February 11, 2009

Public Corruption Update

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 7:42 am
irs-ci-badge Here is a link to the Internal Revenue Service’s Examples of Public Corruption Investigations – Fiscal Year 2009. The link has more detailed information about each of the examples captioned below.

  • Former Oklahoma State Auditor Sentenced to Prison for Conspiracy to Defraud the United States
  • Former Bank Manager Sentenced to Over Six Years in District of Columbia Property Tax Refund Fraud Scheme
  • Former County Tax Collector Sentenced For Tax Evasion
  • Former Housing Rehabilitation Director in New Brunswick Sentenced to 87 Months for Taking $112,500 in Bribes
  • Former Police Officer Sentenced to 120 Months
  • Former IRS Employee and Wife Sentenced in D.C. Property Tax Refund Fraud Scheme
  • Former Secretary and Treasurer of the Board of Education for Prince George’s County Sentenced to 6 Years on Fraud and Obstruction of Justice Charges
  • Former Executive Director of the Alabama State Fire College Sentenced to Over 10 Years in Prison
  • Former North Carolina County Sheriff and Co-Defendants Sentenced on Charges of Corruption, Extortion, and Money Laundering


  1. But the Secretary of the Treasury (the Big Kahuna at the IRS) is an admitted tax cheat thief and liar. He gets a pass. Well, he da boss. The Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee (them that write the tax laws) is a tax cheat. The Secretary of Labor nominee is a tax cheat in law. Former Senator Daschle (and former Secretary of Health nominee) is an acknowledged tax cheat. They all seem to get a pass. Was Leona Helmsley right? Are taxes just something the “little people pay”?

    Comment by Pariah — February 11, 2009 @ 8:58 pm

  2. Geithner is a lot like Barney Fife. Obama deputized him and gave him a gun but told him to keep the bullet in his pocket. Geithner reached for the bullet yesterday, then realized he didn’t even have a pocket. It’s just as well. He has a gun but doesn’t have a clue how to use it.

    No problem for Timmy-boy, though. He had a pencil, so he ran down and poked a hole in the target. (For the dull-witted at Coeur d’Alene City Hall, that refers to Geithner’s being a tax cheat.) Not being the swiftest at recognizing the target, Geithner poked the hole outside the outer ring. Nevertheless, Chairman Obama applauded Geithner’s ingenuity and proclaimed that his real target all along had been the white space outside the outer ring.

    Comment by Bill — February 12, 2009 @ 7:33 am

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