April 8, 2008

Who’s Who in CdA: Deanna

Filed under: General — mary @ 9:20 am

As we polish and refine this feature, Who’s Who, please feel free to correct or embellish the information listed. But keep it respectable.

Deanna Goodlander:

  • CdA City council member
  • LCDC urban renewal Board
  • General Services Committee Chair
  • Panhandle Area Council Board
  • Arts Commission Board
  • Library Board
  • Chamber of Commerce Commodore
  • Kootenai Perspectives
  • Lake City Senior Center Board
  • Business owner and property developer
  • Born and raised in CdA, lives within the city now.
  • Deanna comes from the old Coeur d’Alene family that owned Lee Ranch, a large tract of land in Northwest Coeur d’Alene, near Ramsey Road and the future Kroc Center. Much of the land is within the urban renewal district and remains in extended family ownership.
  • Deanna’s brother, Terry Lee, is the artist creating the Mudgie the Moose sculptures sponsored by the Library Foundation and (?) the Arts Commission.


  1. Why doesn’t she pay her real property taxes on time. If the County Treasurer’s on-line records are accurate, she’s in arrears with penalty and interest. Not quite becoming a public servant such as she.

    Comment by Longtimer — April 10, 2008 @ 5:40 pm

  2. longtimer,from personal experience i know that the county’s on-line records are often not accurate and are actually months old.

    Comment by reagan — April 11, 2008 @ 7:35 am

  3. Reagan, if that’s the case, LCDC isn’t the only entity wasting taxpayer money. I think you’re wrong!

    Comment by Longtimer — April 12, 2008 @ 8:20 am

  4. Does anyone recall the city council meeting where the Mudgie the Moose project installation money was being approved? The cost was about $25,000. Deanna discussed, deliberated and voted to approve the item. It’s her brother! Then she suddenly said out loud, “Oh, maybe I should have recused myself”, but City Attorney Mike Gridley spoke right up to defend her actions. He said it was Ok because she didn’t have a financial interest in it. Come, on, it’s her immediate family. The attitude is amazing.

    Comment by mary — April 12, 2008 @ 9:29 am

  5. hmmmm…… I remember a moose showing up at Terry’s studio at around the same time a moose showed up at the Benzinger home. It were explained to me, and I’ve no reason to doubt it then or now, that several artists in and around Coeur d’ Alene had received identical moose statues from the same mold, smooth blank canvases in eggshell white.
    The moose statue (I [i]think[/i] you guys -don’t quote me here. I’ll investigate a bit further when I’ve a minute to do so), as a money making idea, was borrowed from similar installations reported to have been very successful money makers in other cities … some different critters, I think, in other auctions. But, our city was not the first to use the moose as it’s chosen critter. Again, this will need to be checked, but I believe that the mold used to make the moose statues had already been created for the fund-raising efforts of another city’s arts council, was very successful and was borrowed by our arts council to create the meese which were delivered to our area artists for decoration.
    !? Oh yes, I did just post this heap of unverified speculation. And,
    if you’ve gleaned anything but a heap of confusion from it, please reread until such time as the confusion sets in, as it no doubt should.
    Confusion say: …. Oh, no, thats [u]Confucius[/u] isn’t it?


    P.S. Is it too late to talk about just a [i]teensy[/i] lil’ole smidge of HTML up in here? Nothing wild … a couple italics, maybe a bold, an underline or two? I take ‘no’ for an answer pretty easy (except when i want something). hahahaaa

    Comment by critter — April 12, 2008 @ 12:31 pm

  6. Critter: Go get my Bloggers Guide to HTML. This web site supports basic HTML in the comments. (You are using BBCode, which is similar, but not the same.)

    Comment by Dan — April 12, 2008 @ 2:01 pm

  7. Critter, Mudgie the Moose is different than the school district Excel fundraiser from a few years ago that was about the painted Moose (plural). Mudgie is a bronze sculpture and Terry Lee specializes in bronzes. I have no issue with that. My remark was about his sister, Deanna, not realizing she should remove herself from any discussion or vote on anything to do with her brother! And then the city attorney rationalizing it for her. If anyone else had done the same thing they would have called for a huge, in-depth investigation, culminating in an exaggerated, name-calling written report, instantly leaked to the Press.

    Comment by mary — April 12, 2008 @ 5:14 pm

  8. Oh, my bad, Mary. You’re right, I was talking about the other meese (meese is my plural for moose which I find marvelous and funny despite it’s being wrong and also not funny).
    A deep bow to you Sir Dan, for your considerate direction.
    And, I took up a whole lot of room with all that being wrong. I’m sorry you guys.

    Comment by critter — April 12, 2008 @ 6:25 pm

  9. Hey, we’re happy you are commenting. You probably brought up a confusing point that 50 other people were wondering. Keep it up.

    Comment by mary — April 12, 2008 @ 6:41 pm

  10. Also, I agree with you, Critter, the plural for Moose is totally inadequate…Meese works better for me too, but then it reminds me of the old cartoon Tom & Jerry, where the cat says, “I love those meeses to pieces”.

    Comment by mary — April 12, 2008 @ 6:44 pm

  11. Wasn’t Meese an attorney general in the Reagan administration?

    Comment by Bill — April 12, 2008 @ 6:57 pm

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