April 1, 2008

Pentagon Fraud Investigator Pleads Guilty to Currency Violation

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 7:35 pm

And we thought Eliot Spitzer was an idiot.

In an online article dated March 19, 2008, and headlined Pentagon Fraud Investigator Pleads Guilty to Currency Violation, reported that “Richard T. Race, the Pentagon inspector general’s chief investigator of procurement fraud and official misconduct, quit his job and pleaded guilty last month to violating U.S. banking laws.”  Race and his wife were accused of “structuring”, splitting bank deposits so that each transaction was below the bank’s reporting threshold.   Structuring was one of the same charges being considered against New York’s former governor Eliot Spitzer.

My purpose for posting this is to point out that even supposedly “smart” former federal agents are as likely to be tripped up as crooked politicians.  Rick Race was a former US Secret Service special agent.  I knew him and worked with him when he was in the Office of Training.  

“The only difference between cops and crooks is that cops carry government-issued badges and guns.”



  1. Sorry, Bill. That must be weird to have a guy you worked with get convicted of a felony. You are a wonderful example of honesty and integrity. Thanks for being such a good role model for us here at

    Comment by mary — April 1, 2008 @ 8:57 pm

  2. Mary,

    Thanks, but please don’t look too deeply into my closet.

    Comment by Bill — April 1, 2008 @ 9:35 pm

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