May 23, 2019

Understanding the Obama DoJ/FBI’s Illegal FISA Order

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 12:00 pm

spy-proof-dt-600 copyIn their best and most valiant efforts to imitate their idols at Tass, Pravda, Xinhua, CCTV, and People’s Daily, the American skews media first tried to deny that the US Department of Justice and its action arm, the FBI, had illegally sought and obtained FISA warrants to spy on the Trump campaign prior to the 2016 election.

Their denial proved to be yet another feeble deception by our intrepid “free press.” Once the denial proved futile, they schemed with the DoJ and some in the Intelligence Community to try and cover the illegal surveillance with the cloak of national security.  “It was a counterintelligence investigation,” they said.  “We did it to protect the our elections from the Russians,” they said as they directly targeted the Trump campaign.

Ostensibly, candidate Trump (now President Trump) was never the target of an official investigation.  Yet, the feds never bothered to tell candidate Trump they were spying on his campaign.

In particular, the feds studiously avoided disclosing to anyone that they had used a work of fiction (the Steele dossier) paid for by the Clinton and DNC campaign using a law firm cutout to make the payments to a foreign intelligence service agent (discredited British spy and FBI informant Christopher Steele).  Evidence suggests now that the Steele dossier was, in fact,  actually written and  provided by Russian disinfornmation intelligence operatives.  Steele may have just been the conduit/cutout to give the information the appearance of legitimacy.

Similarly, in applying for the initial FISA warrant and three renewals, the feds did not disclose to the FISA judges that the feds had first given the Steele dossier to the never-inquisitive skews media.  Predictably, the skews media printed what the feds wanted them to print, the salacious details in the Steele dossier.  In turn, the feds saved the skews articles and used them as supposedly independent verification of the Steele dossier in their applications to the FISA court.  Thus, our “free press” became complicit in the fraud committed by the feds against the FISA court.

Thankfully, not all of the “free press” are journalistic whores intent on committing acts of  journallatio on Swamp Dwellers.

A few very diligent and dedicated reporters (e.g., John Solomon, Sara A. Carter, Catherine Herridge, Sharyl Attkisson, Kimberley Strassel, Byron York, and Gregg Jarrett) have conducted themselves and performed their duties more professionally than nearly all the others who profess to be journalists.

Most recently, John Solomon and the Southeastern Legal Foundation (SLF) have filed a Motion for Publication of Records with the FISA Court.  The motion seeks:

… rulings, orders and opinions issued by the [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance] Court finding any of the attorneys associated with the Carter Page FISA applications violated rules of the Court or rules governing professional conduct by attorneys.

It has been revealed that one of the more honorable members of the US Intelligence Community, Admiral Mike Rogers, the Director of NSA at the time, approached President Trump and walked him through how the FISA was being misued, possibly criminally, by the feds in their applications against Trump campaign workers.

Court motions tend to be boring reading, however Solomon’s and the SLF’s motion to the FISC is worth reading in order to better understand the gravity of the unlawful actions the feds took to try and prevent President Donald J. Trump from being elected.  Their actions have been continued by Robert Mueller for the past two years to provide ammunition to incite a misinformed public to rise up and demand President Trump resign or be impeached in the House and convicted in the Senate.

Here’s what I believe to be the most important take-away from this:  None of this abuse of intelligence and law enforcement assets to affect the outcome of a US presidential election would have been revealed if Hillary Clinton had been elected.  It would have been successfully covered up.  That means these assets would have likely been illegally used again and again against US citizens in violation of our Constitutional rights, federal civil rights.

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