April 8, 2008

Open Session, Tuesday

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 4:32 pm

The Press this morning had a front page article about the School District planning a public forum about the upcoming levy. Good for them! The meeting will be April 29th at Lakes Middle School, so everyone can see the condition of the school. Terrific. At least they’re moving in the right direction…more public information.

Comments? Questions? Info?


  1. Someone told me, not sure if it’s true, that the district really wanted to ask for $100 million over the next 10 years, but thought the price tag would scare the voters. So they’re asking for $31.1 million over 2 years, which is actually more per year.

    Comment by mary — April 8, 2008 @ 4:41 pm

  2. According to a friend of mine who attended the meeting, it was just that, Mary. But the $100M figure was their “wish list.” I assume that the $70M worth of construction (because that’s normally what it is) is sitting on that same wish list, waiting to see how well the taxpayer reacts to the massive tax hike that’s been proposed. I assume it will come out of the drawer should the May 20 levy pass.

    Comment by Dan — April 8, 2008 @ 5:12 pm

  3. Today, this comment was left on one of the “Levy” articles posted on the Press “comments” site.
    It is *right* on! The district could not stand an independent audit in any area:

    ” SD271 needs to accept a ‘NO’ answer this time. Let development foot the bill for the wealthy transplants moving here. Locals have paid for decades to build infrastructure and been waiting since 2002 and two other levies to see Lakes Middle School rennovated. Why is it different this time? What we really need is new leadership and Hazel Bauman is not the right choice. Since we don’t get to choose, how about an audit of the books and relationships driving poor management. “

    Comment by cda_foodies — April 12, 2008 @ 12:27 pm

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