September 30, 2009

Applause for Alert Readers!

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 3:02 pm

applause copy
It is very gratifying to have not one but two readers contact me to point out an apparent discrepancy in my Will History Repeat? post.  The apparent discrepancy was in this sentence:

In 1994 Glacier Partners and Parkwood Business Properties were converting a light industrial area into what was soon to become the Prairie Shopping Center.

The alert readers followed the links and then observed that the Secretary of State’s documents were dated 1997, so they wondered, how could Parkwood Business Properties have been doing the work in 1994?  The answer is, I don’t know, but the minutes of the KSAL Board of Trustees meetings in 1994 refer to “Steve Meyer, Parkwood Business Properties, …”  The SoS document for Glacier Partners was also dated 1997, and I’m continuing to go back through my notes and other documents to find the information.

Good catch, folks.  Thank you for being so alert.


  1. The web of LLCs and businesses owned or connected to Glacier Partners and Parkwood is amazing. There are layers upon layers of ownership documents that make finding out who actually controls certain enterprises extremely complicated. The web extends deeply into the power elite of CdA.

    We all know that CdA Citycouncilman Mike Kennedy was hired as President of InterMax Communications shortly AFTER he won his seat on the council. (He had zero background in technology business) This business is owned by one of Mike’s major campaign contributors, Steve Meyer. Steve owns many, many businesses, the most well known being Parkwood Properties, a development firm which is one of the top 5 private land owners in Kootenai County. Steve’s partner at Parkwood is Charlie Nipp, who is Mr. LCDC. Charlie was the chairman of the LCDC urban renewal agency for more than 10 years until the Idaho Attorney General slapped his hand last year for failing to disclose his business connections with Mt. West Bank while Charlie signed loans between that bank and LCDC. Charlie is on the bank board and he and Steve are owners of the bank’s parent company Glacier Partners! (Where have we heard that name??) Now Charlie is just an LCDC board member, not chairman, but he still makes all the “deals”.

    Remember that Councilman Mike Kennedy refused to step down from the council’s decision about zoning the DeArmond Mill site C-17, the most lenient commercial zoning we have in CdA. He made a grand announcement that he didn’t have ANY conflict of interest in the matter, even though he “knows people” on the NIC Foundation. He “knows people”?? That’s it? His BOSS is on that board! You know, the guy that signs the checks that support his whole family of 7 kids. But that’s not a conflict?

    Time to clean house on November 3rd.

    Comment by mary — September 30, 2009 @ 6:21 pm

  2. Mary, To your paragraph regarding Mike Kennedy, I would add that Steve and Judy Meyer were present at that hearing.

    Comment by Susie Snedaker — October 1, 2009 @ 7:33 am

  3. I reworded the original post for clarification.

    Comment by Bill — October 1, 2009 @ 1:22 pm

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