March 10, 2009

Intimidation, Chicago Style

Filed under: General — mary @ 9:29 am

main_header A Chicago taxpayer made an appointment with his elected city Alderman, to protest the use of TAX INCREMENT FINANCING, which is the way LCDC gets their money here in our town.  The Chicago citizen brought a petition with 200 signatures.  He was physically shoved out of the office by the Alderman and told to get the **** out.  There’s a video of the confrontation, you can watch it here:

Wow.  That’s even a few steps beyond what we have seen here.


  1. Well consider the source…it is Chicago run by Illinois politicians. Smart move putting it on the net. Will probably make national news…I hope.

    Comment by Faringdon — March 10, 2009 @ 11:01 am

  2. Actually I think the tone of the interaction was not all that different than what is experienced around here locally. The righteous indignation. The in-your-face wagging finger. The personal interrogations. The personal attacks. All that is missing is a four letter word and some pushing, but the message conveyed is exactly the same. Get the **** out of my plans to use taxpayer funds to line my pocket book.

    Comment by Wallypog — March 10, 2009 @ 11:34 am

  3. Yeah, I can’t wait until some CDA city councilman makes the reply, “Because you’re an a-hole” to some citizen.

    I mean, in public. They’re probably been plenty of that in private, based what Goodinger and Edlander said last Tuesday.

    Comment by Dan — March 10, 2009 @ 1:14 pm

  4. I know they’re all peas in a pod, Dan, but it’s Edinger and Goodlander.

    Comment by mary — March 10, 2009 @ 1:32 pm

  5. mary, i am sure goodinger and edlander was intentional, right dan? 😉

    Comment by reagan — March 10, 2009 @ 9:36 pm

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