April 3, 2008

But Not A Drop Too Cheap

Filed under: General — Dan Gookin @ 9:36 am

Water rates are going up! The reason? Conservation. The real reason? Well . . . post your theory here!

I got a chance to watch Tuesday’s City Council meeting where the new city-wide water rates were discussed. The CDA Press has an article today, which covers the nitties and gritties.

That the Water Dept. runs at a profit each year isn’t the issue. That there is no water shortage isn’t the issue. The issue, as always, is money. But rather than squawk and moan about it, I put forth to you the things you could do or suggest to use less water.

Or if you just want to state the obvious oddities with this tax increase, weirdness that we’ve come to expect from City Hall, feel free to do that as well.

1 Comment

  1. It was absurd, as I posted yesterday, that the consultant brought in by the city, a very young woman in her 20s, tried to rationalize the increased water rates by comparing them to the cost of BOTTLED WATER!

    Comment by mary — April 3, 2008 @ 11:38 am

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