April 16, 2008

Open Session, Wednesday

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 11:51 am

We survived Tax Day…now onward. Any comments about the CdA City Council meeting last night? How about Post Falls’ approval of two big development projects or Hayden’s design standards for their new downtown?


  1. DVD’d the Council meeting last night. Can someone please clarify for me whether recipients of the “nastygram” letter should commence sidewalk repairs or wait? I thought that letter represented the City’s decision, yet now they’re talking about yet another workshop to do what? It sounds as if that final warning letter may have been premature.

    Also, there was a lady who spoke about knowing nothing about cement. She displayed two quotes she had received from possible contractors, but neither contractor seemed responsive to her questions. What surprised me, though, is that none of the Council members asked her to see the quotes or to identify the contractors. Then several Council members said how they supposedly had concerns about how citizens might be snookered by dishonest contractors.

    The gentlemen formerly from Ohio and Australia very politely demonstrated just how badly our Mayor, Council, and City Staff have handled the sidewalk issue. Hassell’s comment about how Idaho law is at fault was successfully rejoined by the Aussie, who reminded Hassell that he and the other council members are our representatives and are supposed to be addressing those types of issues with legislators. I might add that the Mayor and some of the Rubber Stamps didn’t mind going down to Boise to lobby on behalf of LCDC, so maybe they could bypass a few lattes and do the same for the sidewalk people.

    Comment by Bill — April 16, 2008 @ 4:42 pm

  2. Bill, I missed the meeting last night. Is it true that Mayor Bloem was angry because some people in the audience clapped…twice? I will be watching the reruns on Channel 19.

    Comment by mary — April 16, 2008 @ 6:59 pm

  3. Mary, I’ll review the DVD. I programmed the recording to start at 6 p.m., but I didn’t start viewing it live until into the public comments on sidewalks. Her mouth seemed to get smaller and tighter as public comments continued.

    Comment by Bill — April 16, 2008 @ 7:05 pm

  4. Mary, in ref your question about Mayor Bloem getting upset when the audience clapped TWICE, the first time it happened, she asked the audience not to applaud a speaker. BUT BY GOLLY, IT HAPPENED AGAIN! She asked the audience, “Did I not ask you not to clap?” Then she said something like, thank you for listening or something similar I didn’t quite catch.
    I do think she was a tad upset, altho she didn’t yell at the audience by any means.

    Comment by reddy — April 16, 2008 @ 9:10 pm

  5. I’m curious about Mayor’s comment referencing one of the speakers who cited the Sacramento lawsuit that went in favor of the homeowner. She said the city attorneys were familiar with that but it wouldn’t fly here or something like that. She didn’t elaborate on why it wouldn’t. The lawsuit had gone to US Court of Appeals. Maybe she could enlighten us on why it worked there but wouldn’t here?

    Comment by reddy — April 16, 2008 @ 9:13 pm

  6. Reddy–I’m glad to hear your review of the meeting situation. My understanding of the Sacramento legal case is that it went clear up to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals and they sided with the citizens, stating that it was the city’s responsibility to fix the sidewalks to conform with ADA standards. The 9th circuit court, whether you think they’re sometimes looney or not, is the Appeals court that presides over our area as well. Why would that legal precedent not be important to our city attorney and Mayor?

    Comment by mary — April 16, 2008 @ 9:25 pm

  7. Also, Reddy, I seem to remember a few times when there was loud applause for some of the Mayor’s pet projects. She didn’t seem to mind then.

    Comment by mary — April 16, 2008 @ 9:27 pm

  8. Some of the speakers left after the public comments switched to a different topics. At that time, Deanna decided to address the issue. She first chided those who left and then began her diatribe. Having addressed the council only to be received by the usual stone faced silence, I was preparing to leave when she began speaking. Mrs. Goodlander is an elected official and is not Emily Post. Donning Dixie’s hat is most unbecoming.

    Comment by Susie Snedaker — April 17, 2008 @ 7:17 am

  9. I also noticed that Woody hardly spoke at all during the meeting. He usually has a lot of questions and comments.
    Susie, you did a good job commenting on the downtown sidewalk conditions.

    Comment by reddy — April 17, 2008 @ 9:57 am

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