September 28, 2009

Open Session, Monday

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 3:07 pm


We have relatives visiting from Hawaii.  They are fascinated with the Fall colors, watching the squirrels and picking fresh apples. Do you think we take things for granted?

On another note, Candidate forums have been taking place—any feedback, comments or ideas?


  1. The first of a real public forum for candidates will happen Thursday night, 7:00 pm at the Lake City Senior Center. It is sponsored by the newly formed Reagan Republican Club and will actually provide a format for debate among the candidates along with questions from the public, according to their advertising. It is also interesting to note that the HBO blog is turning into a political endorsement vehicle for Kennedy’s campaign by the owner of the blog by prompting his participants to comment on statements made by Dan Gookin years ago, in order to make Kennedy look good at the expense of Gookin who is not Kennedy’s opponent. This poisoning of the well is very strange and disturbing ethical behavior, IMHO.

    Comment by Gary Ingram — September 30, 2009 @ 10:51 am

  2. I agree, it’s awful.

    Isn’t calling someone a “wing-nut” libel? I know when you run for office or you are a public official, you are kind of set up for those kinds of things and you pretty much have to take it. But, for a blog to deliberately select private citizens to wage a character assasnation/defamation attack on is disconcerting. The owner of the blog appears to selectively allow namecalling only when it suits campaign agenda for the current members of the city council. I am appalled that our city council members such as Mike Kennedy endorse this kind of behavior against private citizens.

    Comment by Stebbijo — September 30, 2009 @ 11:54 am

  3. The Spokane Paper’s Blog is so far up Sandi’s,,,well, err, you know the term.

    There certainly is a concerted effort there to discredit Dan Gookin at every turn.

    But the Cowle’s sock puppet, DFO is known for these tactics, so no real surprise about this. Impartial, he certainly is not.

    Comment by CDAShenanigans — September 30, 2009 @ 1:17 pm

  4. I’ve heard that Mike Kennedy does not have the…courage to attend the Regan Republican Debate on Thursday night at 7pm at the Senior Center. And you are so right when you say that Kennedy is attacking Dan Gookin constantly, but Dan is not running against Kennedy. Dan’s opponent is Deanna Goodlander, who claims she is a conservative but has voted for every TAX INCREASE and fully supports LCDC where she is also a board member.

    Deanna wants to use the public’s money to subsidize private development for her friends.

    Comment by mary — September 30, 2009 @ 2:05 pm

  5. Jim Brannon, who IS running against Mike Kennedy, is obviously an action-oriented person. Mike Kennedy talks and talks and talks. Then he has meetings to talk about it even more. Then he votes to hire consultants to hold more meetings. Then he has meetings to brag about all the work he has done by having the meetings.

    Meanwhile, Jim Brannon as Executive Director of Habitat for Humanity, is getting houses built. Jim understands finance, budgets and cutting through the bunk so he can get the job done.

    Comment by mary — September 30, 2009 @ 2:13 pm

  6. Mary, I have something over at my place that you might like.

    One who walks the walk, not the guy who talks to talk!

    Comment by Stebbijo — September 30, 2009 @ 3:12 pm

  7. That’s a clear choice, Stebbijo!

    Comment by mary — September 30, 2009 @ 4:05 pm

  8. I think this might be an appropriate thread to post this great quote from MikeK since he is over on the other blog defending himself intensely because the Blurkmaster over there caught Mary’s post about MikeK being a chicken.

    So, just remember, this came out of MikeK’s mouth about this blog, but remember he said it about himself! LOL!

    Classic reading there! Anyone want to hazard a guess what Mary Souza’s “column headline” will be this month in the Press? Maybe… Mike Kennedy is Afraid and Crooked, Jim Brannon is Strong and Action-Oriented”?

    Comment by Stebbijo — October 1, 2009 @ 3:22 pm

  9. Well, Mike should know himself better than anyone else so who’s to argue? And his assessment of Jim Brannon is spot on.

    Comment by Gary Ingram — October 1, 2009 @ 4:27 pm

  10. E-Gad – I am gagging!

    Really, the Blurkmaster over at the gossip blog is so desperate for attack material, he now has a special post up about Dan Gookin making a comment about the moderator’s appearance from last night’s debate. The Blurkmaster has struck another low – when – he for one, can only man up to women in condom dresses and advertizes weeks in advance of her showing – so he can gather a crowd for his blogfest. He’s just jealous. Now, he has the gall to talk about remarks on “appearance.” What a bunch of degenerates over there. MikeK really hangs with a sick crowd. To think that city officials and others call that stuff “community journalism” is inane.

    Comment by Stebbijo — October 2, 2009 @ 10:58 am

  11. Stebbijo,

    Now you know why we don’t pay any attention to him.

    As for Dan’s comment, I went to Dan's campaign website and read his blog comments about the Reagan Republican forum last night. I don’t know what he said elsewhere, but he was very complimentary about the moderator on his blog.

    Comment by Bill — October 2, 2009 @ 11:17 am

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