April 9, 2009

Past Party Pictures

Filed under: General — mary @ 1:47 pm
Cincinnati Tea Party, March 2009

Cincinnati Tea Party, March 2009

There have been Tea Parties going on across the country for months, but the BIG date is April 15th.  I found some photos of the tea parties that have already taken place, and was surprised at the huge turnout.  Here’s just a sampling: 

Fullerton, CA  March 2009

Fullerton, CA March 2009

Orlando Tea Party

Orlando Tea Party

Green Bay Tea Party, March 7, 2009

Green Bay Tea Party, March 7, 2009

Also, many of these cities will have  ANOTHER  Tea Party on April 15th! 


  1. It is great to see this kind of turnout…still, do you seriously think this type of thing accomplishes anything? Personally, I think it a great idea, but I do not believe it changes anything. What we will get from the tax and spend group is enough spinning to liquify ones brain. P It is the same as letters to the editor….vent a bit and change little. Yes, I’m a cynic, guess I’ve lived too long.

    Comment by Faringdon — April 9, 2009 @ 3:15 pm

  2. I think it absolutely makes a difference. First it empowers (sorry, I know that word was overused in the 90’s) the “silent majority” to take action and discover solidarity with millions of like-minded citizens across the country. Secondly it sends a message to Washington DC: We are not going to sit on our couches and take it anymore—we want to be heard! These are both powerful things.

    The two issues of focus are Constitutional Rights and Government Spending: Bailouts/Stimulus/More Bailouts/Omnibus/Budget/Extra Bailouts…It’s out of control!

    Comment by mary — April 9, 2009 @ 4:07 pm

  3. count me in!

    Comment by raygun — April 9, 2009 @ 5:10 pm

  4. I’ll be there!

    Comment by concerned citizen — April 9, 2009 @ 6:15 pm

  5. I agree that this sends a message. But, is the message heard? The reaction to the AIG bonuses was loud and so clear that the company hired private security and removed the logos from all property. But nothing has changed and another ginormous bailout is in the offing…to say nothing of a budget that will beggar generations not yet born. Now doing something is much better than doing nothing. But our govt. is no longer responsive to, or learning from the citizenry. The only time our elected officials “listen” is election time. Then they feed us hollow rhetoric and empty promises. Big money is the only sound the govt. hears. And that is the reality of politics. Do I propose that we should just roll over and take it? Not a chance. I guess that, if nothing else, protests put some sort of brakes on…maybe. But I don’t see any. What is going on in DC beneath all the honeyed words and claims, should make all of us very scared indeed. Now I don’t support GM. Most of their wounds are self inflicted, the weapon being the UAW. But still, they remain a private company. Yet the President ordered them to fire their CEO. Can nationalization be far behind?

    Comment by Faringdon — April 10, 2009 @ 9:17 am

  6. None the less, “I’ll be there!”

    Comment by citizen — April 10, 2009 @ 7:28 pm

  7. to say nothing of a budget that will beggar generations not yet born.–faringdon

    george bush’s budget for fy 2009 $3.1 trillion dollars

    barack obama’s bufget for fy 2010 $3.5 trillion dollars (pentagon budget increased 4%)

    where were these complaints during the prior 8 years?

    Comment by raygun — April 11, 2009 @ 1:05 pm

  8. There were lots of complaints, from the Republicans as well. The Bush administration did not control spending as it should have; Pres. Bush should have used his veto pen and insisted on fiscal responsibility from his own party and the Democrat controlled Congress.

    That said, the spending today is in a whole new category–one never before seen in our country. Way beyond the huge budget, we have the Stimulus Bill, the Omnibus Bill, the Bailouts of AIG, banks, GM….and the list goes on. Massive new government-controlled programs are being proposed for health care, education, energy and now immigration. The Federal Reserve just PRINTED $1.2 Trillion dollars to loan to the Treasury Dept! Who will pay for all of this? And our Constitutional rights are being threatened at every turn with government injecting itself into private business, banking and energy ownership. Plus, our nation is now looking to the UN, European and Middle Eastern leaders and International Law for direction, rather than our own people and our own Constitution.

