August 4, 2009

Campaign Favors Already?

Filed under: General — mary @ 10:22 am

Kvni_logoAn alert reader reports that City Councilman Mike Kennedy spoke for a public service segment on KVNI this morning, where a city official is given free radio time to discuss local CdA news.  Gosh, we’ve had some important city news lately, like the police lawsuit, the city legal department withholding public records information, the Planning and Zoning Commission giving special permission to Bellerive for parking lots, and, speaking of Cheshrown, that the Mill site was purchased without him as part of the deal but he still ended up being given several acres of prime land.

So, with all this to discuss, what did Mike Kennedy talk about on this free PUBLIC SERVICE time?  He did not discuss any of the “issues” above, he painted a rosy picture of all things lovely in CdA, then again announced his campaign for re-election!   And the radio station allowed it.  The fact that the city sent an  an already-openly-announced candidate to fill the public service spot for them is improper, and the fact that the radio station did not stop him from using the time to further his own campaign is akin to a special favor.

Will Mike show the value of the donation on his Sunshine Report?  Let’s see…I hear KVNI’s rate is $15 for 30 seconds…..Mike spoke for 10 minutes….


  1. And this surprises you because???

    For whomever is running against him…they are entiitled to free equal time. I believe it would be no problem to prove that Kennedy was making a political election speech, thereby invoking the equal time clause.

    Of far greater concern to me is Chief Longo and Christie Wood stating that “proper procedure” was followed in the body search of the young girl. You mean to tell me that a male officer placing his hands on a breast and up the skirt of a female, is proper procedure? On what planet?? And this was done in public no less. If the CDA police chief cannot see what is wrong with this picture (no pun intended) then we had all better be very afraid. To say that I am disgusted and appalled is the understatement of the century. And this “officer” is still out there ladies.

    Comment by Faringdon — August 4, 2009 @ 2:53 pm

  2. What are the particulars about the land Chesrown got? The way it sounded in the papers he got the property separately from the corridor lands but the purchase was somehow linked to the corridor transaction. In other words Chesrown did buy the land but the opportunity for the purchase was only there IF the corridor deal closed for the $10 million? Was the property Chesrown got steeply discounted and the corridor price just as steeply inflated? How did this work?

    Comment by Wallypog — August 4, 2009 @ 3:17 pm

  3. I don’t know how many listeners KVNI has, so it may not be that big of a deal. If you want to stop this stuff, make a note of the advertisers and contact them directly. Boycotts hurt local businesses so that isn’t an answer. Maybe the local advertisers could get additional airtime due to law violations and controversy. Hit KVNI in their pocketbook.

    Comment by doubleseetripleeye — August 4, 2009 @ 3:58 pm

  4. I too would like to know more about the Chesrown parcels of land. Does anyone know the purchasing price. It should be part of the public record….right?

    Comment by citizen — August 4, 2009 @ 9:03 pm

  5. Good posts, true plenty for a city official to comment about. The only city to withhold first names for a cheesy at best excuse that it would give up the sex of a person, perhaps they should hide their name tags and names on desks, not answer the phone giving their first names only, sign a letter in only their official capacity without a name, and wear a disguise.

    The position about never commenting on a pending case is not the case when Longo and Wood do so here and are way off base. Plenty of time existed to get a female officer to respond if security was at issue. He should have used the back of his hand and never grope with the front of his hand and one can see the dress lift in the video.

    For roughly 40 minutes in nothing but a thin dress spending that much time observing her it was obvious she possessed no weapons or sharp instruments. A more detailed search of the transport vehicle and the female under arrest could have happened at the jail with again a female officer. What are the cities polices for such a situation?

    Everyone should be outraged what if this was your daughter and her history has nothing to do with what the officer did and continued to do that is condoned by his superiors when faced with a lawsuit of course.

    Mr. Kennedy what say you and where do you stand????

    Comment by Appalled — August 12, 2009 @ 3:57 pm

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