You may remember seeing this photo in the skews media today. It was taken by Associated Press Photographer Andrew Harnik. The man on the right (blue tie) is Federal District Judge Brett Kavanaugh, President Trump’s nominee to be an Associate Justice of the US Supreme Court. The man on the left (hand extended) is Fred Guttenberg, the father of one of the Parkland, Florida, school shooting victims.
The photograph captures Guttenberg, an invited guest of California Senator Dianne Feinstein, approaching Judge Kavanaugh as the Judge had just arisen from the witness table after testifying in the first day of his confirmation hearing before the US Senate Judiciary Committee. The photo accompanied the Breitbart online article headlined Debunked: Anti-Trump Parkland Dad Targets Brett Kavanaugh With Handshake Stunt lede paragraph which read:
Democrats are swooning over the accusation that Judge Brett Kavanaugh snubbed Fred Guttenberg, whose daughter Jaime was killed in the Parkland, Florida mass shooting, when Guttenberg tried to shake his hand at his confirmation hearing on Tuesday.
Regardless of what you might think of Breitbart’s credibility, the linked article’s story provides more contextual information that most of the stories which appeared in the legacy skews media.
The Breitbart story and the accompanying photo has some details that raise questions.
1. How do you read the expression on Judge Kavanaugh’s face?
To have consciously and intentionally “snubbed Fred Guttenberg,” Judge Kavanaugh would have to have immediately recognized Guttenberg or at least have heard enough from what Guttenberg said to have arrived at a decision to “snub” Guttenberg.
My reading of Judge Kavanaugh’s expression is, “Who the hell are you?” The Judge, his wife, his daughters, and his mother had just been required to calmly sit and endure the infantile behavior of several Democrat Senators on the Judiciary Committee. His wife had felt compelled to remove his two daughters from the hearing for their safety because of the admittedly choreographed disruptive and near-violent behavior by people seated behind them in the audience.
And a memory of Federal District Judge John M. Roll may have flashed across Judge Kavanaugh’s mind.
2. Did Senator Diane Feinstein of California suggest or otherwise encourage Guttenberg to approach Judge Kavanaugh when she invited him to be her guest at the hearing? If so, was it her intent and hope Kavanaugh might react to Guttenberg in some way that the legacy media could twist into an embarrassing accusation to jeopardize his nomination?
3. Had Senator Feinstein, Protest Choreographer Senator Chuck Schumer and his Assistant Protest Choreographer Senator Dick (appropriately named!) Durbin forewarned Judge Kavanaugh or his security detail that Guttenberg was going to be in the audience and that he might try to speak with Judge Kavanaugh?
4. Who was responsible for providing personal security and protection for Judge Kavanaugh and his family inside the hearing room? If it was the US Capitol Police, why did they allow Guttenberg (or anyone else not known to them) to approach him as Guttenberg did?
Assuming he was surprised at the presence of a person unknown to him and approaching and already in arm’s reach of him, Judge Kavanaugh did exactly the right thing by not shaking hands with Guttenberg, not saying anything to him, and then quickly turning and walking away.
I wish whoever was responsible for Judge Kavanaugh’s and his family’s personal security inside the Judiciary Committee hearing room had reacted more quickly and as appropriately as the Judge did.
There is lots of evil in the world of politics. Judge Kavanaugh’s background from many sources is he is a fine human being.
Makes me wonder how many evil actions occur without honest investigation. God bless America.
Comment by Sharon Culbreth — September 18, 2018 @ 10:26 am
In my OpenCdA post last night entitled Derogatory? Yes. Credible? Not So Fast … I linked to all the written responses to the Judiciary Committee. If you look at the document titled Kavanaugh Responses to Questions for the Record and in particular at the Judge’s response to Senator Grassley’s question 2 on page 1, you’ll see that Judge Kavanaugh’s response was exactly what I had said in my September 5 post.
Comment by Bill — September 18, 2018 @ 10:50 am