    Hell, yes, I’ve had enough!

    Comment by mary — April 11, 2009 @ 1:23 pm

  9. The numbers show that Barack Obama has done more damage in 10 weeks than previous govts. did in 100 years. Yes, people complained about Bushes spending…loud and clear. But it didn’t stop and saying that nyah nyah Bush did it too, doesn’t make the Obgama reign right. Gee…that kind of rationale should have stopped when you graduated from sand box 101. Throw money at it has always been the Democratic solution. No matter that it doesn’t work. Obama continues to campaign, apparently not recognizing that, living rent free in that big house in DC, means he was elected. But then, electioneering is all he knows how to do. And what was that bow to the Saudi? I thought he was going to kiss his feet. Has nobody informed Obama that an American president bows to no man!!! Degrading to his office and to the American people. This latest budget with more zeros than Bill Gates’ check book (and no brakes) is simply a taste of what is to come.

    Hell yes, I’ve had way more than enough!!

    Comment by Faringdon — April 11, 2009 @ 4:07 pm

  10. Bush! Bush! Bush! For 6 years it was the Republican congress that controlled, or failed to control spending. For the last two years, it’s been the Democrats who’ve failed to control spending. It continues to be Democrats in congress who fail to control spending. The President has nothing to do with the budgetary process. His budget is a suggestion, submitted and immediately dismissed. He can veto the budget, all or nothing. But it’s always, always been Congress that sets the budgets.

    Comment by Dan — April 11, 2009 @ 5:07 pm

  11. and the Democrat controlled Congress.–mary

    mary, you are being disingenuous, the gop controlled the congress for 6 of the 8 years (75% of the time) bush was president.

    our Constitutional rights are being threatened at every turn–mary

    really? can you name some threats to our constitutional rights? i mean other than the ones perpetrated by bush, cheney and their attorney generals?

    The President has nothing to do with the budgetary process.–dan

    wrong. you yourself admit that “He can veto the budget,”

    The numbers show that Barack Obama has done more damage in 10 weeks than previous govts. did in 100 years. –faringdon

    oh yeah? prove it. or are you just repeating the talking head nonsense you hear on the radio and television? go ahead, present some facts, i’ll wait.

    Comment by raygun — April 11, 2009 @ 7:44 pm

  12. I really don’t think a 100% up or down veto is “part of the process.” Clinton wanted a line item veto. The GOP congress gave it to him. The Supreme Court overruled it. I don’t think it would have done Bush any good as he offered no oversight whatsoever. Obama might find it useful, especially if the congress swings back to GOP control in 2010.

    Comment by Dan — April 11, 2009 @ 8:07 pm

  13. I’ll tell you what ray-gun…how about you prove me wrong. I’ll be waiting.

    Comment by Faringdon — April 12, 2009 @ 1:18 pm

  14. how about you prove me wrong. – faringdon.

    that’s not how it works. in a rational discussion, if an individual makes a patently absurd claim, they need to back it up with facts, or at least support it with something. your reply is the typical retort of one who had made an outrageous, unprovable claim and then been called on it. btw, it completely undermines any and all future statement you make.

    Comment by raygun — April 12, 2009 @ 2:46 pm

  15. Raygun, please see my comment #17 under “Watch Out, McEuen Field”. In it I ask for you to back up your outrageous, unprovable claims against me. I am still waiting for the evidence or an apology.

    Comment by mary — April 12, 2009 @ 4:11 pm

  16. Oooou Ray-gun, I’m crushed! Totally decimated, a mere shell of my former self! I hang my head in abject shame. To think that ray-gun thinks my comments have no versimilitude. I mean if the all knowing ray-gun thinks he can no longer believe me….. oh oh what shall I do. How can I go on, is my life over?

    Sorry dear ray-gun, I don’t have to prove anything to you, Ironically, your own figures above prove a portion of my statement. Let me tell you how it works, you accuse everyone of obtaining their facts from the media. What proof do you have of that? What kind of arrogance do you posess that allows you to make patently false accusations and statements. Why do you assume that you are the only intelligent form of life on the planet and that everyone who does not share your ludicrous and often insulting fallacious opinions is therefore wrong. Now, how it works, you dispute my statement, therefore the burden is on you. I do not need to list facts and figures, but I will give you some help. Try the Congressional records.

