April 14, 2008

How Much Will the Levy Cost You?

Filed under: Observations — Dan Gookin @ 8:57 am

School District 271 has framed the upcoming levy (May 20 — 7 days before the Primary Election), by stating that it will cost you “only” $1.61 per $1,000 value of your home. Allow me to help you frame that issue regarding your property taxes.
under construction

First let me underscore something: The subject isn’t taxes, it’s spending. I’m not against taxes. I am against irresponsible spending. People who favor reckless government spending often frame others as being “against all taxes.” Such thinking is incorrect nonsense. The issue is always spending and whether the people’s money is being spent wisely and with accountability.

To see how much the levy could affect you, click the box below and type in the value that the Kootenai Co. Assessor has set for your home. The value can be found on your tax assessement notice. Do not type in commas or the dollar sign. Click the Calculate button to determine your tax increase:

Your home’s county-assessed value: $

Your property taxes could rise: $


That “$1.61 per $1,000 in value” multiplies quickly! For example, a typical $270,000 home in Coeur d’Alene or Hayden would see a $434.70 increase in property taxes next year should the levy pass. If your assessment goes up the following year, that value grows proportionally.

As the person paying, you must judge whether the school district will be spending your money responsibly. Now that you have a rough idea how much the levy will impact your property taxes, ask yourself these questions:

  • Have you seen the documents supporting and justifying the $31 million levy?
  • How was the value of the levy set? Did the trustees get bids and draw up plans?
  • Are there any guarantees that the money will be spent on Lakes? Remember, we already passed two levies to fix Lakes. Where did that money go?
  • Are there other solutions that the Trustees have explored? If so, where are those solutions so that the taxpayer can study them?

That Lakes Middle School needs attention is not the issue. That’s a given. The issue is responsibility, accountability, and leadership. Will the expense you must shoulder (calculated above) give you and our community’s children the kind of return that’s demanded from such a sum of money? If not, then vote NO on this levy.


  1. Nice job, Dan, love the graphic. That calculator is cool but the reality of the tax burden is scary.

    Comment by mary — April 14, 2008 @ 10:56 am

  2. You know, if I was going to sell this thing, it would be on the merits of educating the kids. If there can be a relationship drawn between education results and building quality, then so be it. But that argument is bogus. An enthusiastic teacher can inspire students at any location. Aristotle sat on a rock, outside. I took English Lit, Theater, and Art in college inside a quonset hut on an old military base. Location in education has no connection with the quality of that education. When our School District presents that argument, it is a patent insult to the teachers, and an admission that they have dropped the ball on maintenance of their facilities.

    Comment by Dan — April 14, 2008 @ 11:03 am

  3. SD 271’s levy isn’t the only boat in the water. We need to remember that our overall tax burden will be increased if the jail passes as well as NIC’s trying to collect foregone taxes. I suspect the total figure if all three were to happen would stagger most property owners. Maybe we should focus on the cumulative equation: huge tax burden = (SD 271) + (jail) + (NIC foregone taxes) + (J County Assessor’s calculation software). (Note: the “J” number is the nonreal element of a complex number.) Or as Mathematician Woody might say, “That’s just unreal!”

    Comment by Bill — April 14, 2008 @ 11:54 am

  4. If anyone knows of the figures ($/thousand assessed) for the NIC foregone and Jail levy, please let me know. I can whip out another calculator licketysplit. My e-mail is found under the “Contact” link in the upper right part of this page.

    Comment by Dan — April 14, 2008 @ 11:56 am

  5. Don’t forget the taxing districts who were “shortchanged” by the County accounting snafu may ask for that money to be recovered. Thank you McDowell brothers.

    Comment by doubleseetripleeye — April 14, 2008 @ 12:50 pm

  6. Doubleseetripleeye: Would that include the city of Coeur d’Alene as well as other cities in the county?

    Comment by Susie Snedaker — April 14, 2008 @ 5:09 pm

  7. Yes, Susie it does.

    Comment by doubleseetripleeye — April 14, 2008 @ 5:11 pm

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