September 22, 2009

Open Session, Tuesday

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 9:15 am


Our lovely summer weather is still hanging on.  Any thoughts on the announcement by Wendy Gabriel, CdA City Admin, that the city will sign an agreement to adopt the design for the Ed Corridor that includes and changes Independence Point?  How about thoughts on the upcoming local elections, the candidates,  jail bond, etc. or other issues?


  1. I think it’s incredible that Mike Kennedy has to enlist the help of Boise’s mayor and legislator, U.S.Rep.Minnick to raise money at the Boise home of a past candidate for U.S.Rep.Mike has to enlist the help of the Democratic machine to maintain his seat on the CDA city council?

    It seems as if the CdA City Council
    likes to spend money and alot of it.
    The only reason they didn’t raise property taxes IMO was:to try and ensure their own re-elections to the council.If the city really needs the money, whose to say they won’t try to get it another way, or raise property taxes significantly,next year.

    The only things I can recall the public voting on, besides the school intiatives recently are:the library and the jail funding.Other than that and voting for CDA city council candidates; do city residents really have a voice on what happens in the CDA area?I don’t think they have much of one right now IMO.

    Mayor Bloem, has really banked on bringing part-time residents into the CDA area.Now, the city is left holding the bag on all these ‘condos’
    the city approved and LCDC helped to build,with taxpayer dollars.These condo buildings will be mostly vacant
    for quite some time and the city can’t count on those tax dollars from those condos anymore.Riverstone was supposed to be the utopia for this CDA are, but now the developer can’t even sell 36 condo units at bargain basement prices.Where did those 5,000 jobs go, that were supposed to be at Riverstone at some point?

    Comment by kageman — September 22, 2009 @ 12:23 pm

  2. Kage, my question is along those lines too. Do you think that LCDC has actually hurt the local developers? By that I mean that the tax money (TIF) offered to the developers IF their projects were successful enough financially and produced enough tax revenue back to LCDC (not the city or county for 24 years), do you think the tax money incited the developers to build bigger, taller, fancier than they would have normally? I do. And now, with the downturn of the economy, those developers are in deep do-do. They are probably in much, much deeper than they would have been without the dangling carrot of the tax money from LCDC.

    And all the while, the taxpayers of Kootenai County, especially in CdA, pay more to fill out the county and city budgets because we have to make up for the money going to LCDC, who will get %5.2 MILLION dollars this year alone.

    Comment by mary — September 22, 2009 @ 5:33 pm

  3. I see they are stirring it up over at the gossip blog making accusations against DG – even a reference to him “finally” putting up his website. But then, I guess that’s what you need to expect from a site that took years to clean up nasty porn links. Appears that these days ‘over there’ are motivated by more than just condoms in some people’s pockets. Anyone know where Goodlander’s site is?

    Comment by Stebbijo — September 23, 2009 @ 11:42 am

  4. Sebbijo, I couldn’t find a web site for Deanna.

    Comment by mary — September 23, 2009 @ 3:24 pm

  5. “I couldn’t find a web site for Deanna”.Comment by mary — September 23, 2009 @ 3:24 pm

    Do any of the incumbents on the CDA City Council have a website?Or do the incumbent democrats,think they don’t need one, because they think their re-election is imminent? The City Council races will be competitive IMO.

    Comment by kageman — September 24, 2009 @ 12:14 pm

  6. kageman,

    Kennedy has a website, but I can’t find one for McEvers or Goodlander or Bloem.

    Comment by Bill — September 25, 2009 @ 6:09 am

  7. Bill, what gets me is: on HBO’s poll a few weeks ago, Brannon won beating Mike on his own turf on that poll. Yet, Mike supposedly, beat Brannon on the CDA Press poll? How ironic is that?The outcome to this race will be interesting.

    Comment by kageman — September 25, 2009 @ 10:14 am

  8. kageman,

    Online local polls are completely meaningless other than for entertainment. These polls can be manipulated to reflect whatever result the candidate believes would be beneficial to her campaign. Sometimes appearing to be behind can be beneficial; other times it’s appearing to be ahead.

    Comment by Bill — September 25, 2009 @ 10:38 am

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