September 23, 2009

Campaign Sites up and running

Filed under: General — mary @ 11:29 am

vt_but November 3rd

Dan Gookin for City Council, running against incumbent Deanna Goodlander.  Dan’s web site =

Jim Brannon for City Council, running aginst incumbent Mike Kennedy.  Jim’s web site =

Steve Adams for City Council, running against incumbent Woody McEvers.  Steve’s web site =

Joe Kunka for Mayor… can’t find a web site for him, but I hear he did very well at the forum last night, presented by the Kootenai County Republicans.  In fact, I heard that ALL the challengers were great; that they were well-informed, well-spoken and passionate about representing the taxpayers!



  1. There’s been some question about why Dan Gookin removed his name from the administration of this web site. That’s an easy answer: Dan decided that as a candidate for city council it would be best if his time was not split with a separate blog. Dan has his own campaign web site up and running now, as I noted above, and will be busy communicating with the public in every possible way. He will even make comments on this blog, as appropriate to the topics, but does not want the responsibility of site administration at this time.

    Dan has taught us well, and Bill and I are up to the task of keeping things going here. I know I can speak for Bill as well when I say were are very supportive of Dan and his bid for city council. Dan will work for transparency and accountability in our local government, goals for which this web site has advocated since our inception. Let’s get out there and help Dan!

    Comment by mary — September 23, 2009 @ 3:23 pm

  2. Mary, what do you make of Mayor Bloem’s statement at the republican
    forum in which she supposedly, said
    that the money she gave the Kroc Center for the remediation of the site came from ‘fees for services’
    and not the ‘rainy day’or emergency
    funds?Is the mayor skating on thin ice here, because the Salvation Army
    is a church entity which owns and operates the Kroc Center.

    Also, what is the difference between a ‘fee’ and a ‘tax’? The dictionary says that a fee is:(a sum paid or charged for a privilege).Sounds like the same to me.

    Comment by kageman — September 25, 2009 @ 9:05 am

  3. I most surely remember discussions in the Press about the Rainy Day fund being used at that time and City Finance Director Tymeson explaining/justifying the use of that fund. Regardeless what fund was used the whole transaction stunk of conflict of interest by the mayor.

    Comment by CDAShenanigans — September 30, 2009 @ 1:38 pm

  4. I have a copy of the city council meeting where the $3 million for filling the pit was approved. The money decision was added to the Agenda minutes before the meeting started, so no one from the public was there to speak out about the money. The whole meeting was like a slick, shiny advertisement for the Kroc Center and how great it will be. Troy Tymeson, City Finance Director, talked about the RAINY DAY FUND and how the city could afford to take the $3 million out for this purpose.

    No public input. No public vote. Tax money to a private business which is a CHURCH. At least let the public have a say in the decision!

    Sounds like the Mayor is “re-writing history” now.

    Comment by mary — September 30, 2009 @ 1:59 pm

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