with Idaho politics – I am sure there is nothing that will ensure me that my vote will make a difference unless maybe – I know nothing about them. If you are seriously interested in his background – you might contact Ryan White – unless he has moved on. LaRocco once shook my hand decades ago – so I will probably vote for him. 🙂

    Comment by Stebbijo — March 15, 2008 @ 7:04 am

  5. Mary, in the last issue of the city pulse, you mention the library. Is there any truth that the “swell money fund” was loaned to complete the library? If so, how much?

    Comment by grizz — March 15, 2008 @ 8:02 am

  6. Grizz–Very interesting. The swale fund used for library construction overruns? That’s not something I’m aware of, but will check into it. Anyone else know about this?

    Comment by mary — March 16, 2008 @ 9:47 am

  7. Jim Risch is no Larry Craig. I have admired Risch for a long time and never cared for Craig (a open borders man). Newcomers is not the cure for Idaho. If you look at the LCDC champions you will find newcomers like Tom Messina who happily do the bidding for the establishment. Follow the new money.

    Comment by Mama Bear — March 16, 2008 @ 10:23 am

  8. I don’t know about a “swell fund”. But I do know for a fact, that money was loaned for the library. That money is to be paid back to the city and apparently it is a large amount.

    Comment by Diogenes — March 17, 2008 @ 8:51 am

  9. If the money is to be paid back to the city, that means the city “loaned” it – question is, is where did the city get it? And whose going to payback the large amount? Library’s draw no income, library’s are not-for-profit’s so they certainly can’t pay it back.

    Comment by grizz — March 17, 2008 @ 9:50 am

  10. Good points about the library. I did not know money was loaned from the city. I do know that the Library Foundation raised $3 million dollars for the new library but they used $1 million of that on “expenses”. That’s a very high administrative percentage. They are a private organization, so they don’t have to show where that money went.

    Comment by mary — March 17, 2008 @ 11:59 am

  11. Mary – Wouldn’t the city have to be accountable for the funds, if they indeed “loaned” a private organization money to complete construction. Personally I wouldn’t put the money on the stump and run – I’d like to know what the loan would be used for. As for the city, wouldn’t they have to disclose if they made the loan, where the funds came from, and who was repaying the funds, what the loans terms are, etc; etc; etc; I was hoping with all of your sources that you just might be able to get the inside scoop on this. The reason I mentioned the “swell fund” is that I’ve heard this from several people, but no one could substantiate it. But knowing how this city does business I wouldn’t be at all surprized.

    Comment by grizz — March 17, 2008 @ 1:47 pm

  12. Yes, Grizz, the city would have to be accountable for the money. And I’m checking on it right now. But the Library Foundation does not have to be public with the use of the donated money they receive, so we’ll probably never know why & how they spent a full one million dollars on expenses out of the money donated to build the new library.

    Comment by mary — March 17, 2008 @ 1:59 pm

  13. Thanks Mary, I look forward to any info that you might dig up…..Thanks again for all that you do….

    Comment by grizz — March 17, 2008 @ 3:45 pm

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