May 23, 2014

Shocking Results? – Mary Souza’s Newsletter 05-23-2014

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 3:21 pm

Mary Newsletter 05-23-2014Shocking Results?

After the Republican Primary last Tuesday, the newspapers and online blogs have been trying desperately to explain how several new people won legislative spots, unseating some big name incumbents, while other highly targeted incumbents managed to win with comfortable margins.  The media reported that some folks are “shocked” at the outcome of the election!

Most of the news coverage describes the winners as “tea party conservatives, arch-conservatives, tea party groundswell, far right, uber-conservatives or a tea party wave”. The list goes on and on.  Lots of tea party references.  That term is empty, it means nothing anymore and it’s lazy to dump everything into that box. They should use real words to describe the characteristics or beliefs of candidates, not slap them with cheap labels.

That said, here is my simple, inside view on what I think happened in the GOP Primary:

A group of people with lots of money got together with some retired legislators with lots of campaign cash.  They started a PAC to promote their views on the big issues: They favor the state Obamacare Exchange, they favor Common Core in our schools and they favor special tax breaks for only certain big businesses.  They named themselves NIPAC and say they are “moderate” Republicans.

Later on in the campaign timeline, I don’t know when, a different group of people started a PAC to promote their views on the big issues:  They favor free market health care alternatives to the Obamacare exchange, they want independent Idaho education standards instead of Federally controlled Common Core, and they think tax breaks should be for all businesses. They call themselves KCRCC PAC and say they are “conservative” Republicans.

Let me interject here that there are candidates who are not members of either of these groups but have been listed by them because of the candidates’ beliefs on the issues.  I am one of those.  I have not sought the endorsement of any PACs, but deeply appreciate support from people in our community.

Both groups worked hard to get their ideas out.  NIPAC seemed to have more money than the other group, with lots of big ads in the Press and many mailers.  KCRCC PAC had some mailers along with lots of people walking the neighborhoods.

Ok, so what made the difference in the election?  Both “sides”, if you want to call them that, got their message out to the citizens.  So did individual candidates. And then the people decided:  First they decided whether to stay home or get out to vote.

For those who came out to vote, there was a clear choice of candidates on the issues.  And when the voters used the power of their ballot, the majority of them favored the conservative ideas.

That’s what made the difference in this election.  It was not “tea party this or that”, or uber-ultra-arch conservatives.  Those are cop-out labels used to ignore the true message from the voters.  And it will come back to bite any candidate who does not heed the lessons of this election:  People care about the ISSUES.

They also care about HONESTY.  Interestingly, most of the candidates on the “moderate” NIPAC list, claimed they were “conservatives” on their mailers but did not list their views on the big issues. So, for future reference, if you say you are “conservative”, you’d better have a resume or voting record supporting conservative values like limiting the size and scope of government, reducing invasive regulations, reigning in taxes and expanding individual liberty and accountability, because this election shows the voters are watching.

As for my win, I’m excited.  It is no small endeavor to unseat a 14 year incumbent.  We got our message out on a shoestring budget. Our ideas were clear and my name and reputation were already familiar to most.  It was the voters who made the win happen and I am honored to have been chosen as the Republican nominee for Idaho Senate from Dist. 4.

Now we will advance to the General Election in November and see what challenges lie ahead.  I will be active this summer and am happy to meet with folks and talk with groups, all while listening to the ideas and concerns of people in our district. Please let me know if there’s an opportunity to engage with a group you know.

I want to give a big thank you to my wonderful husband Rick, to my friend and campaign consultant Becky Funk,  and to the many supporters who have been by my side for years.  You are the best!

Please have a safe Memorial Day weekend and remember those who gave their lives for our freedom.  I will be holding our new grand baby, thinking of the country we’ll be leaving to her.  We need to get busy!  –Mary

Mary Souza is a 27 year resident of CdA, local small business owner and is now the Republican nominee for Idaho State Senate, Dist. 4.   Her opinions are her own. For more info visit or Facebook at Mary Souza for Idaho. Comments can be sent to


  1. Now that the primary campaign is over, OpenCdA will resume reprinting Mary Souza’s Newsletter. We stopped just before the “electioneering communication” deadline so that none of the usual suspects would collude to subvert Mary’s campaign with false and deceptive allegations as they tried to do during the mayoral campaign.

    Comment by Bill — May 23, 2014 @ 3:27 pm

  2. Thanks Bill!

    Comment by mary — May 23, 2014 @ 4:45 pm

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