    You stamped your foot in pique at HBO, gathered up your marbles and left in a huff because you couldn’t have your own way. You might reflect on your own actions. It could actually give you some insight….(yeah, thats goiung to happen).

    Comment by Faringdon — April 13, 2009 @ 9:11 am

  17. “Raygun, please see my comment #17 under “Watch Out, McEuen Field”. In it I ask for you to back up your outrageous, unprovable claims against me. I am still waiting for the evidence or an apology.
    Comment by mary — April 12, 2009 @ 4:11 pm”

    mary, just in case you missed my post on the other thread, i am re-posting here. not such ‘outrageous, unprovable claims.’

    “LCDC doles out the dollars, ingratiating the Chamber of Commerce, the Library, the Kroc Center and the City. Now none of these groups will speak out against them”–the city pulse

    you are claiming that the members of these boards are being dishonest in their representation of their membership by refusing to ’speak out’-first imp[lying that they have something to ’speak out’ against and then that the reason they do not is because they have a financial interest at stake.

    “This is serious money, folks. And it’s public money. Do not underestimate the power of the people behind the scenes. They like the way things are now and they do not want change on the city council.” –the city pulse

    mary, this is from two paragraphs of one ‘newsletter.’ when i can tolerate it, i’ll browse through additional editions and add to this list. don’t expect an apology any time soon.

    Comment by raygun — April 12, 2009 @ 6:39 pm

    Comment by raygun — April 13, 2009 @ 9:48 am

  18. faringdon, thank for the chuckles. anytime somebody makes an outrageous claim like “The numbers show that Barack Obama has done more damage in 10 weeks than previous govts. did in 100 years,” it just puts them on the fringe; ‘the numbers show?’ what numbers? and who did the comparison? what did they compare? you see, i’m not attacking you and i’m not claiming to know everything and i’m not claiming that people who do not share my opinion are wrong, those are thoughts that are obviously bouncing around in your head, but they are not words that ever came from my keyboard. you made a fairly outlandish claim and i am asking where one would go to find ‘the numbers’ that you claim support your charge. see, i believ that if people partake in a ‘rational discussion’ they bear some burden to use ‘honest information’ and not just blow smoke.

    oh, an btw, your last comment: “You stamped your foot in pique at HBO, gathered up your marbles and left in a huff because you couldn’t have your own way.” that might apply to a certain few on this site, but you are way off base when you level that irrelevant charge in this direction. but thanks for your concern. ;-0

    Comment by raygun — April 13, 2009 @ 9:59 am

  19. Oouuu…yet another put down from ray-gun. Of course the “ray-gun” shoots blanks, but whatever. I told you where to look rayggie boy. Remember we’re talking taxes here. And the Obama budget figures are indeed outrageous. However my commentary on them, is not. ray-gun, if you spent more time doing the relevant research and less time trying to be a sty in everyones eye, people might consider taking you seriously. But that would take away your lifes raison d’etre. Grow up fella!fella….

    Comment by Faringdon — April 13, 2009 @ 1:20 pm

  20. faringdon, seriously, i have no idea what you are talking about? what does ‘more damage in 10 weeks than the last 100 years’ even mean? what are you referring to? i would like to debate the merits of your statement if i knew what it meant. petty comments direcrted toward me may make you feel better, but it doesn’t clarify your vague and nonsensical comment.

    ‘Remember we’re talking taxes here. And the Obama budget figures are indeed outrageous.’

    explanation, please?

    Comment by raygun — April 13, 2009 @ 1:48 pm

  21. Ok, kids, please back off the name calling and stick to the issues. I’m ready to edit and delete if necessary.

    Comment by mary — April 13, 2009 @ 2:35 pm

  22. she started it! 😉

    Comment by raygun — April 13, 2009 @ 4:12 pm

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