April 1, 2009


Filed under: General — mary @ 8:41 am

lightening-boltOne of our loyal readers,  Inure Dreems,  reports that  the mayor took some drastic action at the city council meeting last night.  Mr. Dreems writes that Mayor Bloome announced  all members of the council will attend a mandatory etiquette training session, to “give ’em some learnin’ about people skills”.  Additionally, she said “sorry” to all the “fine folks” who’ve taken the time to   say  APRIL FOOLS !

What’s the best April Fools joke that’s ever caught you?


  1. Mine was the 1996 Taco Liberty Bell ad. We were on a family Spring Break trip when I saw the big ad in the paper. I was shocked, but the kids laughed and told me it was an April Fool’s joke.

    Comment by mary — April 1, 2009 @ 9:08 am

  2. One can only wish Inure’s report were true! But it probably will never happen, sad to say. There are three of them who could really use the classes.

    Comment by reddy — April 1, 2009 @ 5:10 pm

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