April 1, 2008

Sunny Day Open Forum

Filed under: General — Dan Gookin @ 2:11 pm

Spring Time Beach
It’s a wonderful, yet chilly, day in our mountain chalet. Are you going to go outside and enjoy the weather? I was going to rake leaves, but it’s difficult under 3 inches of snow.

Random thought: In the future, will phone lines going into a house be looked upon as quaintly as we look upon coal chutes today?


  1. We haven’t had a land line into our house for over a year. Just switched our old “home number” onto a cell phone as part of a family plan and save some money every month. It all adds up and no one ever realizes it’s a cell phone. Except there’s only one, so you have to be able to find it!

    Comment by mary — April 1, 2008 @ 3:50 pm

  2. When my kids all get their own cell phones, then the land line goes.

    A while back I wondered why they don’t have a gizmo that you can plug a cell phone into that extends its reach to all your wired phones in the house. The wires are there. What you would do is wire in this gizmo and plug in the cell phone. Then when a call came in, all the phones would ring just like before.

    Comment by Dan — April 1, 2008 @ 3:57 pm

  3. The cell phone tower/antenna ordinance proposed by the Planning Commission included regulations for individual residences as well. The ordinance that was passed by the commission was, in my opinion, gutted by a staff member and went nowhere.

    Comment by Susie Snedaker — April 2, 2008 @ 4:13 pm

  4. Dan

    It is not a good idea because of wire tap laws. One would be able to buy one of these gizmos, I do believe the technical term for them is doohickies or thingamabobs, and pull up to any house and possibly be able to tap in to phone conversations. HMMMMM, is that homeland security sitting in front of my house? Maybe it already exists. (theme to twilight zone) do do do do,do do do do. Looking forward to a sunny day in beautiful North Idaho.

    Comment by concerned citizen — April 3, 2008 @ 5:38 am

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