April 7, 2009

Had Enough?

Filed under: General — mary @ 2:11 pm

getattachment-2aspxJust heard on the news that Tax Day Tea Parties are scheduled in more than 500 communities across the nation.  These are non-partisan events, welcoming all citizens concerned about protecting our Constitutional rights and stopping the outrageous spending and taxation.  Will you attend?  Any comments or ideas?


  1. Here are some ideas I’ve seen for signs:

    Americans are STEEPED in debt!

    TEA’d off about spending!

    Tax revolt is BREWING!


    Honk if I’m paying your mortgage!

    A Trillion here, a trillion there…pretty soon you’re talkin’ real money!

    We the People rule the government, not the other way around

    Grow Small Business, NOT Government!

    Get Government OUT of our Businesses!

    Socialism is Change we DON’T believe in!

    Let Bad Businesses FAIL

    Liberty is all the Stimulus we Need

    I’ll keep my guns, freedom & money, you can keep the “change”!

    Comment by mary — April 7, 2009 @ 2:15 pm

  2. “These are non-partisan events,”

    really? did they have these tax day tea parties during the years that gwb was running up the national debt?

    Comment by raygun — April 7, 2009 @ 2:22 pm

  3. Only 8 more days!

    Comment by Faringdon — April 7, 2009 @ 3:10 pm

  4. We are just arrogant Americans. Isn’t that what our president told the turks?

    Comment by concerned citizen — April 7, 2009 @ 3:18 pm

  5. I’ll go to this Nat’l Tax Day Tea Party if: ThomG and ‘Dan of the county’goes. 😉

    Comment by kageman — April 7, 2009 @ 5:23 pm

  6. hey raygun, gwb never proposed budgets that are anything like zero has, never proposed a porculus bill like hr1, never tried to micromanage gm. more, the hero of the red left, the liar in chief voted for those budgets you now whine about. in the mean time your tax dollars go to acorn and their odd efforts at subverting our system, see

    Comment by TheWiz — April 7, 2009 @ 5:24 pm

  7. I just read some disturbing news. It seems the Congressional Black Caucus has been on a 5-day mission to Cuba. (our tax dollars at work) They met with Fidel Castro today, and the Chairperson, House Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Ca.) “heaped praise on Castro, calling him warm and receptive during their discussion”, according to Politico, link here: “It was almost like listening to an old friend,” said Rep. Bobby Rush (D-Il.)“In my household I told Castro he is known as the ultimate survivor,” Rush said.

    My research into Castro and his history in Cuba shows a story of oppression; of silencing his critics by throwing them in jail; of limiting the contact his people can have with the outside world and of a Communist regime that embraces the collective good as contrasted with individual freedom.

    The 42-member Congressional Black Caucus,about which the Huffington Post (an extremely liberal internet site) says this recently: “President Barack Obama reassured members of the Congressional Black Caucus that he’s on their side and will do what he can to support the group’s left-leaning agenda…The lawmakers _ all Democrats _ said the reception was a welcome change…”

    Comment by mary — April 7, 2009 @ 6:24 pm


    Comment by TheWiz — April 7, 2009 @ 6:59 pm

  9. That’s a powerful and informative Wall Street Journal article, Wiz. I can’t believe the Congressional Black Caucus is exuberantly jumping over each other to compliment Fidel Castro on his wonderful governance of Cuba. The people of his nation are living back in the 50’s, terrified of being thrown in jail for life if they go against anything the government might say. It is overt communism but the US Congressional Black Caucus openly embraces that philosophy. My eyes have now been opened to this reality.

    Comment by mary — April 7, 2009 @ 7:49 pm


    Comment by TheWiz — April 7, 2009 @ 8:02 pm


    Comment by TheWiz — April 7, 2009 @ 8:04 pm

  12. “The people of his nation are living back in the 50’s”–mary

    have you been following the idaho legislature? if their representatives are any indication, the people of idaho are living back in the 50’s and loving it!

    wiz, the president’s budget was for $3.4 trillion dollars–INCLUDING (for the first time)the costs of iraq and afghanistan. former president bush (#44) had a budget, last year, of $3.1 trillion dollars – NOT including the costs of iraq and afghanistan.

    Comment by raygun — April 7, 2009 @ 9:28 pm

  13. Raygun, What is your opinion of Castro as a leader?

    Comment by mary — April 8, 2009 @ 8:02 am

  14. while not a ‘castro scholar’, my personal opinion is that castro has been a brutal dictator whose policies and tactics have hurt his people.

    Comment by raygun — April 8, 2009 @ 8:36 am

  15. I surely hope that any people complaining are not ones that have voted the politicians in office to run the country? I personally have stopped voting for Rep/Demo many many years ago when there are first class parties like the Constitution Party on the ballot putting forth the work to get this country back to the rights of the Americans. If you believe we still have all our rights,then try to carry a gun in California? Just an example of course. If you think our govt works for us,your not wise. Read this Quote very carefully- “The two enemies of the people are criminals and government,so let us tie the second down with the chains of the constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first” Can anyone tell me who wrote this?

    Comment by cityspy — April 8, 2009 @ 9:23 am

  16. Can anyone tell me who wrote this?
    Comment by cityspy — April 8, 2009 @ 9:23 am

    Was it the man who was our 3rd president of the US and whom wrote the Declaration of Independence?Was it Thomas Jefferson?

    Comment by kageman — April 8, 2009 @ 10:21 am

  17. Yessir, that was Thomas Jefferson.

    Comment by Wallypog — April 8, 2009 @ 10:29 am

  18. Which President wrote this?

    “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.”

    Comment by Wallypog — April 8, 2009 @ 10:46 am

  19. which president said this?

    “Our enemies are innovative and resourceful,
    and so are we.
    They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people,
    and neither do we.”

    Comment by raygun — April 8, 2009 @ 10:52 am

  20. And how about my favorite: “A government big enough to give you everything you want is strong enough to take everything you have.” Thomas Jefferson wrote it and is probably turning over in his grave at the massive spending by the federal government right now. We are not asking for the “everything”. I don’t want government to be my nanny. But we are not being given a choice—the bailouts, stimulus and omnibus, as well as the largest budget ever in the history of our country, are all being forced upon us, the taxpayers who will have to pay it all back. I have had enough!

    Comment by mary — April 8, 2009 @ 2:57 pm

  21. Reagen wrote #18 and G.W. Bush wrote #19.

    Comment by Wallypog — April 8, 2009 @ 3:23 pm

  22. Well, I have to say that the people on here know their stuff. Yes, you know Thomas Jefferson did alot of quotes and was not for big government. Mary, I do believe he is rolling over in his grave at what they are doing right now. I personally have had enouph for years as I count the huge number of taxation ways that have been put in place that had not existed just 80 years ago. “Experience hath shown,that even under the best forms of Government,those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations,perverted it into tyranny. TJ

    Comment by cityspy — April 8, 2009 @ 6:44 pm


    Comment by TheWiz — April 9, 2009 @ 4:32 am

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