April 11, 2009

Watch out, McEuen Field!

Filed under: General — mary @ 12:58 pm
Charlie Nipp, LCDC

Charlie Nipp, LCDC

LCDC and the CdA City Council met last Thursday evening for a planning session.  They are talking about McEuen Field again, after many years on the back burner.  McEuen has a long and emotional history in this town, of which many newcomers may not be aware.  Anytime anyone anywhere says anything about McEuen Field, invisible red lights and silent alarms go off all over town.  This is the crown jewel and the citizens will come out in droves to protect it! 

So now LCDC wants to implement an improvement plan for the field.  Watch out.  How will this “plan” be established?  Will they include the public?   Or will they default to their usual method of exalting their decision as “public”, while ensuring all input is from “stakeholders” only  (not you or me).  The “stakeholders” will be the chamber of commerce, the downtown association, the city council,  they’ll somehow get NIC in there, and the Library folks…basically everyone who has already received LCDC dollars and is lined up behind them like the Pied Piper.     Rest assured there will be no public vote.

Please do NOT notice that Charlie Nipp and his development busines partner, Steve Meyer, own the half block right across the street from McEuen Field where the Bank of America and some parking lots are now.  And don’t mention that the mayor’s building is right nearby also.  There are NO conflicts of interest.

You can read today’s Press article about the LCDC / City council meeting by clicking here:


  1. You have a good memory, Susie. Actually, the boat trailer parking was to be right at the top of the upper lot adjacent to the sidewark to the Resort. And, the Study called for a level of parking below street level with a public green space on top of the structure. Very beautiful. Of course, the cost would likely be prohibitive but it was a great design of the upper lot.

    Comment by JohnA — April 15, 2009 @ 4:11 pm

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